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Arcade Mode
LEVEL TIPSOk, now we get down to it. The real meat and potatoes of the game -- the Crazy Driving! The key to winning big is finding the fastest route in each area. One thing to remember is that there are no cops in this game, so you can drive anywhere you want, and even try to run over pedestrians without any penalties (although they will always dive out of the way). While driving anywhere is good to cut your time down, you never want to hit an object, or a car, head on. Not only will it bring any combo string you were working on to an end, but it will also slow you down big time. Another big thing is to memorize the moves . The mini-games are great for burning them into your brain. You will want to be able to Crazy Dash, Limit Cut, and Crazy Drift Stop in your sleep. Getting those three moves down is absolutely crucial to success (but the other moves are very handy as well). Also, memorization of each city and the locations of the drop-offs is very helpful. By doing so, not only will you spend less time looking for the location, you really don't need to pay attention to the arrow as much. That way you can concentrate on hitting the shortcuts as much as possible.
Arcade Mode
The Arcade City is exactly the same as it was in the arcade. In comparison to the Original City, this one is compact with most areas pretty close together. The city is broken into two areas separated by a long freeway. You will want to try to avoid taking the freeway as much as possible simply because it takes so long to cross. If you do take it, try to make it a one way trip with all your fares taking place in the downtown area. Now for the tips:
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