
Odoo’s Referrals application is a centralized place where all information regarding referrals is housed, from points earned, coworkers hired, and rewards selected. Users can recommend people they know for job positions, then earn referral points as those people progress through the recruitment pipeline. Once enough referral points are earned, they can be exchanged for prizes. The Referrals application integrates with the Employees, Recruitment, and Website applications, all of which must be installed in order for the Referrals application to function.

The only configuration needed for the Referrals application after it is installed are the rewards; everything else is pre-configured when Odoo Referrals is installed.

Any user with either Referral User, Officer, or Administrator rights for the Recruitment application has access to the Referrals application. Only user’s with Administrator rights for the Recruitment application have access to the reporting and configurations menus. For more information on users and access rights, refer to these documents: Usuários and Direitos de acesso.


When opening the Referrals application for the first time, a pre-configured onboarding script appears. This is in the form of four slides, each explaining the different parts of the Referrals application. At the top of the dashboard, the following message is displayed throughout all the onboarding slides: GATHER YOUR TEAM! Job Referral Program. Behind this main message is an image, and beneath it some more explanatory text.

Cada um dos slides de integração tem uma imagem e uma mensagem correspondentes. Depois de ler cada mensagem, clique no botão Próximo para avançar para o próximo slide.

O texto que aparece em cada slide é o seguinte:

  1. :guilabel:`Oh, não! Os vilões estão à solta pela cidade! Ajude-nos a recrutar uma equipe de super-heróis para salvar o dia!

  2. Navegue pelas vagas de emprego abertas, divulgue-as nas redes sociais ou indique amigos..

  3. Reúna pontos e troque-os por brindes incríveis da loja.

  4. Compita contra seus colegas para criar a melhor liga da justiça!


The onboarding slides will appear every time the Referrals application is opened, until all the slides have been viewed and the Start Now button has been clicked. If the onboarding is exited at any point, or if the Start Now button has not been clicked, the onboarding slides will begin again when the Referrals application is opened. Once the Start Now button has been clicked, the onboarding slides will not be seen again, and the main dashboard will load when the Referrals application is opened from that point on.

A qualquer momento durante a integração, o botão Ignorar pode ser clicado. Isso encerra a integração e o painel principal de Indicações é carregado. Se Ignorar for clicado, os slides da integração não serão mais carregados ao abrir o aplicativo Indicações.

Um slide de integração com os botões pular e próximo visíveis na parte inferior.


Se houver candidatos contratados que o usuário indicou antes de abrir o aplicativo Indicações (o que significa que os slides de integração não apareceram antes), quando Iniciar agora for clicado no final da integração, em vez de ir para o painel principal, uma tela de contratados será exibida.

Modificar slides de integração

Onboarding slides can be modified if desired. Only users with Administrator rights for the Recruitment application can modify onboarding slides. To edit a slide, navigate to Referrals app ‣ Configuration ‣ Onboarding. Each line displays the text for the individual onboarding slide. To edit an onboarding slide, click on an individual slide line to open the slide’s onboarding form, then click Edit.

Make any changes to the message in the Text box. To change the order the slide appear in the onboarding, the Sequence can be modified. Type in the corresponding number to indicate the order in which the slides should be displayed. A Company may be selected, however, if this field is populated, that slide will only be displayed for that particular company.

The image can be modified as well. Hover over the image thumbnail in the top right corner of the form. A ✏️ (pencil) icon and 🗑️ (garbage can) icon appear. Click the ✏️ (pencil) icon to change the image. A file navigator window loads. Navigate to the desired image, select it, then click Open. The new image appears in the thumbnail. To delete an image, click the 🗑️ (garbage can) icon, then select a new image using the ✏️ (pencil) icon.

To save any changes, click Save, or click Discard to delete any changes and revert to the original content.

Um slide de integração no modo de edição, com os principais campos destacados.

The order of the slides can also be changed directly in the Onboarding dashboard, without having to edit an individual onboarding slide. Click the up and down arrow symbol that appears after the checkbox and before the slide text, and drag the slide to the desired position. The Sequence automatically changes on all the slide’s onboarding forms, reflecting the new sequence.

Os slides de integração em uma lista, com as setas de arrastar e soltar destacadas.

Indicados contratados

Quando um candidato que foi indicado por um usuário é contratado, o usuário “aumenta sua equipe de super-heróis” e adiciona avatares de super-heróis ao seu painel de indicações.

Depois que uma indicação é contratada, quando o usuário abrir o aplicativo Indicações, a página de contratados será carregada em vez do painel principal. O texto (Nome da indicação) foi contratado! Escolha um avatar para seu novo amigo. é exibido.

