
Odoo’s Time Off application is a centralized place, where all time off information is housed. The Time Off app manages everything related to requests, balances, allocations, approvals, and reports.

Users can request time off, managers can approve time off requests, allocate time off to individuals, teams, or the whole company, reports can be run to see how much time off (and what kinds of time off) are being used, accrual plans can be created, and public holidays can be set.


Observe que somente os usuários com direitos de acesso específicos podem ver todos os aspectos do aplicativo Folgas.

Todos os usuários podem acessar as seções Minhas folgas e Visão geral do aplicativo Folga. Todas as outras seções exigem direitos de acesso específicos.

To better understand how access rights affect the Time Off application, refer to the Criar um novo funcionário document, specifically the section about configuring the work information tab.


Para alocar folgas aos funcionários e para que eles solicitem e usem suas folgas, os diversos tipos de folgas devem ser configurados primeiro e, em seguida, alocados aos funcionários (se a alocação for necessária).

Tipos de folga

To view the currently configured time off types, navigate to Time Off application ‣ Configuration ‣ Time Off Types. The time off types are presented in a list view. The Time Off application comes with four types of time off pre-configured: Paid Time Off, Sick Time Off, Unpaid, and Compensatory Days. Any of these may be modified to suit the needs of the businesses, or can be used as-is.

Criar tipo de folga

To create a new time off type, navigate to Time Off app ‣ Configuration ‣ Time Off Types. From here, click the Create button to reveal a blank time off type form.

Enter the name for the particular type of time off in the blank line at the top of the form, such as Sick Time or Vacation. Then, enter the following information on the form:

Time off requests section
  • Aprovação: selecione o tipo específico de aprovação necessário para o tipo de folga. As opções são:

    • No Validation: no approvals are required when requesting this type of time off. The time off request is automatically approved when requested.

    • By Time Off Officer: only the specified Time Off Officer, set on this form in the Responsible Time Off Officer field, is required to approve the time off request. This option is selected by default.

    • Por aprovador do funcionário: somente o aprovador de folga especificado pelo funcionário, que é definido na aba Informações profissionais no formulário do funcionário <employees/work-info-tab>`, precisa aprovar a solicitação de folga.

    • Por aprovador do funcionário e administrador de folgas: tanto o aprovador de folga especificado para o funcionário quanto o administrador de folgas precisam aprovar a solicitação de folga.

  • Responsible Time Off Officer: select the person responsible for approving requests and allocations for this specific type of time off.

  • Take Time Off in: select the format the time off is requested from the drop-down menu. The options are:

    • Dia: se a folga só puder ser solicitada em incrementos de um dia inteiro (8 horas).

    • Meio dia: se a folga só puder ser solicitada em incrementos de meio dia (4 horas).

    • Horas: se a folga puder ser tirada em incrementos de hora em hora.

  • Deduct Extra Hours: tick this box if the time off request should factor in any extra time accrued by the employee


    For example, if an employee worked two (2) extra hours for the week, and requests five (5) hours of time off, the request would be for three (3) hours, since the two (2) additionally worked hours are used first, and deducted from the request.

  • Allow To Join Supporting Document: tick this box to allow the employee to attach documents to the time off request. This is useful in situations where documentation is required, such as long-term medical leave.

  • Kind of Leave: select from the drop-down menu the type of leave this time off type is, either Time Off or Other.

  • Company: if multiple companies are created in the database, and this time off type only applies to one company, select the company from the drop-down menu. If this field is left blank, the time off type applies to all companies in the database.

Allocation requests section
  • Requer alocação: se a folga precisar ser alocada aos funcionários, selecione Sim. Se a folga puder ser solicitada sem que ela tenha sido previamente alocada, selecione Sem limite. Se Sem limite for selecionado, as seguintes opções não aparecerão no formulário.

  • Solicitações do funcionário: selecione Solicitações de dias extras permitidas se o funcionário puder solicitar mais folgas do que o alocado.


    For example, if ten (10) days are allocated to the employee for this particular type of time off, and this option is enabled, the employee may submit a request for more than ten (10) days.

    Se os funcionários não puderem fazer solicitações de mais folgas do que o que foi alocado, selecione a opção Não permitido.

  • Approval: select the type of approval(s) required for the allocation of this particular type of time off.

