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IAPRI members have hosted world conferences and member conferences (formerly called symposia) since 1970. These events provide an opportunity for packaging researchers to meet and exchange views and present the latest research in their areas of expertise. Conferences bring together a combination of established and emerging scholars and researchers and are a great way to assess your ideas and to expose research to a wide audience of fellow experts. IAPRI is all about disseminating these ideas and networking together. IAPRI World Conferences are held in even numbered years and are open to all. Member Conferences take place in the following year and are open to members only.

IAPRI member institutes interested in the possibility of holding an IAPRI World Conference or Member Conference can fill out and submit an Application for Hosting an IAPRI Conference form by clicking here

To see the Guidelines for Planning and Hosting IAPRI Conferences click here. For other information about planning an IAPRI event and associated files to be used by hosting institutes to plan and carry out a conference click here.

Keynotes, Focused Track, and Poster Discussions, Networking Breaks and Social Gatherings

2025 32nd Member Conference - will take place in Roanoke, Virginia, USA, June 9-13, 2025 hosted by Virginia Tech's Center for Packaging and Unit Load Design.  

The theme for this member only conference is "The Future of Packaging is Circular.

The following is a list of IAPRI events hosted by members.  There are proceedings from some of the conferences and symposiums since 2010 available available to members in the member login center. On your member profile page there is an IAPRI File Archive tab in the Resources Folder.

2024 24th World Packaging Conference - "Devoted to show how Knowledge and Technology make an impact to build a Safer and More Sustainable Future", hosted by ITENE, JUne 17-21 in Valencia, Spain

2023 31st IAPRI Member Conference - "Responsible Packaging for a Better Future", hosted by the SIES School of Packaging Technology Center, May 22-25, 2023 in Navi Mumbai, India. 

2022 23rd IAPRI Member Conference, "Packaging for World Crisis: Survivability and Sustainability", hosted by the Thai Packaging Center, June 12-16, Bangkok, Thailand

2021 30th IAPRI Member Conference, Virtual due to the pandemic, hosted by IAPRI, June 15-17, East Lansing, Michigan, USA

2020 22nd World Conference on Packaging, "Future of Packaging" Virtual Webinar
Deeply concerned with the health and safety of all attendees, as a result of the global pandemic crisis of COVID-19, the Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM) and the IAPRI Board Directors decided that the 22nd IAPRI 2020 World Packaging Conference needed to be canceled. It was a hard decision for the University considering the impact this conference has in the packaging field and our research area. So, the IAPRI Conference changed the physical conference to a digital one. The objective was to present the researcher’s work made during 2019 and 2020. The online conference allowed us to reach the packaging community all over the world and expand knowledge. Having an accessible cost, it enabled all of us to participate while staying safe at home. The information will be open until May 2021.

2019 29th IAPRI Member Symposium, "Serving Society - Innovative Perspectives on Packaging" hosted by the University of Twente in the Netherlands 11-14 of June, Enschede, Netherlands

2018 21st IAPRI World Conference on Packaging hosted by Jinan University and Hunan University of Technology 19-22 June, Zhuhai, China. "Packaging: Driving a Sustainable Future".

2017 28th IAPRI Symposium on Packaging hosted by the School of Engineering and Management Vaud (HEIG-VD)and Nestle Research, 9-12 May, Lausanne, Switzerland

2016 20th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging hosted by CETEA, 12-15 June Sao Paulo, Brazil

2015 27th IAPRI Symposium on Packaging hosted by ITENE, 8-11 June, Valencia, Spain

2014 19th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging hosted by the Engineering Packaging and Research Group, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia

2013 26th IAPRI Symposium on Packaging hosted by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, June 10-13, Espoo, Finland

2012 18th World Packaging Conference hosted by Cal Poly State University, June 18-21, San Luis Obispo, California

2011 25th IAPRI Symposium on Packaging, hosted by BAM Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing, May 16-18, Berlin, Germany

2010 17th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging, hosted by China Packaging Research Test Centre (CPRTC) in collaboration with Jinan University, BIGC, Jiangnan University,Tianijin University and CEPI, October 12-15, Tianjin, China

2009 24th IAPRI Symposium of Packaging hosted by Clemson University, May, Greenville, South Carolina, USA

2008 16th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging, hosted by Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand

2007 23rd IAPRI Symposium on Packaging hosted by Pira, Windsor, England

2006 15th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging hosted by Japan Packaging Institute, October 4-5, Tokyo, Japan

2005 22nd IAPRI Symposium on Packaging ,hosted by CETEA 22–25 May,  in Campinas, SP, Brazil

2004 14th  IAPRI World Conference of Packaging hosted by STFI-Packforsk (RISE), June 13016 Stockholm, Sweden

2003 21st IAPRI Symposium on Packaging, hosted by ITENE, Valencia, Spain

2002 13th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging,  hosted by Michigan State University, June 23-28, East Lansing, MI USA

2001 20th IAPRI Symposium on Packaging hosted by COBRO, Warsaw, Poland

2000 12th IAPRI Symposium on Packaging hosted by San Jose State University, June, San Jose, CA USA

1999 11th IAPRI Conference on Packaging hosted by PSB July 7-9, Singapore

1998 19th IAPRI Symposium on Packaging hosted by Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY USA

1997 10th World Conference on Packaging hosted by Victoria University of Technology, March 24-27, Melbourne, Australia

1996 18th IAPRI Symposium on Packaging, Helsinki, May 13-15, Finland

1995 9th International Conference of Packaging, hosted by BPI

1994 17th Symposium held in Reims, France

1993 8th  IAPRI Congress hosted by CETEA, Food Packaging Technology Center, June 2023, Sao Paulo, Brazil

1992 16th  Symposium, held in Taastrup, Denmark

1991 7th World Conference on Packaging,  April 15-19, Utrecht, the Netherlands

1990 15th Symposium held in St. Gallen, Switzerland

1989 6th International Conference on Packaging, host by the Institute for Export Packaging & BFSV, September 27-29, Hamburg, Germany

1988 14th Symposium held in Gent, Belgium

1986 5th International Conference on Packaging hosted by Pira, October 7-9, Bristol, United Kingdom

1986 13th IAPRI Symposium on Packaging, May 26-28, Oslo, Norway

1985 4th International Conference on Packaging hosted by Michigan State University, September 16-18, East Lansing, MI USA

1984  12th Symposium on Packaging, Vienna, Austria

1982 11th Symposium on Packaging, Paris, France

1980 10th Symposium on Packaging, Warsaw, Poland

1979 3rd International Conference on Packaging hosted by the Swedish Packaging Research Institute, June 13-15. Stockholm, Sweden

1977 9th Symposium on Packaging, St. Gallen, Switzerland

1976 2nd International Conference on Packaging hosted by Institute of Food Technology and Packaging & IUFST, June 9-11, Munich, Germany

1974 8th Symposium on Packaging, Delft, The Netherlands

1972 7th Symposium on Packaging,, Munich, Germany

1972 1st International Conference on Packaging hosted by Pira & IAPRI, March 27-29, London, United Kingdom

1970 6th Symposium on Packaging, Copenhagen, Denmark

Prior to the formation of IAPRI - International Symposiums on Packaging Research held every two years

1968 5th Symposium on Packaging, Oslo, Norway

1966 4th Symposium on Packaging, Vienna, Austria

1964 3rd Symposium on Packaging, Stockholm, Sweden

1962 2nd Symposium on Packaging, Munich, Germany

1960 1st Symposium on Packaging, Leatherhead, United Kingdom