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Cry of Fear: Unofficial Patch

Cry of Fear: Unofficial Patch

First Person Shooter

A quality-of-life overhaul for Cry of Fear, reducing model errors, fixing inconsistencies, and updating old content to result in a more polished and refined...

Jackie's Tapes

Jackie's Tapes

First Person Shooter

Jackie's Tapes - a set of three favorite tapes of the villain Cry of Fear: Epilogue. Learn the Doctor's story during the events of Epilogue in three expansion...

Cry of Fear - Doblaje al Español

Cry of Fear - Doblaje al Español

First Person Shooter

[ESPAÑOL] Hola a todos! Quería compartirles este mod en el que estuve trabajando unos meses atrás con unos amigos. No es nada profesional, solo para...

CURY OF FEAR (Cry of Fear - Cavifax mod)

CURY OF FEAR (Cry of Fear - Cavifax mod)

First Person Shooter

Revive toda la aventura de Cry of Fear, ahora desde el punto de vista de un tipo muy CURIOSO ... (perdóname Cavifax) * Se ha reemplazado la cara de Simon...

Cor_Silent Hills

Cor_Silent Hills

First Person Shooter

silent Hill survarior. 4 players. Mod cry of fear. silent Hill survarior. 4 players. Mod cry of fear. silent Hill survarior. 4 players. Mod cry of fear.



First Person Shooter

two twin brothers Sem and Dean are Colts. They save planets from evil spirits

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Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Thumbnail

Hey all! This is the 1.1 update to this patch, and for various reasons, the final update this patch will receive. Within are contained over 30 new fixes, primarily to P-models and consistencies with prior weapon fixes. As this is the final update I will not be inviting people to submit additional fixes via google forms, but I am also making all of the contents of this patch free and open to use for any project, whether that be your own Cry of Fear mod or if you'd like to continue with your own updates to an Unofficial Patch. Please just remember to credit!

Without further ado, the list of changes this time around, coming up.

Cry of Fear: Unofficial Patch

  • Simon finger chirality - in the previous patch, I fixed older sleeves being used on some weapon models. In this update, I corrected the finger textures on these weapons as well. Thanks to Maximustheone for suggesting this one!
    • G43
    • Sledgehammer
    • Hunting rifle

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Viewmodels

Cry of Fear: Unofficial Patch

(Also including, mostly, p-models for this case)

  • Cop P model weapons textures - in the previous patch, I improved weapon worldmodels and textures using the viewmodel weapons. For this update, I did not generally do model changes (with the exception of the shotgun, which had its shell tube shortened for consistency), but I did port all of the higher-res textures onto the weapons cops hold in the co-op multiplayer
    • Branch
    • G43
    • Glock
    • M16
    • Nightstick
    • P345
    • Revolver
    • Rifle
    • Shotgun
    • Sledgehammer
    • Switchblade
    • Syringe
    • TMP
    • VP70

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Weapons

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Weapons

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Weapons

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Weapons

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Weapons

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Weapons

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Weapons

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Weapons

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Weapons

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Weapons

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Weapons

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Weapons

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Weapons

  • Cop shotgun made consistent with viewmodel - the cop's shotgun also had its shell tube shortened and the barrel joiner removed

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Weapons

Cry of Fear: Unofficial Patch

  • Changed shotgun GUI images for consistency - these images were photoshopped to reduce the length of the shell tube and remove the barrel joiner for consistency with the final viewmodel weapon

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Weapons

  • Changed flare GUI images for consistency - the flare was re-rendered and then photoshopped into the GUI images to be the final flare (the version put out with 1.0 of this patch, that is)

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Weapons

Cry of Fear: Unofficial Patch

  • Fixed older Book Simon model in intro cutscene - the Book Simon seen in the intro cutscene was corrected to be the version in the final game

  • High-res revolver textures applied to Doctor mode unlock 'statue' post game completion

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Characters

  • Fixed missing vertices on police left hand on all police playermodels

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Characters

  • Improved police flashlight model - used the higher res textures in the files, as well as fixing the wonky model shading

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Characters

  • Fixed missing bloom when facing the flashlight cone head-on - added interior geometry to the flashlight cone so it still renders as a bloom from the front

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Characters

  • Doctor weapon handover cutscene textures given high-res viewmodel equivalents
    • P345
    • Revolver

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Characters

  • Simon weapon handover P345 textures given high-res viewmodel equivalent

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Characters

Cry of Fear: Unofficial Patch

  • Middle-of-the-road cutscene child - since I was informed the old baby face was intentional, I photoshopped the old baby face onto the new child zombie model, for a best-of-both-worlds solution

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Enemies

  • Suicider glock given high-res viewmodel textures

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Enemies

  • UV stretching on Faster limbs corrected

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Enemies

  • Fixed the rigging on the left blade arm which was breaking the top spoke of the blade

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Enemies

  • Book Simon weapons given high-res viewmodel textures
    • Glock
    • Flare
    • Sledgehammer
    • Shotgun
    • TMP

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Enemies

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Enemies

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Enemies

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Enemies

  • Book Simon shotgun model modified to reduce length of shell tube and remove barrel-joiner as per other consistency fixes

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Enemies

  • Doctor boss P345 and Revolver models given high-res viewmodel textures

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Enemies

Cry of Fear Unofficial Patch 1.1 - Enemies

Cry of Fear: Unofficial Patch


Jane Thrace

Maximustheone (finger texture consistency suggestion)

As stated at the top of this article, this is the last update this patch will receive for the foreseeable future. Please feel free to use the files within either in your own mods, or to continue your own patch for the game. Thanks for the support, and enjoy!

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Cry of Fear: Unofficial Patch: 1.1

Cry of Fear: Unofficial Patch: 1.1

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Guest - - 727,450 comments

i cant figure out how to run the game :/

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
KillerHank - - 1 comments

Download it for free on Steam

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
simonhenriksson909 - - 1 comments

i love this mod(or game). I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Kreylan - - 4 comments

This game is amazing

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
TheoVMDM - - 2 comments

The best game to make mods on it, in my opinion

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
ElementalHeroNeos - - 5 comments

peak indie gaming to this day

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
NOUG4AT - - 246 comments

GoldSrc is used here... best of all..

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Guest - - 727,450 comments

Love this game so much dude

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
poshgaloo - - 728 comments

I can't believe it's been almost 12 years now. This mod freaked me the hell out and blew my mind back in the day.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
nnevarro - - 2 comments

Still one of the best mods.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
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