Below this message are five avatar thumbnails to choose from. If an avatar has already been assigned to a referral, the thumbnail is greyed out, and the name the avatar has been chosen for appears beneath the avatar. Click on an available avatar to select it.

If more than one referral was hired since opening the Referrals application, after selecting the first avatar, the user is prompted to select another avatar for the subsequent hired referral. Once all avatars have been selected, the dashboard loads and all the avatars are now visible. Mouse over each avatar and their name is displayed above them.

A tela de contrados. É apresentada uma seleção de avatares para escolha, sendo que os avatares já escolhidos estão acinzentados.

Modificar amigos

Friend avatars are able to be modified in the same manner that levels are modified. Only users with Administrator rights for the Recruitment application can make modifications to friends. The pre-configured friends can be seen and modified by navigating to Referrals app ‣ Configuration ‣ Friends. Each friend avatar appears in the Dashboard Image column, and the corresponding name appears in the Friend Name column. The default images are a motley group of hero characters, ranging from robots to dogs.

To modify a friend’s dashboard image, thumbnail, name, or position, click on an individual friend to open the referral friend form. Click Edit to make modifications. Type the name in the Friend Name field. The name is solely to differentiate the friends in the configuration menu; the friend’s name is not visible anywhere else in the Referrals application.

A Posição pode ser definida como Frente ou Atrás. Isso determina a posição do amigo em relação ao avatar de super-herói do usuário. Clique no botão de opção ao lado da seleção desejada, e o amigo aparecerá na frente ou atrás do avatar do usuário quando ativado.

If desired, both the thumbnail Image and the Dashboard Image can be modified. Hover over the image being replaced to reveal a ✏️ (pencil) icon and 🗑️ (garbage can) icon. Click the ✏️ (pencil) icon and a file explorer window appears. Navigate to the desired image file then click Open to select it.

Once all changes have been made, click the Save button to save the changes, or click the Discard button to revert to the original information.

Um formulário de amigo no modo de edição.


It is not advised to edit the images. An image file must have a transparent background in order for it to render properly. Only users with knowledge about transparent images should attempt adjusting any images in the Referrals application.

Once an image is changed and the friend is saved, it is not possible to revert to the original image. To revert to the original image, the Referrals application must be uninstalled then reinstalled.

Pontos de indicação

The referral program is based on earning points that are then exchanged for rewards. On the main Referrals application dashboard, the top displays a summary of the user’s current points. The left side of the summary displays the total points earned, and the right side displays the points that are available to spend.

Para ver as várias indicações e os pontos ganhos por cada uma, clique em um dos botões logo abaixo dos avatares. As opções são: Indicações, Em andamento e Sucesso.

The current number of referrals who are still active in the recruitment pipeline, and have not yet been hired or refused, appear above the Ongoing button. The number of referrals who have been hired appear above the Successful button. The total number of referrals (both the ongoing and successful referrals combined) appear above the Referrals button.


To view the referrals associated with each of the categories, Referrals, Ongoing, and Successful, click on the corresponding button. All the referrals for that specific category are displayed.

Minhas indicações

Para ver todas as indicações (tanto as que estão em andamento quanto as bem-sucedidas), clique no botão Indicações. Uma janela Minha indicação é carregada. Essa tela exibe todas as indicações, com cada indicação em seu próprio cartão.

A successful referral has a green line down the left side of the card, and displays a ✓ Hired image in the top right corner of the card. Referrals that are in process display an In Progress image in the top right corner.

Each referral card lists the name of the applicant, the department the job position is in, the name of the job position, the person responsible for filling the role (recruiter), and the points earned.


Os pontos que podem ser ganhos por uma indicação são os mesmos em todas as vagas de empregos. Cada estágio do processo de recrutamento tem pontos correspondentes atribuídos. Os estágios listados correspondem aos estágios configurados no aplicativo Recrutamento.

Em cada cartão de indicação individual, abaixo dos pontos ganhos, há um gráfico de barras que exibe quantos pontos foram ganhos do total de pontos possíveis que podem ser ganhos se o candidato for contratado.

Abaixo do gráfico de barras há uma lista dos vários estágios de recrutamento e os pontos ganhos quando a indicação passa para esse estágio. Se um estágio tiver sido alcançado e os pontos tiverem sido ganhos, uma marca de seleção verde aparecerá ao lado do estágio.


