Mastitis is an infection of the breast tissue. Most commonly, it affects women who are breastfeeding. This condition often happens within the first 3 months after the delivery but also it can happen at any time during the breastfeeding period.
In most cases, lactation mastitis is affecting only one breast, not both. This condition results from a blocked milk duct which is causing milk to remain in the breast and can lead to infection.
Also, there is another cause of breast infection and that is the bacteria which is entering the breast through a crack or break on the nipple.
The most common signs and symptoms of mastitis are tenderness or warmth to the touch, redness, inflammation, swelling, and breast pain. Also, there are other symptoms like chills and fever.
Mastitis can leave the mother exhausted which can be difficult for her to take care of her newborn baby. When a woman has mastitis, then it is very important for her to continue breastfeeding. This will not cause any risk for her baby. This offers the added benefit of helping clear the infection in your beast. If you noticed that breastfeeding is too painful, then you should try hand–expressing or pumping your milk because this can help to prevent the milk ducts from clogging. At the same time, you can use some of the below-mentioned home remedies because they can help to treat the infection and also they will help you to reduce the discomfort.
If this problem persists for a few weeks and if you have noticed that breastfeeding is painful, then you should talk with your doctor.
Talk with your doctor before you start using some of the below-mentioned home remedies for mastitis. You should wear comfortable and loose clothing to avoid friction against the nipples.
This is one of the best home remedies for mastitis. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties which can help to reduce the inflammation, fight against the infection, and prevents it from spreading.
Also, it can boost your energy. You should prepare a home remedy with one part of apple cider vinegar and two parts of warm water. You should apply this home remedy to the affected area using a cotton ball. You should allow it to stay there for fifteen minutes and then you should rinse it off using warm water.
You should repeat this natural treatment two or three times per day until the infection clears. Also, you can mix one tablespoon of raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar and a small amount of honey in one cup of water. You should drink this home remedy three times per day for a period of one to two weeks.
This vitamin can help you to fight breast infection and it can help to heal the damaged skin tissue. Also, this vitamin can boost your immune system and can help to speed up the recovery process. You should eat foods that are rich in Vitamin C such as parsley, broccoli, mustard greens, kale, strawberries, papaya, guavas, kiwis, lemons, limes, and oranges. Also, you can take Vitamin C supplements after you have talked to your doctor. [1]
This home remedy can boost your immune system to help your body to fight off infections. Also, it has flavonoid which poses anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antibiotic properties [2]. You should apply the tincture of Echinacea root on the infected area four or five times per day. You should clean the area thoroughly using warm water before you feed your baby. Also, you can add three or four drops of the tincture to one glass of water. You should drink it three or four times per day for not more than a week. You should avoid long–term use of Echinacea.
This is also a very effective home remedy for mastitis because it has antibiotic properties. It can help you to rid of the bacteria which are the cause of the infection. It can boost your immune system and it will promote quick recovery.
You should eat two raw garlic cloves on an empty stomach. Also, you can at a few more throughout the day. If you do not like to eat raw garlic, then you can take it with plain water or orange juice. You should repeat this natural treatment on a daily basis for a period of one week. You can take garlic supplements after you have talked with your doctor. [3]
These leaves are a soothing home remedy for inflamed and infected breasts. They have sulfur compounds that can help to reduce swelling and inflammation. They will provide nursing mothers relief from clogged ducts and engorgement.
You should chill a few cabbage leaves in the refrigerator for thirty minutes. You should place a cold cabbage leaf on the infected breast. When the leaf reaches room temperature, then you should replace it with a new one. You should do this natural treatment a few times per day until you rid of the infection completely. [4]
Both hot and cold compresses are very effective natural treatments for mastitis.
- The hot compress helps to clear blockages, aid in milk flow, and improve blood circulation.
- You should prepare a hot compress by wrapping a hot water bottle in a thin towel.
- The cold compress can help to reduce swelling and relieve pain.
- Also, you should prepare a cold compress by wrapping a few ice cubes in a thin towel.
You should place the hot compress on the infected breast for fifteen minutes and then you should apply the cold compress for five minutes.
You should repeat this cycle two or three times. You should use this home remedy as needed.
This home remedy can give you relief from the swelling and pain which are the two most common symptoms of a breast infection. Also, it has antibacterial properties which can help you to rid of the bacteria that are causing infection [5].
You should prepare a paste using equal amounts of comfrey leaves and calendula flowers.
You should slightly warm this paste before you apply it to the inflamed breast. You should let it stay there for fifteen minutes and then rinse it off using warm water. You should follow this home remedy three or four times per day.
Also, there is another option and that is to apply a calendula ointment onto the affected breast a few times per day. You should be sure to wash the breast before you feed your baby.
Women who suffer from mastitis should massage the affected breast. This can help to unblock the plugged milk ducts and it will give you relief from the swelling.
You should always massage the outer breast toward the nipple in small circles and you should apply more pressure on the infected breast. You should prepare massage oil by mixing equal amounts of wheat germ and apricot oil. You should use this home remedy to massage your breast using upward strokes. You should do this natural treatment a few times daily.
Also, there is another option and that is to mix two tablespoons of olive oil with a few drops of camphor oil and you should use it to massage your breasts a few times per day. You should be sure that you will clean your nipples with warm water before you breastfeed your baby.
This home remedy has natural pain-relieving and healing powers which can help to reduce many of the discomforts of breast infection. Also, it can help to repair damaged skin tissue and it will heal the infected skin.
You should extract the gel from the Aloe Vera leaf. Then, apply it to the affected breast. Let it dry on its own. You should rinse it off using lukewarm water and then pat dry with a soft towel. You should repeat this natural treatment several times per day in a period of few days. You should wash the Aloe Vera off your breasts before you breastfeed your baby. [6]
In the Ayurvedic medicine, this home remedy can stimulate the milk-producing glands and at the same time, it can help to treat breast infection. Also, it has flavonoids which can help to reduce infections and inflammation.
You should soak four tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. The next morning, you should grind the soaked seeds into a paste. You should place this paste on a clean cloth and you should warm it slightly in the microwave. Then, you should use this home remedy as a warm compress on the infected breast.
You should repeat this natural treatment two times per day for a period of one to two weeks. Also, you can drink a cup of fenugreek tea, two or three times per day until you get positive results. [7]
[1] Chambial S, Dwivedi S, Shukla KK, et al. Vitamin C in disease prevention and cure: An overview. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry. 2013;28(4):314-328.
[2] Birt DF, Widrlechner MP, LaLone CA, et al. Echinacea in infection. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2008;87(2):488S-492S.
[3] Prayitno CH, Suwarno, Susanto A, Jayanegara A. Effect of garlic extract and organic mineral supplementation on feed intake, digestibility and milk yield of lactating dairy cows. Asian Journal of Animal Sciences. 2016;10(3):213-218.
[4] Wong BB, Koh S, Gail D. The effectiveness of cabbage leaf application (treatment) on breast engorgement in breastfeeding women. JBI Library of Systematic Reviews. 2010;8(34):1-21.
[5] Arora D, Rani A, Sharma A. A review on phytochemistry and ethnopharmacological aspects of genus Calendula. Pharmacognosy Review. 2013;7(14):179-187.
[6] Hekmatpou D, Mehrabi F, Rahzani K, Aminiyan A. The effect of aloe vera clinical trials on prevention and healing of skin wound: A systematic review. Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2019;44(1):1-9.
[7] Ghasemi V, Kheirkhah M, Vahedi M. The effect of herbal tea containing fenugreek seed on the signs of breast milk sufficiency in Iranian girl infants. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal. 2015;17(8):e21848.