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计算机科学 ›› 2015, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (Z11): 497-499.

• 软件工程与数据库技术 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 军械工程学院装备指挥与管理系 石家庄050003,军械工程学院装备指挥与管理系 石家庄050003,军械工程学院装备指挥与管理系 石家庄050003
  • 出版日期:2018-11-14 发布日期:2018-11-14
  • 基金资助:

Software Maintainability Evaluation Based on Fractal Theory

HAO Xue-liang, ZHU Xiao-dong and LIU Li   

  • Online:2018-11-14 Published:2018-11-14

摘要: 针对软件维护性评估难题,从软件结构复杂度和软件开发维护过程两方面着手,分别对软件维护性进行了定性和定量评估。分析了软件模块结构的空间域自相似性及软件生命周期内的时间域自相似性,提出了基于分形维数的软件维护性定性评估,实现软件维护性评估的定性要求和控制。以维护工作量作为软件维护性核心参数,结合自顶向下评估方法,提出了时间域内软件维护性定量评估。通过虚拟维修训练系统软件美腾2.0到3.0版本升级维护实例,对方法的有效性进行了验证。

关键词: 自相似性,分形维数,维护性定性评估,维护性定量评估

Abstract: Aimed at the software maintainability problem,qualitative and quantitative evaluation were studied,considering two aspects of structure complexity and software process.Spatial domain self-similarity among software module and temporal self-similarity between software development and software maintenance were analyzed.Based on fractal dimension,software maintainability qualitatively evaluation method was presented to ascertain software qualitative maintainability requirement and management.Combined with top-down maintenance method,temporal software maintainability quantitative evaluation method was put forward and maintenance workload was validated by a real example of software system.

Key words: Self-similarity,Fractal dimension,Software maintainability qualitative evaluation,Software maintainability quantitative evaluation

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