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Taos Mountain

Almost Spring

March Taos Mountain photo

Barely cranked telephoto image from Pentax K-x DSLR

This is the view from my desk. If you hunt for Taos Mountain on this site via Search or Tags, you’ll find a zillion similar shots, but I don’t care. There’s an acequia (traditional seasonal irrigation ditch from Moorish Spain that looks just like a stream) at the bottom of the hill. That huge aspen [...]

Normal Day

Normal Day post image

Words can slash and kill. The older I get, the higher my skill. Worse than that, I am forgiven. It’s late and I don’t want to write this. I’m hungry and thirsty and the stove’s gone out. The cold is seeping through my jeans. Today was actually a good day, a special day. There were [...]

Mountain Fix

Taos Mountain

Picture taken about a week ago

As I type this, it’s fifty-two degrees (11°C) and the backyard Lift-o-Matic is full of drying laundry. That means nothing on racks by the wood stove. Good. When it’s truly cold, nothing on God’s earth beats great blistering waves of actual heat from a real fire, but if it’s only middling cool like today, I’d [...]

After Dinner

view from Llano Quemado

iPhone 6s+ shot again. I love this thing.

Cold, damp, no wind. Quiet except for a few cows bawling in the valley. The scrunch of walking on wet sand. Smells of sagebrush and wet dirt. Snowed off and on today, sometimes a lot. Yesterday, too. For several days, actually. In the middle of that, we saw a hummingbird, so time to put the [...]

Almost Springtime in the Rockies

snow shower on Taos Mountain

At this altitude, that’s snow. Not enough to stick, but still!

Days like this make me re-evaluate my wood heat strategy. Whatever warm stretch blesses us in late winter or early spring gives me the notion we can make it until summer, but I always need to buy more wood—precisely when almost no one has any to sell! (These old adobes, man, I tell you…) Anyway, [...]




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