    • Não é necessário validar indica aprovações que não são necessárias.

    • Aprovado pelo administrador de folgas indica que o Por administrador de folgas definido nesse formulário deve aprovar a alocação.

    • Set by Time Off Officer indicates that the Time Off Officer set on this form must allocate the time off.

Seção Folha de pagamento

Se o tipo de folga deve criar Entradas de trabalho no aplicativo Folha de pagamento, selecione o Tipo de registro de trabalho na lista suspensa.

Seção Planilhas de horas


A seção Planilhas de horas só aparece se o usuário estiver no modo de desenvolvedor. Consulte o documento Modo de desenvolvedor (modo de depuração) para obter detalhes sobre como acessar o modo de desenvolvedor.

When an employee takes time off and is also using timesheets, Odoo creates entries in the timesheet for the time off. This section defines how they are entered.

  • Projeto: selecione o projeto no qual as entradas do tipo de folga aparecem.

  • Task: select the task that appears in the timesheet for this time off type. The options are: Time Off, Meeting, or Training.

Display option section
  • Cor: selecione uma cor para ser usada no painel do aplicativo Folgas.

  • Imagem de capa: selecione um ícone a ser usado no painel do aplicativo Folgas.


The only required fields on the time off type form are the name of the Time Off Type, the Approval, the Responsible Time Off Officer, Take Time Off in, Kind of Leave, and the Allocation Requests section.

Time off type form with all the information filled out for sick time off.

Planos de acúmulo

Algumas folgas são obtidas por planos de acúmulo, o que significa que, para cada quantidade específica de tempo que um funcionário trabalha (hora, dia, semana etc.), ele ganha ou acumula uma quantidade específica de folgas.


If an employee accrues a vacation day for every week they work, they would earn 0.2 vacation days for each hour they work. At the end of a forty (40) hour work week, they earn a whole vacation day (8 hours).

Criar plano de acúmulo

To create a new accrual plan, navigate to Time Off app ‣ Configuration ‣ Accrual Plans. Then, click the Create button, which reveals a blank accrual plan form.

Enter the accrual plan name in the Name field. If the accrual plan only applies to a specific time off type, select it from the drop-down menu. If this accrual plan is available for all time off types, leave this field blank.

Next, select how the Level Transition occurs, either Immediately or After this accrual’s period. By default, the first level begins once the time off is approved if the time off is based on an accrual plan. If Immediately is selected, then the next level begins according to the time frame set on the level. If After this accrual’s period is selected, the next level does not begin until the first level is completed according to the rules set on it.


Rules must be created in order for the accrual plan to accrue time off.

To create a new rule, click the Add A New Level button right beneath the word Rules, and a Create Level pop-up form appears.

Preencha os seguintes campos no formulário:

  • Start after (#) (time period) after allocation date: enter the number and value of the time period that must pass before the employee starts to accumulate time off. The first value is numerical; enter a number in the first field.

    Then, select the type of time period using the drop-down menu in the second field. The options are: day(s), month(s), or year(s).

  • Based on worked time: tick this box if the accrual of time off is based on the time the employee has worked. If an employee takes time off that is not considered a worked day, Odoo will not count that day towards their accrual plan.

  • Rate (#) (time): enter the rate of time off that is accumulated. The first value is numerical; enter a number in the first field. Whole numbers are not necessary, any decimal value may be entered.

    Next, in the second field, select the type of time accrued using the drop-down menu. The options are either Days or Hours.

  • Frequency (X): select how often the employee accrues the time off for this rule using the drop-down menu. The options are Daily, Weekly, Twice a month, Monthly, Twice a year, or Yearly.

    Depending on the selection, more fields appear to specify exactly when the accrual renews.


If the employee should accrue one vacation day for every week worked, the Rate is set to 1, and the Frequency entry is set to Frequency (Weekly) on (Friday). Only the Frequency and Weekday fields appear.

If the employee should accrue ten (10)vacation days each year, and they receive these days every year on the first of January, the Rate is set to 10, and the Frequency entry is set to Frequency (Yearly) on the (1) of (January). The Frequency, Date, and Month fields appear.

  • Limit to: enter a maximum amount of days the employee can accrue with this plan.

  • At the end of the calendar year, unused accruals will be: select from the drop-down menu how unused time off is handled.

