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✨ M92 Glow-Up✨

Want to take your M92 from BASIC to BOUJIE? We've got you!

Here's how to achieve this look:

First, snag the M92 from Zastava Arms USA.

Next, let's outfit in JMac!

Stock Adapter - RSA-YAKP

1913 Folding Mechanism

Gucci Green 8" Skeleton Stock - SS-8RP-G

.5" Cheek Riser

Pistol Grip - SPG-AK

MMS - 7.72Z" Zastava M92 Optimal Handguard with Sling Loop CutOption Gas Tube - M92

Handguard Accessory - HRD-EXT

X Series Muzzle Device - RRD-360HD-26F-X37

Now, the bells & whistles:

LBE G3 Trigger

Krebs Safety Selector

Cloud Defensive - Rein 3.0 with Torrent Mount SBR

Holosun - HS503CU 20MM Micro Red Dot Sight

And that's how you take your Zastava M92 from BASIC.

to Gucci!