
有些公司每天都要处理大量的货物,其中许多包括多种产品或需要特殊包装。为了提高效率,在发货前需要进行包装步骤。为此,Odoo 提供了一个交付货物的三步流程。



要将交货设置从 :doc:` 一步<receipts_delivery_one_step>` 改为三步,请确保在 库存应用程序 ‣ 配置 ‣ 设置 ‣ 仓库中启用了 *多步骤路线* 选项。请注意,激活 :guilabel:`多步骤路线 也将激活 存储地点


接下来,需要为三步交付配置仓库。要执行此操作,请转到 库存应用程序 ‣ 配置 ‣ 仓库,然后点击 仓库 进行编辑。然后,为 出库货物 选择 包装货物,在输出中发送货物然后交货(3 个步骤)


激活三步收货和交货会创建两个新的内部位置:包装区域 (WH/Packing Zone) 和 输出 (WH/Output)。要重新命名这些位置,请转到 库存应用程序 ‣ 配置 ‣ 位置,点击要更改的 位置 并更新名称。

分三步交付(拣货 + 包装 + 发货)


要创建新报价,请导航至 销售应用程序 ‣ 创建,这将显示一个空白报价表。在空白报价表中,选择 客户,添加可存储的 产品,然后点击 确认

A Delivery smart button appears in the top right of the quotation form. Clicking it shows the picking order, packing order, and the delivery order associated with the sales order.

After confirming the sales order, the Delivery smart button appears showing three items associated with it.

Process a picking

The picking, packing, and delivery orders will be created once the sales order is confirmed. To view these transfers, go to Inventory ‣ Operations ‣ Transfers.

Ready status for the pick operation while the packing and delivery operations are waiting another operation.

The status of the picking will be Ready, since the product must be picked from stock before it can be packed. The status of the packing order and delivery order will both be Waiting Another Operation, since the packing and delivery cannot happen until the picking is completed. The status of the delivery order will only change to Ready when the packing has been marked Done.

The receipt can also be found in the Inventory application. In the Overview dashboard, click the 1 To Process smart button in the Pick kanban card.

The pick order can be seen in the Inventory Kanban view.

Click on the picking to process. If the product is in stock, Odoo will automatically reserve the product. Click Validate to mark the picking as done, and complete the transfer to the Packing Zone. Then the packing order will be ready. Since the documents are linked, the products which have been previously picked are automatically reserved on the packing order.

Validate the picking by clicking Validate.

Process a packing

The packing order will be ready to be processed once the picking is completed, and can be found in the Inventory application Overview dashboard. Click the 1 To Process smart button in the Pack kanban card.

The packing order can be seen in the Inventory kanban view.

Click on the packing order associated with the sales order, then click on Validate to complete the packing.

Click Validate on the packing order to transfer the product from the packing zone to the output location.

Once the packing order is validated, the product leaves the WH/Packing Zone location and moves to the WH/Output location. Then, the status of the document will change to Done.

Process a delivery

The delivery order will be ready to be processed once the packing is completed, and can be found in the Inventory application Overview dashboard. Click the 1 To Process smart button in the Delivery Orders kanban card.

The delivery order can be seen in the Delivery Orders Kanban view.

Click on the delivery order associated with the sales order, then click on Validate to complete the move.

Click Validate on the delivery order to transfer the product from the output location to the customer location.

Once the delivery order is validated, the product leaves the WH/Output location and moves to the Partners/Customers location. Then, the status of the document will change to Done.