Inspire a fragrance (136)
That Aroma of Tea! - Inspire a fragrance? What better than the fragrance of some Ceylon Tea? :D54
Mud & Mogra Magic! - My entry for this contest. This reminds me of a soothing experience that calmed my tensed nerves. This happened a few years back when I travelled to my aunt’s place somewhere in Rajasthan.33
A strange Fragrance - linguaphile, writer,photographer, researcher ,guitarist, natural,optimistic , travel buff,moody, shopaholic,bookaholic, sometimes lazy,romantic, stylist,painter..over analyzing,down to earth,...0
Petrichor And A Little More - When fallen Eucalyptus leaves kissed the rain-soaked earth...65
The smell of the monsoon in Goa. - This is a post describing the exhilarating feel one experiences during the monsoon in Goa. The smell of the wet earth, the wooden barks, the green leaves are inexplicable. Walking along the beach,...76
The Smell of Baking! - Have you smelled a cake or bread or bun while it's freshly baked? Do it!!36
Short Story: What Made Me Get Selected For My New... - Fitting a new Aer Click Gel in my car for continuous fragrance and keeping me fresh was important.36