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About Us

About Us

Hoboken Grace launched in February of 2008 as a new church that would accurately and passionately reflect Jesus Christ to the young urban professionals and families of Hoboken, NJ. Since we began, Hoboken Grace has strived to show the unbelievable and unconditional love of God in countless ways to our city. Our goal is to demonstrate who God really is and to let others know that God wants a relationship with each and every one of us. This is demonstrated in our action and love throughout our community and abroad and is seen in the hearts of the people who find their way back to God. Get to know a little bit more about our pastors, our mission, and our beliefs below!

pastoral team

Chris High

Lead Pastor

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Founding and Lead Pastor of Hoboken Grace Community Church in Hoboken, NJ. Beginning with just five individuals committed to loving and serving their city, Hoboken Grace has consistently grown in its impact and reach for over sixteen years. It is one of three successful church plants that Chris has been part of in the New York Metro area over his past twenty years of ministry. During that time, he also coached and trained coaches for Redeemer City to City and ICN. Chris is a powerful communicator and is regarded as an expert in urban church planting and leadership development. Chris and his wife, Ana, live in Hoboken with their three boys where they enjoy the beauty and energy of urban life.

Anthony Reimer

Care Pastor

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With over a decade of leadership at Hoboken Grace, Anthony serves as the Care Pastor and the Managing Director of Equip. He holds a Master of Divinity from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Reformed Theological Seminary, and a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Alabama. Anthony resides in Hoboken since 2012 with his wife Dana—who also serves as the Service Programming Director at Hoboken Grace—his two children, and their dog Birdie.

WHY WE're here

our mission

Everything we do at Hoboken Grace is centered around helping people find their way back to God! We believe that no matter who you are, where you’ve been, and what you’ve done—God is pursuing you and wants to have a personal relationship with you!

What We Believe

about God

God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe. He has eternally existed in three personalities: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three are co-equal and are one God. (Genesis 1:1,26,27, 3:22; Psalm 90:2; Matthew 28:19; 1 Peter 1:2; 2 Corinthians 13:14)

about Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is co-equal with the Father. Jesus lived a sinless human life and offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all people by dying on a cross. He arose from the dead after three days to demonstrate His power over sin and death. He ascended to Heaven’s glory and will return again someday to earth to reign as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. (Matthew 1:22, 23; Isaiah 9:6; John 1:1-5; 14:10-30; Hebrews 4:14,15; 1 Corinthians 15:3,4; Romans 1:3,4; Acts 1:9-11; 1 Timothy 6:14,15; Titus 2:13)

about the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is co-equal with the Father and the Son of God. He is present in the world to make men aware of their need for Jesus Christ. He also lives in every Christian from the moment of salvation. He provides the Christian with power for living, understanding of spiritual truth, and guidance in doing what is right. He gives every believer a spiritual gift when they are saved. As Christians, we seek to live under His control daily. (2 Corinthians 3:17; John 16:7-13, 14:16,17; Acts 1:8; 1 Corinthians 2:12, 3:16; Ephesians 1:13; Galatians 5:25; Ephesians 5:18)

about the Bible

The Bible is God’s Word to us. It was written by human authors, under the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is the supreme source of truth for Christian beliefs and living. Because it is inspired by God, it is the truth without any mixture of error. (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20,21; 2 Timothy 1:13; Psalm 119:105,160, 12:6; Proverbs 30:5)

about human beings

All people are made in God’s image, and we were made to be like Him in character. As human beings, we are supreme of all God’s creations, and the object of His love and devotion. Although every one of us has tremendous potential for good, we became marred because of all our disobedience toward God. This disobedience is called “sin”, and it separates us from God. (Genesis 1:27; Psalm 8:3-6; Isaiah 53:6a; Romans 3:23; Isaiah 59:1,2)

about salvation

Salvation is God’s free gift to us, but we must accept it. We can never make up for our sin by self- improvement or good works. It is actually by grace, through trusting in Jesus Christ, God’s offer of forgiveness of sin, that anybody can be saved from sin’s penalty. When we turn from our self-ruled life and allow Jesus to take control in faith, we are saved. Eternal life begins the moment one receives Jesus Christ into his life by faith. (Romans 6:23; Ephesians 2:8,9; John 14:6; Titus 3:5-7; Galatians 3:26; Romans 5:1,2)

about eternal security

Because God gives us eternal life through Jesus Christ, the true believer is secure in that salvation for eternity. If you have been genuinely saved, you cannot “lose” it. Salvation is maintained by the grace and power of God, not by the self-effort of the Christian. It is the grace and keeping power of God that gives us this security. (John 10:29; 2 Timothy 1:12; Hebrews 7:25, 10:10,14; 1 Peter 1:3-5)

about eternity

People were created to exist forever. We will either exist eternally separated from God by sin, or eternally with God through forgiveness and salvation. To be eternally separated from God is Hell. To be eternally in union with Him is eternal life. Heaven and Hell are real places of eternal existence. (John 3:16; John 14:17; Romans 6:23; Romans 8:17-18; Revelation 20:15; 1 Cor. 2:7-9)

experience Sunday at hoboken grace!

We meet in-person and online every Sunday. In-person services are at 409 14th Street, Hoboken, NJ and online services can be found at!

Service Times

  • 8:30 am

  • 10:00 am

  • 11:30 am

Grace Kids available at all services