Eczema is classified into three stages: acute, subacute, and chronic. Symptoms of each stage can vary in severity and duration.

Eczema can be a lifelong condition. However, you may experience periods of remission, where there are no symptoms, and flares, where symptoms come back. The severity of flares can differ.

Learn more about the three stages of eczema, including their similarities and differences from a symptom and treatment standpoint.

There are three main stages of eczema. It’s possible to identify each stage of eczema by molecular changes in skin lesions and onset, according to 2020 research. You can also have more than one type of eczema at the same time.

Here’s how each stage of eczema is classified and what the common symptoms look and feel like.

Acute eczema

Acute eczema consists of more severe symptoms, including rashes that:

  • may be filled with fluids
  • are leaking fluids (a process called weeping)
  • have crusted

These symptoms are in addition to the swelling, skin discoloration, and itchiness you may experience during any stage of eczema.

The word “acute” generally means severe and short lasting. As its name suggests, acute eczema refers to sudden flare-ups that may be more severe but will go away with focused treatment.

Subacute eczema

Subacute eczema is marked by mild to moderate inflammation that may come and go throughout your lifetime.

In addition to some of the more common symptoms of eczema, such as itchiness and discolored skin, you may also notice raised bumps (papules) and swollen lesions.

Chronic eczema

Chronic eczema consists of lesions and papules that may be enlarged and thickened. If eczema is chronic, you may notice leathery or thickened areas of skin from previous rashes.

Unlike acute eczema, chronic eczema flares tend to be more persistent. Also, unlike acute or subacute eczema, the chronic stage does not cause significant swelling.

Depending on the underlying causes of eczema, including genetic and environmental factors, symptoms can come and go throughout your lifetime.

For example, a type of eczema called contact dermatitis will usually improve once you remove the irritant or allergen that has triggered your symptoms. Avoiding the trigger can help prevent further cases of contact dermatitis.

Some types, such as atopic dermatitis, are not completely curable. However, treatments can help improve your symptoms and prevent underlying inflammation that contributes to flares.

Some children may even experience improvement in their eczema after they reach adulthood.

Treatment for eczema primarily consists of strategies to support a leaky skin barrier to prevent irritants from causing flares.

Common treatments include using moisturizers or emollients for dry skin and avoiding possible triggers, such as allergens.

These strategies may help treat eczema at any of its three stages, but you may need additional treatments in the case of severe eczema.

Possible medical treatments include:

  • topical or oral corticosteroids to control inflammation
  • topical calcineurin inhibitors to reduce inflammation when other creams don’t work
  • Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors to help stop inflammation in severe cases
  • injectable biologics

You can work with your doctor to create a suitable treatment plan for eczema. You may require different treatments if your symptoms change or worsen.

A doctor may be able to diagnose eczema based on your medical history and the symptoms you experience.

A doctor can also identify eczema stages based on additional symptoms. For example, weeping lesions may indicate acute eczema. Swollen, raised plaques and bumps could be signs of the subacute stage.

In some cases, a doctor may recommend tests, such as:

These tests can help rule out other causes of your skin rashes, such as contact dermatitis or psoriasis, and help them make a more definitive diagnosis.

No matter what stage of eczema you may have, this skin condition may potentially lead to issues that affect your health and quality of life.

Consider seeing a doctor if you:

  • notice your symptoms are worsening despite treatment
  • have tried home treatments, such as moisturizers and over-the-counter ointments, and your condition is not improving
  • have itchiness, pain, and other symptoms that are disrupting your sleep
  • are experiencing rashes with fluid-filled lesions or any oozing
  • have signs of infection in eczema rashes, such as thick-colored fluids, swelling, or pain

A doctor may classify eczema into three stages: acute, subacute, or chronic. Each stage carries slight variations in symptoms and outlook.

As a common skin condition, eczema may come in various forms. Its triggers are also highly individual. You can work with your doctor to identify the stage of eczema and any triggers that may be causing or worsening symptoms.

Avoiding triggers, keeping your skin hydrated, and taking oral or topical medications are all treatment options that may help with eczema. You may require a different treatment plan if the stage of eczema changes, so it is particularly important to contact your doctor if you notice any new or worsening symptoms.