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Privacy policy

Using our services

Jon Baines Tours collects certain information from visitors to, site usage information from server analytics, email details when you contact an employee or division of Jon Baines Tours Ltd, and booking information if you use our online booking forms.

Analytics information allows us to understand the way users make use of the site. Jon Baines Tours may use analytics information to make changes to the site and to the information in it, based on the way that visitors interact with it. Analytics information doesn't contain any personal information.

When you use our contact form to send a message to Jon Baines Tours some personal information such as your name, email address and telephone contact number will be passed on to us. This data is sent by our server as an email message and is not logged by any other system.

When you book a tour with us via the booking form, our system saves the data so that we can retrieve it in order to fulfil your tour booking. We don't store any credit card or other financial information as all payments are processed by our ecommerce partner. We will never pass any of your data on to third parties.

The website also sets cookies to enable certain functions. These are small files that remain in your browser and can be accessed when you visit the site again. may also contain links to third-party client and partner sites. We do not control and are not responsible for the collection of any information by any of these third parties, whose privacy policy may differ from ours.

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