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List of Celebrations and Emotes
This page contains a list of all known Celebrations and Emotes that can be obtained for your character in Fall Guys. Up to 4 Emotes can be used on the D-Pad during a match to show off to other players, while Celebrations are your victory dance if you win the crown in the final round.
Celebrations and Emotes, like other cosmetics, can either be bought with in-game currency in the store, or unlocked as you progress in level during a season. See the list below for more details.
List of Emotes
- Description: Claps excitedly
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Cost: 5,000 Kudos
- Description: Flexes impressively
- Rarity: Legendary
- Cost: 5 Crowns
- Description: Shadowboxes aggressively in place
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Cost: 5,000 Kudos
- Description: Pounds chest like a gorilla
- Rarity: Rare
- Cost: 6,500 Kudos
- Description: Eagerly points in a direction beckoning others to follow
- Rarity: Epic
- Cost: 3 Crowns
- Description: Waves arms excitedly while making a sound.
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Cost: Season 1 Unlockable
- Description: A small simple single-handed wave
- Rarity: Common
- Cost: Default Emote
- Description: A strut and taunt with arms flapping
- Rarity: Common
- Cost: Default Emote
- Description: Dances around from side to side jovially
- Rarity: Epic
- Cost: 10,000 Kudos
- Description: Slowly raises hands in a wave motion
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Cost: 5,000 Kudos
- Description: Sticks hands to side of head in a taunting motion
- Rarity: Common
- Cost: Default Emote
- Description: Plays hand clapping game
- Rarity: Epic
- Cost: 3 Crowns
- Description: Dances around in a jovial jig
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Cost: Season 1 Unlockable
- Description: A very unhappy gesture of displeasure
- Rarity: Epic
- Cost: 3 Crowns
- Description: Gives another player a thumbs up motion
- Rarity: Common
- Cost: Default Emote
- Description: Snaps fingers while waving arm in z-pattern
- Rarity: Rare
- Cost: 6,500 Kudos
List of Celebrations
- Description: Opens a jack-in-the-box with a crown inside
- Rarity: Epic
- Cost: Season 1 Unlockable
- Description: Tries and fails to dodge an incoming crown
- Rarity: Rare
- Cost: 8,000 Kudos
- Description: Excited jumps before getting dropped
- Rarity: Common
- Cost: Default Celebration
- Description: Move arms and body around like a robot
- Rarity: Rare
- Cost: 8,000 Kudos
- Description: Snaps fingers while waving hand in a Z pattern
- Rarity: Epic
- Cost: 4,000 Kudos