    The options are either Transferred to the next year, which rolls over unused time to the next calendar year, or Lost, which means any unused time off is gone.

A level form with all the data filled out.

When the form is filled out, click Save & Close to save the form and close the pop-up, or Save & New to save the form and create a new rule. Add as many levels as desired.

An accrual form with all the entries filled out.

Feriados públicos

Most countries have public or national holidays, and some companies may have specific days they are closed and/or give extra days as holidays.

É importante configurar esses dias no Odoo para que os funcionários saibam quais são os dias de folga e não solicitem folga em dias que já estão definidos como feriados (dias não úteis).

Criar um feriado público

Para criar um feriado, navegue até app Folga ‣ Configuração ‣ Feriados públicos.

Todos os feriados configurados atualmente são exibidos em uma lista.

Click the Create button, and a new line appears at the bottom of the list.

Enter the following information:

  • Nome: digite o nome do feriado.

  • Empresa: se estiver em uma base de dados multiempresa, a empresa atual preencherá esse campo por padrão. Não é possível editar esse campo.

  • Start Date: using the date and time picker, select the date and time that the holiday starts. By default, this field is configured for the current date. The start time is set according to the start time for the company (according to the working times). If the user’s computer is set to a different time zone, the start time is adjusted according to the difference in the time zone compared to the company’s time zone.

  • End Date: using the date and time picker, select the date and time that the holiday ends. By default, this field is configured for the current date, and the time is set to the end time for the company (according to the working times). If the user’s computer is set to a different time zone, the start time is adjusted according to the difference in the time zone compared to the company’s time zone.


    A company is located in San Francisco, and the working times are 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (an eight (8) hour work day with a one (1) hour lunch break). A user is located in New York, and their computer time zone is set to Eastern. When they create a Public Holiday, the start time appears as 12:00 PM - 9:00 PM, since the time zone is accounted for. If a different user is located in Los Angeles, and their computer time zone is set to Pacific, when they create a Public Holiday, the time appears as 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM.

  • Horário de trabalho: se o feriado se aplicar apenas aos funcionários que têm um conjunto específico de horas de trabalho, selecione as horas de trabalho no menu suspenso. Se for deixado em branco, o feriado se aplica a todos os funcionários.

  • Work Entry Type: if using the Payroll application, this field defines how the work entry for the holiday appears. Select the work entry type from the drop-down menu.

A lista de feriados públicos no menu de configuração.

Visão geral

To view a color-coded schedule of both the user’s time off, and/or the team managed by them, navigate to Time Off app ‣ Overview. This presents a calendar with the default filter of My Team, in a month view.

To change the time period displayed, click on either the Day, Week, Month, or Year buttons to present the calendar in that corresponding view.

Each team member is displayed on a line, and any time off they requested, regardless of the status (Validated or To Approve), appears on the calendar.

Each employee is color-coded. The employee’s color is selected at random and does not correspond to the type of time off they requested.

The status of the time of is represented by the color of the request either appearing solid (Validated) or striped (To Approve).

O número de dias ou horas solicitados está escrito na solicitação (se houver espaço suficiente).

At the bottom of the calendar, a bar graph shows how many people are projected to be out on any given day. The number on the bar represents the number of employees out for those highlighted days.

Hover over a time off entry to view the details for the specific time off entry. The total number of hours or days are listed, along with the start and end time of the time off.

Visão geral da equipe do usuário, com solicitações de folga exibidas.

Alocar folgas

Depois que os tipos de folga e os planos de acúmulo tiverem sido configurados, a próxima etapa é alocar ou conceder folga aos funcionários. Esta seção só é visível para usuários que tenham direitos de acesso Por administrador de folgas ou Administrador para o aplicativo Folgas.

To create a new allocation, navigate to Time Off app ‣ Approvals ‣ Allocations.

This presents a list of all current allocations, including their respective status.

Click Create to allocate time off, and a blank allocation form appears.

Depois de inserir um nome para a alocação no primeiro campo em branco do formulário, insira as seguintes informações:

  • Tipo de folga: no menu suspenso, selecione o tipo de folga que está sendo alocado para os funcionários.

  • Allocation Type: select either Regular Allocation or Accrual Allocation.

