Our expert tutors and teachers have experience working with students of all ages:
- Pre-K
- K-12
- College
- Adults
Whether you’re a complete beginner, have a learning disability, or are taking college-level courses, we have the right tutors for you. Our educators work with the following students:
- People with and without disabilities
- Academics: regular, honors, AP, college, and some graduate
- Music and Arts: beginning, intermediate, advanced levels
Students have flexibility to meet their educator where it is convenient for them:
- In-Home
- Public Libraries
- Coffee Shops
- Zoom
COVID-19 Note: All our tutors and teachers are vaccinated against COVID-19 and wear masks upon request
While we provide in-person tutoring services in the greater Pasadena area, we serve students across the globe with virtual sessions.
Zoom Sessions:
- Anywhere!
In-Person Sessions:
- South Pasadena
- Pasadena
- San Marino
- Alhambra
The following rates apply to all subjects except academic coaching and standardized test prep tutoring.
The following rates apply to academic coaching sessions only.
The following rates apply to all standardized test prep tutoring subjects: SAT, ACT, GRE, SSAT, ISEE.
For your very first session only.
- 60-Minute Session
Our best option for students in need of regular sessions!
Sessions that are scheduled and paid for in advance on a monthly basis.
- 60-Minute Session
Rates for irregular sessions.
- 60-Minute Session
Tuition Policies
- Rates Policies
- All prices are per-session rates.
- Virtual sessions carry the same rates.
- All rates apply to one-on-one sessions only.
- If you have a group, please call us for special group rates.
- Billing Policies for Tutoring Services
- Tuition is paid to Hodis Learning & Music.
- Monthly Rate Tuition is paid at the beginning of the month.
- Introductory Rate and On-Call Tuition is paid at or before time of service.
- Only one On-Call session may be scheduled at any given time per student.
- Accepted Payment Methods: Zelle, ACH, Venmo, PayPal, and all major credit/debit cards.
- If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via phone (626-227-1149) or email and we will be happy to help!
Get Started Now