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Euro surpasses US dollar as the currency of online casinos

| United States | English

At the dawn of the online gambling industry in the 1990s, the U.S. dollar was the major currency accepted in online casinos, but those days are over. The euro has replaced USD and is now the most popular currency. According to the latest research by KeyToCasino, the euro is currently accepted in 79% of all existing online casinos. 

Eye on the prize: US entertainment, media and communications deal insights

| United States | English

Approximately 60 countries license online casino gambling in some form, while 17% of countries have bans in place, and a further 41% are unregulated.  Asia and the US remain two of the larger untapped real money gaming markets due to unfavorable regulation while Europe has a more mature online game market. (, “Online Gambling Access Around The World”)

Online casino gaming now regulated in 61 countries

| United Kingdom | English

Over 60 countries around the world license online casinos, the US is the worst country for gamblers, and 56 percent of the world’s population faces some form of online gambling ban, but ordinary players are not penalised in most cases. These are the main findings of a research project into online gambling access, by affiliate KeyToCasino.

European Union, United States Determining Future Of Global Online Gambling Industry

| United States | English

Thanks to the United States curbing online betting within its borders, only to slowly bring it back via state-by-state regulation, the EU is the world’s largest regulated market for the business. According to research from KeyToCasino, more than 70 percent of the world’s online casinos restrict access to Americans, which makes the US the most restricted country in the world for the industry. For comparison, roughly 30 percent of gambling sites restrict access to Iran.

Виртуальный контроль

| Russia | Russian

В 36 странах провайдеров Интернета обязывают блокировать пользователям доступ ко всем онлайн-казино. В 18 странах власти обязывают банки блокировать финансовые транзакции, в которых принимают участие игорные заведения. По данным

56% людей в мире ограничены в доступе к азартным онлайн-играм

| Ukraine | Russian

Оператор онлайн-игр KeyToCasino недавно провел исследование текущего положения дел с доступом к азартным онлайн-играм в различных регионах мира и получил удивительные результаты. Оказывается, более половина населения земного шара тем или иным образом ограничена в доступе к азартным играм в Сети.

Online Casinos in Deutschland: Trotz Restriktion gut verfügbar

| Germany | German

Wenn es um die Verfügbarkeit von Online Casinos geht, steht deutsche Spieler trotz relativ restriktiver Gesetze gut da. Das ergab eine Studie von “Key To Casino”. In den USA hingegen ist Online Gambling fast überall unmöglich.

New Study Sheds Light on Online Casinos with Poker Rooms

| United Kingdom | English

A new study conducted by KeyToCasino, an online casino information site, has come out with some interesting results: Online casinos that have poker rooms are more trustworthy than those without poker rooms. The study also found that online casinos with poker rooms perform better than standalone casinos in the following areas: Payout time, complexity of restrictions, language options, accepted currencies, non-payment risk and overall player performance.

More than 60 countries in the world now regulate online gambling

| United States | English

The research was performed by KeyToCasino. First, the authors collected and analyzed land-based casino laws and online gambling laws in 225 countries and territories by looking at a range of sources in 46 different languages.  All the data, maps, and statistics are collated here. For the 95% of the countries, or 98% of the population, the sources were reputable, such as government run websites or major local newspapers.

Przyszłość pokera i hazardu zależy od UE i USA

| Poland | Polish

Z badań KeyToCasino wynika, że aż 70 procent kasyn online ogranicza dostęp do swoich usług amerykańskim klientom. Dla porównania- tylko 30 procent kasyn online ogranicza dostęp Irańczykom. Tak więc, to Amerykanie są obecnie najbardziej ograniczeni w korzystaniu z gier hazardowych online.

Kako su Igor Šalindrija i njegov tim dizajnom i pouzdanošću napravili najbolji svetski servis o igrama na sreću

| Serbia | Serbo-Croatian

Ono što je manje poznato je da ovo nije bio prvi startap Igora Šalindrije i ekipe — nedavno su obeležili 9. rođendan AskGamblersa, najpoznatijeg i najpriznatijeg svetskog portala koji pruža informacije o onlajn kazinima, i pomaže igračima da reše probleme oko ispalata dobitaka i bonusa.

Do danas je ovaj servis pomogao igračima da povrate čak 3.5 miliona dolara— što je vrlo značajan rast u poređenju sa 2 miliona pre manje od godinu dana.

Casino games, ‘vietati’ a oltre il 50 della popolazione mondiale

| Italy | Italian

Secondo un report di KeyToCasino, a oltre il 50% della popolazione mondiale, circa 4 miliardi di persone, è proibito l’accesso ai giochi da casinò online, mentre l’Italia è classificata al 44simo posto (su 48 stati in Europa), in termini di disponibilità di giochi online.

