

你可根據用於補貨的路線,為每項產品配置重新訂購規則。如果產品使用 購買 路線,觸發重新訂購規則時會建立報價請求(RFQ)。如果產品使用 製造 路線,便會建立製造訂單(MO)。無論選擇哪一種補貨路線,情況都是如此。


要對產品使用重新訂購規則,必須正確配置該產品。請先前往 庫存應用程式 ‣ 產品 ‣ 產品,然後選擇一項現有產品,或按一下 新增 以建立一個新產品。

On the product form, under the General Information tab, make sure that the Product Type is set to Storable Product. This is necessary because Odoo only tracks stock quantities for storable products, and this number is used to trigger reordering rules.


之後,按一下 庫存 分頁,並從 路線 部分選擇一個或多個路線。這樣,Odoo 就會知道使用哪條路線補貨。


如果使用 購買 路線重新訂購產品,請確認產品名稱下的 可購買 勾選方格已選取。這樣就會顯示 採購 分頁。按一下 採購 分頁,指定至少一個供應商及其產品售價,以便 Odoo 知道應從哪家公司購買產品。


如果使用 製造 路線為產品進行補貨,產品至少需要有一張相關的物料清單(BoM)。這一點很重要,因為 Odoo 只會為設有 BoM 的產品建立製造訂單。

如果產品未有 BoM,請點選產品表單頂部的 物料清單 智能按鈕,然後按一下 新增,以配置新的 BoM。



要建立新的重新訂購規則,請前往 庫存應用程式 ‣ 配置 ‣ 重新訂購規則,然後按一下 新增,並依照以下方式填寫新資料行:

  • 產品:規則會補充的產品。

  • 位置:存放產品的位置。

  • 最小數量:在不觸發規則的情況下,可預測的最小數量。當預測庫存低於此數量時,系統會建立該產品的補貨訂單。

  • 最大數量:庫存可補充至的最大數量。

  • 數量倍數:表示產品是否應按照一定數量,逐個批次補充(例如,產品可能需要按每批次 20 件的方式補充)。

  • 計量單位:用於重新訂購產品的量度單位。此值可以是 ,也可以是重量、長度等的特定計量單位。



Reordering rules can also be created from each product form. To do so, navigate to Inventory app ‣ Products ‣ Products, then select a product. Click on Reordering Rules smart button ‣ New, then fill out the new line, as detailed above.



The fields above are not available by default, and must be enabled by selecting the (slider) icon in the far-right corner, and selecting the desired column from the drop-down menu.


When stock falls below the reordering rule’s minimum, set the reordering rule’s trigger to automatic to automatically create purchase or manufacturing orders to replenish stock.

Alternatively, setting the reordering rule’s trigger to manual displays the product and forecasted stock on the replenishment dashboard, where the procurement manager can review the stock levels, lead times, and forecasted dates of arrival.




The Replenishment dashboard is accessible by going to Inventory app ‣ Operations ‣ Replenishment.

To enable the Trigger field, go to Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Reordering Rules. Then, click the (slider) icon, located to the far-right of the column titles, and enable the Trigger option from the additional options drop-down menu that appears.

Enable the Trigger field by toggling it in the additional options menu.

In the Trigger column, select Auto or Manual. Refer to the sections below to learn about the different types of reordering rules.


Automatic reordering rules, enabled by setting the reordering rule’s Trigger field to Auto, generate purchase or manufacturing orders when:

  1. the scheduler runs, and the On Hand quantity is below the minimum

  2. a sales order is confirmed, and lowers the Forecasted quantity of the product below the minimum


The scheduler is set to run once a day, by default.

To manually trigger a reordering rule before the scheduler runs, ensure developer mode is enabled, and then select Inventory app ‣ Operations ‣ Run Scheduler. Then, select the green Run Scheduler button on the pop-up window that appears.

Be aware that this also triggers any other scheduled actions.


The product, Office Lamp, has an automatic reordering rule set to trigger when the forecasted quantity falls below the Min Quantity of 5.00. Since the current Forecast is 55.00, the reordering rule is not triggered.

Show automatic reordering rule from the Reordering Rule page.

If the Buy route is selected, then an RFQ is generated. To view and manage RFQs, navigate to Purchase app ‣ Orders ‣ Requests for Quotation.

如果选择了 制造 路线,则会生成 : abbr:MO (制造订单)。要查看和管理 MO(制造订单),请导航至 制造应用程序 ‣ 操作 ‣ 制造订单

未选择路线时,Odoo 将选择产品表单的 库存 选项卡中指定的 路线


Manual reordering rules, configured by setting the reordering rule’s Trigger field to Manual, list a product on the replenishment dashboard when the forecasted quantity falls below a specified minimum. Products on this dashboard are called needs, because they are needed to fulfill upcoming sales orders, for which the forecasted quantity is not enough.

可通过导航至 库存应用程序 ‣ 操作 ‣ 补货 访问补货仪表板,考虑了销售订单截止日期、预测库存水平和供应商交货时间。仅当需要重新订购物品时,**才会**显示需求。


如果订购产品的一天窗口太短,可跳至 可见天数 部分,以提前指定天数让需求出现在补货仪表板上。

点击补货仪表板上的 “订购一次” 按钮,补充库存。



Ensure lead times are understood before proceeding with this section.

手动重新排序规则 分配给产品时,*可见天数*会使产品提前指定的天数出现在补货仪表板上(库存应用程序 ‣ 操作 ‣ 补货)。


产品库存数量降到 4 个单位以下,就会触发手动补货。目前的实际库存数量为 10 个单位。

The current date is February twentieth, and the delivery date on a sales order (in the Other Info tab) is March third — twelve days from the current date.

The vendor lead time is four days, and the purchase security lead time is one day.

When the Visibility Days field of the reordering rule is set to zero, the product appears on the replenishment dashboard five days before the delivery date, which, in this case, is February twenty-seventh.

Graphic representing when the need appears on the replenishment dashboard: Feb 27.

To see the product on the replenishment dashboard for the current date, February twentieth, set the Visibility Days to 7.00.

To determine the number of visibility days needed to see a product on the replenishment dashboard, subtract today’s date from the date the need appears on the replenishment dashboard.

\[可见天数 = 需求出现日期 - 今天的日期\]


Referring to the example above, today’s date is February twentieth, and the need for the product appears on February twenty-seventh.

(2 月 27 日 - 2 月 20 日 = 7 天)

在这种情况下,如果不正确地设置 :guilabel:`可见天数`少于七天,则需求**不会**出现在补货仪表板上。



Odoo 允许在每个产品表单的 库存 选项卡下选择多个路径。例如,可以同时选择 购买制造,从而启用两种途径的功能。

Odoo also enables users to set a preferred route for a product’s reordering rule. This is the route that the rule defaults to if multiple are selected. To select a preferred route, begin by navigating to Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Reordering Rules or Inventory app ‣ Operations ‣ Replenishment.




如果产品启用了多个路线,但没有为其重新排序规则设置首选路线,则会使用产品表单的 库存 选项卡上最先列出的选定路线对产品重新排序。