  • Plano de acúmulo: se Alocação de acúmulo for selecionado para o Tipo de alocação, o campo Plano de acúmulo será exibido. Usando o menu suspenso, selecione o plano de provisionamento ao qual a alocação está associada. Um plano de acúmulo deve ser selecionado para uma Alocação de acúmulo.

  • Validity Period/Start Date: if Regular Allocation is selected for the Allocation Type, this field is labeled Validity Period.

    Using the calendar, select the beginning date for the allocation. If the allocation expires, select the expiration date in the next date field. If the time off does not expire, leave the second date field blank.

    If Accrual Allocation is selected for the Allocation Type, this field is labeled Start Date.

    Using the calendar picker, select the start date for the allocation. If the allocation expires, select the expiration date in the Run until field. If the time off does not expire, leave the Run until field blank.

  • Duration: enter the amount of time that is being allocated to the employees. This field displays the time in either Hours or Days, depending on how the selected Time Off Type is configured (in days or hours).

  • Mode: usando o menu suspenso, selecione como a alocação é atribuída. Essa seleção determina quem recebe a alocação de folga. As opções são: Por funcionário, Por empresa, Por departamento ou Por marcador de funcionário.

    Depending on what was selected for the Mode, this following field is labeled either: Employees, Company, Department, or Employee Tag.

    No menu suspenso, indique os funcionários, a empresa, o departamento ou os marcadores de funcionário que estão recebendo essa folga.

    Várias seleções podem ser feitas para Funcionários ou Marcador de funcionários.

    Somente uma seleção pode ser feita em Empresa ou Departamento.

  • Adicionar um motivo…: se for necessária alguma descrição ou nota para explicar a alocação de folga, insira-a nesse campo na parte inferior do formulário.

Solicitar folga

Once an employee has been allocated time off, a request to use the time off can be submitted. Time off can be requested in one of two ways, either from the dashboard or from the My Time Off view.

To access the dashboard, navigate to Time Off app ‣ My Time Off ‣ Dashboard. This is also the default view for the Time Off application.

To access My Time Off, navigate to Time Off app ‣ My Time Off ‣ My Time Off. This presents a list view of all the time off requests for the employee.

To create a new request for time off, click either the New Time Off button on the main Time Off dashboard, or the Create button in the My Time Off list view. Both buttons open a new time off request form.

Insira as seguintes informações no formulário:

  • Tipo de folga: selecione o tipo de folga que está sendo solicitado no menu suspenso.

  • Dates: enter the dates that the time off will fall under. There are two fields to populate, the From and To fields. Click on either the From or To field, and a calendar pop-up appears.

    Click on the start date, then click on the end date. The selected start and end dates appear in deep purple, and the dates between them appear in pale purple (if applicable).

    If the time off requested is for a single day, click on the start date, then click the same date again for the end date.

    When the correct dates are selected/highlighted, click the Apply button.

    The dates now populate the From and To fields.

    • Half Day: if the time off request is for a half day, tick this box. When this is selected, the From date field disappears, and is replaced with a drop-down menu. Select either Morning or Afternoon to indicate which half of the day is being requested.

    • Custom Hours: if the time off requested is not a whole or half day, tick this box. A From and To field appears beneath this option if selected. Using the drop-down menu, select the start and end time for the time off request.

  • Duration: this field updates automatically once the Date section is completed. If the Date section is modified, this section automatically updates to reflect the total time off requested. This field is in either hours or days, depending on the Date selections.

  • Description: enter a description for the time off request. This should include any details that managers and approvers may need in order to approve the request.

  • Supporting Document: this field only appears if the Time Off Type selected allows for the attachments of documents. Click the Attach File button, and a file explorer window appears.

    Navigate to the file(s) to attach, then click the Open button. The files then appear on the time off request form. Multiple documents can be attached, if necessary.

When the form is complete, click the Save button to save the information, and submit the request.

Formulário de solicitação de folga preenchido para um funcionário que ficou doente em casa por dois dias com gripe.

Solicitação de alocação

If an employee has used all their time off, or is going to run out of time off, they can request an allocation for additional time. Allocations can be requested in one of two ways, either from the dashboard or the My Allocations view.

To access the dashboard, navigate to the Time Off app ‣ My Time Off ‣ Dashboard. This is also the default view for the Time Off application.