A estrutura de pontos pré-configurada para indicações é a seguinte:

  • Qualificação inicial: 1 ponto

  • Primeira entrevista: 20 pontos

  • Segunda entrevista: 9 pontos

  • Proposta de contrato: 5 pontos

  • Contrato assinado: 50 pontos

The total points earned for a referral that is hired is 85 points. Modifications of the points earned for each stage is done in the Recruitment application. Refer to the Recruitment documentation to modify the points for each stage.


Criar recompensas

The rewards are the only configurations needed when setting up the Referrals application. Only users with Administrator rights for the Recruitment application can create or modify rewards. To add rewards, navigate to Referrals app ‣ Configuration ‣ Rewards. Click Create and a reward form loads. Enter the following information on the form:

  • Product Name: Enter the name as it should appear for the reward.

  • Cost: Enter the amount of points required to redeem the reward.

  • Company: Using the drop-down menu, select the company the reward will appear for. If a reward is to be used for several companies, each company needs to have a record of the reward, with the company listed on the form.

  • Gift Responsible: Select the person who will be responsible for procuring and delivering the reward to the recipient, using the drop-down menu. This person is alerted when the reward is purchased, so they know when to deliver the reward to the recipient.

  • Description: Type in the description for the reward. This will be visible on the reward card, beneath the title.

  • Photo: Add a photo of the reward, which appears on the rewards page. Hover over the image square, and two icons appear, a ✏️ (pencil) and a 🗑️ (garbage can). Click the ✏️ (pencil) icon and a file explorer appears. Navigate to the photo file, then click Open to select it.

The only required fields are the Product Name, Company, and Description.

Um formulário de prêmio preenchido com todos os detalhes inseridos.


It is advised to enter a Cost and add a Photo. If a cost is not entered, the default cost will be listed as zero, which would list the reward as free in the reward shop. If a photo is not selected, a placeholder icon will be displayed on the rewards page.

Resgatar recompensas

To redeem points for a reward, click the Rewards button on the main Referrals dashboard. All the configured rewards are listed in individual reward cards. The points required to purchase the reward is listed in the top right corner of the card. If the user has enough points to purchase a reward, a 🧺 (basket) Buy button appears at the bottom of the reward card. If they do not have enough points for a reward, the reward card displays You need another (x) points to buy this instead of a buy button.

Click the 🧺 (basket) Buy button on a reward to purchase it. A confirmation pop-up appears, asking if the user is sure they want to purchase the reward. Click OK to purchase the item, or Cancel to close the window and cancel the purchase.

Depois que OK for clicado, a janela pop-up será fechada e os pontos usados para comprar a recompensa serão subtraídos dos pontos disponíveis do usuário. As recompensas apresentadas agora são atualizadas para refletir os pontos disponíveis atuais do usuário.

O botão Comprar aparece abaixo de uma recompensa de caneca e mochila, enquanto a recompensa de bicicleta informa quantos pontos de recompensa a mais são necessários para resgatar.


The referrals application has pre-configured levels that are reflected in the user’s avatar on the Referrals dashboard. As a user refers potential employees and earns points, they can level up, much like in a video game.

Os níveis não têm impacto funcional sobre o desempenho do aplicativo. Eles são usados apenas com a finalidade de adicionar níveis de conquista para os participantes almejarem, gamificando as referências para o usuário.

The user’s current level is displayed at the top of the main Referrals application dashboard, directly beneath their photo, in a Level: X format. In addition, a colored ring appears around the user’s photo, indicating how many points the user currently has, and how many additional points they need to level up. The cyan colored portion of the ring represents points earned, while the white colored portion represents the points still needed before they can level up.

Modificar níveis

Only users with Administrator rights for the Recruitment application can modify levels. The pre-configured levels can be seen and modified by navigating to Referrals app ‣ Configuration ‣ Levels. Each avatar appears in the Image column, and the corresponding level number appears in the Level Name column. The default images are of Odoo superheroes, and each level adds an additional element to their avatar, such as capes and shields.

To modify a level’s image, name, or points required to reach the level, click on an individual level in the list to open the level form. Click Edit to make modifications.

Type in the name or number of the level in the Level Name field. What is entered is displayed beneath the user’s photo on the main dashboard when they reach that level. Enter the number of referral points needed to reach that level in the Requirements field. The points needed to level up are the total accumulated points earned over the lifetime of the employee, not additional points from the previous level that must be earned.

If desired, the Image can also be modified. Hover over the image to reveal a ✏️ (pencil) icon and 🗑️ (garbage can) icon. Click the ✏️ (pencil) icon and a file explorer window appears. Navigate to the desired image file then click Open to select it.

Once all changes have been made, click the Save button to save the changes, or click the Discard button to revert to the original information.

