Head office Hannover
Head office Hannover, Podbielskistrasse 269, Light rail in front of the door
Gegründet: 1990
Diplom Ökonom Björn Boruszewski
Staatl. gepr. Betriebswirt Henning Elias-Otte
Monika Nierentz
Gesellschafter: Dipl.-Ing. Wolfram Müller
Consulting, requirements analysis, specifications
Odoo introduction (installation, training, customization)
Data transfer
Developer training
Module development
Partnership with Odoo S.A. since 2010
Odoo Gold Partner
Qualitätssiegel “Zertifizierter Odoo Partner” (umfangreiche Wissensprüfung)
Over 500 Odoo projects carried out, including large projects with several hundred person-days of development, e.g. for the Technical University of Munich (25,000 users).
All project managers are audited by Odoo S.A. certified
Own team: 80 people at eight locations +
Odoo S.A. Team with 100 Odoo developers
IFE GmbH was founded in 1990 and has been the largest Odoo partner in Germany for years and worldwide we are even in the top 10 of the largest Odoo partners out of 5,000 partners. We are characterized by our practical and direct approach. We react quickly and deliver solutions.
Every day we help our customers with implementing Odoo or using Odoo on a daily basis. We see many different businesses every week and know that running a business isn't always that easy. You are dealing with many different business processes, a mountain of administration and, on top of that, a wealth of financial responsibility. In addition, everything has to work as efficiently and quickly as possible. Not easy. But we can help you with that.
We specialize in Odoo : the all-in-1 ERP system for all your business processes. The use of different software packages is therefore no longer necessary. With Odoo you streamline the management of your business so that you can work more efficiently and clearly.
We would therefore be happy to discuss with you how we can best help you and your company. We think for you and give you honest advice. We listen to your wishes and use our knowledge to grow your business.
Odoo Community
The IFE is part of the Odoo community. In addition to Odoo's 4,600 employees, a global community with 100,000 contributors drives the further development of Odoo.