To access My Allocations, navigate to the Time Off app ‣ My Time Off ‣ My Allocations. This presents a list view of all the allocations for the employee.

To create a new allocation request, click either the Allocation Request button on the main Time Off dashboard, or the Create button in the My Allocations list view. Both buttons open a new allocation request form.

After entering a name for the allocation in the first blank line on the form, enter the following information:

  • Time Off Type: select the type of time off being requested for the allocation from the drop-down menu.

  • Validity Period: the current date populates the start date by default. If there is no expiration on the time off type, there is no date populated as the end date. If the time off type has an expiration date, the date automatically populates the end date field once the form is saved.

  • Duration: enter the amount of time being requested. The format (either days or hours) is in the same format as the time off type.

  • Adicionar um motivo…: insira uma descrição para a solicitação de alocação. Isso deve incluir quaisquer detalhes que os gerentes e aprovadores possam precisar para aprovar a solicitação.

When the form is complete, click the Save button to save the information, and submit the request.

Um formulário de solicitação de alocação preenchido por um funcionário pedidno uma semana adicional de atestado médico.


Most requests for time off and allocations need to go through the approval process, prior to the time off being allocated, and then granted to an employee. Requests either need one or two approvals, depending on how the specific type of time off is configured.

Only users who can approve allocation and time off requests have the Approvals section visible in the Time Off application.

Approve allocations

To view allocations that need approval, navigate to Time Off app ‣ Approvals ‣ Allocations. The only allocations visible on this list are for employees the user has either Time Off Officer or Administrator access rights for in the Time Off application.

The default filters that are configured to be in place when navigating to the Allocations list are My Team and Active Employee. This only presents employees on the user’s team (who they manage) and active employees. Inactive users are not shown.

The left side of the screen has various grouping options to narrow down the presented allocation requests.

The options are To Approve, To Submit, Refused, and Approved.

To view all allocation requests, click All.

It is also possible to display allocation requests by department. Click on the department to only present allocations for that specific department.


The groupings on the left side only present allocation requests that fall under the default filters of My Team and Active Employee. Only the statuses for allocation requests that fall under those filters are presented on the left side.

For example, if there are no requests with a status of To Submit, that status option does not appear in the left-hand side.

All departments for the user’s employees appear in the list. If there are no allocation requests that fall under that department matching the pre-configured filters, the list is blank.

It is always possible to remove any of the pre-configured filters, by clicking the ✖️ (remove) icon on the specific filter to remove it.

A coluna de status exibe o status de cada solicitação, destacado em uma cor específica.

The To Approve requests are highlighted in yellow, Approved requests are highlighted in green, To Submit (drafts) requests are highlighted in blue, and the Refused requests are highlighted in gray.

To approve an allocation request, click ✔ Validate at the end of the line, to refuse a request, click ✖️ Refuse.

Alocações com as seções de filtro, agrupamentos e status destacadas.

If more details are needed, click anywhere on the allocation request line (except for ✔ Validate and ✖️ Refuse) to view the request in detail.

Depending on the rights of the user, changes can be made on the allocation request form that appears. To modify the request, click the Edit button, make any desired changes, then click Save.

Também é possível aprovar ou recusar a solicitação nesse formulário. Clique no botão Validar para aprovar ou no botão Recusar para recusar a solicitação.

Approve time off

To view time off requests that need approval, navigate to Time Off app ‣ Approvals ‣ Time Off. The only time off requests visible on this list are for employees the user has either Time Off Officer or Administrator access rights for the Time Off application.

The default filters in the Time Off list are To Approve, My Team, Active Employee, and Active Time Off. This only presents time off requests that need to be approved for current employees on the user’s team, for requests that are active and not in a draft mode.

The left side of the screen has various grouping options to narrow down the presented time off requests. Since only time off requests that need to be approved are shown, the only status options are All and To Approve.

To view requests with other statuses, first remove the To Approve filter, by clicking the ✖️ (remove) icon next to the To Approve filter to remove it.

To display time off requests for specific departments, click on the department on the left-hand side. Only requests within the selected department are then presented.

A coluna de status exibe o status de cada solicitação, destacado em uma cor específica.