Um formulário de nível no modo de edição.


It is not advised to edit the images. An image file must have a transparent background in order for it to render properly. Only users with knowledge about transparent images should attempt adjusting any images in the Referrals application.

Once an image is changed and the level is saved, it is not possible to revert to the original image. To revert to the original image, the Referrals application must be uninstalled then reinstalled.

Subir de nível

Depois que forfem acumulados pontos suficientes para subir de nível, o círculo ao redor da foto do usuário é completamente preenchido com uma cor ciano, acima da foto aparece uma imagem grande informando Subiu de nível! e a frase Clique para subir de nível! aparece abaixo da foto do usuário e do nível atual.

Clique no gráfico SUBIR DE NÍVEL!, na foto do usuário ou no texto Clique para subir de nível1! abaixo da foto do usuário. O avatar do usuário é alterado para o nível atual e o anel ao redor da foto é atualizado para indicar a quantidade atual de pontos.

O aumento de nível não custa pontos ao usuário, que só precisa ganhar a quantidade especificada de pontos necessários.

"Clique para subir de nível!" aparece abaixo da imagem do usuário e "Subir de nível!" aparece acima da imagem.


Quando um usuário atinge o mais alto nível configurado, ele continua a acumular pontos que podem ser trocados por recompensas, mas não pode mais subir de nível. O anel em torno de sua foto permanece ciano sólido.


In the Referrals application, it is possible to post a message, also referred to as an alert, at the top of the dashboard to share important information with users. These alerts appear as a thin semi-transparent banner, with the word New! appearing on the far left. The text for the alert is in the center of the banner, and on the far right side is an X.

Alerts appear on the main dashboard for the specified time configured on the individual alert. If a user does not wish to see a specific alert again, click the X in the far right side of the alert. This removes the alert from the dashboard and will not appear again, even when opening the Referrals application for the first time in a new session.

Dois banners de alerta são exibidos acima da foto do usuário.

Criar um alerta

Only users with Administrator rights for the Recruitment application can create alerts. To add a new alert, navigate to the Referrals application ‣ Configuration ‣ Alerts.

Click Create and a blank alert form loads. Enter the following information on the form:

  • Date From: The date the alert starts. On this date, the alert will be visible on the dashboard.

  • Date To: The date the alert ends. After this date, the alert will be hidden from view.

  • Company: The current company populates this field by default. To modify the company the alert should be displayed for, select the company from the drop-down menu. If this field remains blank, the alert is visible to everyone with access to the Referrals application. If a company is specified, only user’s within that company (who also have access to the Referrals application) will see the alert.

  • Alert: Enter the text for the alert. This message appears inside the alert banner on the main dashboard.

  • On Click: There are three options for the alert. Click the radio button next to the desired selection. The options are:

    • Not Clickable: The alert only displays text, there is no link to click.

    • Go to All Jobs: The alert contains a link that when clicked, navigates to the website with all the currently posted job positions.

    • Specify URL: The alert contains a link to a specific URL, that when clicked, navigates to that URL. When selected, a URL field appears below the On Click section. Enter the URL in the field.

Um formulário de alerta completamente preenchido com todas as seleções inseridas.


Only users with Administrator rights for the Recruitment application have access to the Reporting feature in Referrals. To access the reports, click Referrals application ‣ Reporting. The main view is the Reporting Dashboard view, which contains three sections.

Na parte superior da janela, o relatório exibe um gráfico de barras de quantos candidatos indicados foram contratados e quantos ainda estão no funil de contratação. Os candidatos são divididos por canal, mostrando especificamente de onde veio a indicação, como indicação direta, Facebook etc. Se um canal não aparecer no relatório, isso indica que não há indicações desse canal específico.

O terço do meio fornece todos os dados específicos que foram rastreados. Isso inclui o total de pontos obtidos em todas as indicações, quantos candidatos foram indicados, contratados ou recusados, quantos candidatos foram indicados pelo usuário atualmente conectado, quantos pontos totais foram obtidos e quantos pontos foram dados aos candidatos recusados.

O terço inferior exibe uma tabela de pivô. Essa tabela pode ser inserida em uma planilha nova ou existente. Para fazer isso, clique no botão Inserir na planilha logo acima do gráfico. Será exibida uma janela pop-up perguntando em qual planilha inserir o gráfico dinâmico. Selecione a planilha desejada no menu suspenso ou selecione Nova planilha. Clique em Confirmar e a planilha selecionada será carregada, com a nova tabela nela.


The spreadsheet is stored in the Documents application. This application needs to be installed in order to use the Insert in Spreadsheet option.