The To Approve requests are highlighted in yellow, and are the only ones that appear in the list by default. If the To Approve filter is removed, then all statuses appear. Approved requests are highlighted in green, To Submit (drafts) requests are highlighted in blue, and the Refused requests are highlighted in gray.

To approve a time off request, click 👍 Approve at the end of the line, to refuse a request, click ✖️ Refuse.

Solicitações de folga com as seções de filtro, agrupamentos e status destacadas.

If more details are needed, click anywhere on the time off request line (except for 👍 Approve and ✖️ Refuse) to load the time off request form. Depending on the rights of the user, changes can be made.

To modify the request, click the Edit button, make any desired changes, then click Save.

It is also possible to approve or refuse the request from this form. Click the Approve button to approve, or the Refuse button to refuse the request.

Minhas folgas

The My Time Off section of the Time Off application contains the time off dashboard, as well as the user’s time off requests and allocations.


All users have access to the time off dashboard, which is the default view in the Time Off application. The dashboard can also be accessed at any point in the application by navigating to Time Off app ‣ My Time Off ‣ Dashboard.

The current year is displayed, and the current day is highlighted in red.

To change the view, click on the desired button at the top. The options are Day, Week, Month, or Year (the default).

To change the presented dates, click the left and right arrows on either side of the Today button. The calendar view adjusts in increments of the presented view.

For example, if Week is selected, the arrows adjust the view by one week.

To change the view at any point to a view that includes the current date, click the Today button.

Above the calendar view is a summary of the users time off balances. Every time off type that has been allocated appears in its own summary box. Each summary lists the type of time off, the corresponding icon, the current available balance (in hours or days), and an expiration date (if applicable).

The legend on the right side of the calendar view displays the various time off types, with their corresponding colors. The status of the time off requests are shown as well.

Time off that has been validated appears in a solid color (in the color specified in the Time Off Types part of the legend). Time off requests that still need to be approved appear with white stripes in the color. Refused time off requests have a colored line through the dates.

New time off requests can be made from the dashboard. Click the New Time Off button at the top of the dashboard, and a new time off form appears.

New allocation requests can also be made from the dashboard. Click the Allocation Request button at the top of the dashboard to request more time off, and a new allocation form appears.

Visualização do painel de folgas com a legenda, os resumos de folgas e os botões de visualização destacados.

Minhas folgas

To view a list of all the user’s time off requests, navigate to Time Off app ‣ My Time Off ‣ My Time Off. Here, all time off requests appear in a list view, both past and present.

Other than the employee’s name, the list includes the following information for each request: the Time Off Type, Description, Start Date, End Date, Duration, and the Status.

A new time off request can be made from this view. Click the Create button to request time off.

Minhas alocações

To view a list of all the users allocations, navigate to Time Off app ‣ My Time Off ‣ My Allocations. All allocations and requested allocations appear in a list view.

The information presented includes: the Time Off Type, Description, Duration, Allocation Type, and the Status.

A new allocation request can be made from this view, as well. Click the Create button to request an allocation.


O recurso de relatórios permite que os usuários visualizem as folgas de sua equipe, seja por funcionário ou por tipo de folga. Isso permite que os usuários vejam quais funcionários estão tirando folga, quanto tempo estão tirando e quais tipos de folga estão sendo usados.

Por funcionário

Para visualizar um relatório de solicitações de folga de funcionários, navegue até app Folga ‣ Relatórios ‣ por Funcionário.

The default report is a stacked bar chart with the filters of Active Employee and Type in place.

Each employee is displayed in their own column, with the bar displaying how many days of each type of time off type they requested.

The report can be displayed in other ways. Click the various options at the top of the report to view the data differently.

The graph options are Bar Chart, Line Chart, or Pie Chart. The Bar Chart includes an option to present the data Stacked. Both the Bar Chart and Line Chart have options to present the data in either Descending or Ascending order.

Report of time off, shown by each employee in a stacked bar chart.

Por tipo

To view a list of approved time off, organized by time off type, navigate to Time Off app ‣ Reporting ‣ by Type. This shows each time off type in its own section.

Click on a time off type to expand the list. Each request is listed, with the following information displayed: the Employee, Number of Days, Request Type, Start Date, End Date, Status, and the Description.

The default filters in place for this report are Approved Requests, Active Employee, the Current Year, and the Type.

Report of time off by type, with each request detailed in the list.