Gioco d’azzardo online. L’Italia è al 44° posto in Europa per disponibilità e accessibilità ai servizi

| Italy | Italian

Secondo uno studio condotto da KeyToCasino, l’Italia è classificata al 44esimo posto (su 48 stati in Europa), in termini di disponibilità di giochi online. Lo studio sottolinea che più di 60 paesi in tutto il mondo, permettono l’offerta di servizi dei casinò online, mentre il 56 per cento della popolazione mondiale si trova di fronte ad un divieto. Generalmente però i giocatori non risultano essere penalizzati.

Internet-Glücksspiel in EU wächst schnell

| Germany | German

Von den Nationen, wo das Glücksspiel über das Internet erlaubt ist, liegen die meisten innerhalb der EU. Deswegen ist der Markt hier am größten. Weiterhin ist Amerika in dieser Hinsicht vielen Restriktionen unterworfen. KeyToCasino hat recherchiert, dass 70 Prozent der Casino-Anbieter den Zugriff für amerikanische Einwohner beschränken.

Access to Online Gambling Restricted for Half the World's Population

| United Kingdom | English

Results of the recently conducted research about the state of online gambling around the globe paint an interesting picture. KeytoCasino affiliate company devoted some time and resources to gathering the most recent, relevant information about the current state of online gambling in the world and they've come up with some intriguing numbers.

Казино и онлайн гемблинг на планете

| Russia | Russian

Примерно в половине всех стран мира люди имеют доступ к легальному онлайн гемблингу в той или иной его форме. Данное заключение было сделано компаний Key to Casino, занимающейся изучением онлайн гемблинга.

A világ 61 országában szabályozzák csak az online kaszinókat

| Hungary | Hungarian

A a világ 225 országban pontozta az online és földi kaszinók elérhetőségét. Az összesen megszerezhető 1000 pontból 500-at az online kaszinók, 500-at pedig a földi kaszinók hozzáférhetőségéért lehetett megszerezni. Mindkét esetben figyelembe vették a vonatkozó jogszabályokat, lehetséges büntetéseket, valamint az esetleges url vagy pénzügyi blokkolást.

56% населения земли запрещено играть в азартные игры

| Russia | Russian

Онлайн-портал KeyToCasino недавно провёл исследование, в ходе которого выяснилось, что 56% населения нашей планеты в каком-либо виде ограничиваются к доступу онлайн азартных игр. Конечно же, речь идёт и о покере.

The US considered the worst country for gamblers

| United States | English

KeyToCasino has published the results of its recent research of the online gambling access in the countries around the world. According to the findings the online casinos are licensed in 60+ countries, 56% of the world’s population are experiencing some kind of online gambling prohibition and the US is considered the worst country for gamblers.

Ekonomska kriza u BiH, dok se igre na sreću ukorjenjuju u društvo

| Bosnia and Herzegovina | Serbo-Croatian

Prema istraćivanju stranice po pitanju dostupnosti igara na sreću Bosna i Hercegovina se nalazi na 24. mjestu od 48. zemalja Europe, dok je Hrvatska na 33., a Srbija na 30. mjestu. To je ubijedljivo najveći poraz našega većinski “muslimanskog” društva i veliki alarm da sa nama nešto nije uredu.


| China | Chinese


Mjesne zajednice imaju i po tri kladionice a mi pričamo o gradnji države

| Bosnia and Herzegovina | Serbo-Croatian

Prema sajtu, Bosna i Hercegovina je na 24. mjestu od 48. zemalja Europe po pitanju pristupa igara na sreću u društvu, Hrvatska na 33., a Srbija na 30. mjestu. To je poražavajuća činjenica na koju se društvo a i država u BiH potpuno ne osvrću pa čak i u većini slučajeva podržavaju, tipa Bingo, Loto i ostale igre na sreću.

Za 4 roky bude každý 10. člověk hrát na online automatech

| Poland | Polish

Jsou to totiž právě přece jenom zákony, které stojí v cestě online kasinům. Podle serveru je totiž ve v 58 % státech světa online hazard nelegální nebo legální, ale s bariérami vstupu na trh.

Un habitant de la Terre sur deux ne peut pas jouer en ligne

| France | French

Récemment, le site KeyToCasino a en effet mené une étude sur la situation du jeu en ligne en se focalisant sur la possibilité et la facilité d'accès dans ce domaine dans les différents pays du monde. Il apparaît que plus de 50% des habitants de notre planète ne peuvent pas jouer ou subissent de fortes restrictions.


| China | Chinese


Comparative Evaluation Between Standalone Online Casinos and Poker Room Casinos

| Argentina | English

There are a number of important signs on a casino’s website that can help to identify its fairness. Some of these signs are obvious, while others are more difficult to spot. KeyToCasino researchers spend significant amounts of time studying various indicators on casino websites to determine their fairness and then share this information with the public.

Риск невыплаты выигрыша в онлайн-казино составляет более 10%

| Russia | Russian

Исследователи сайта KeyToCasino установили, что риск невыплаты выигрыша в онлайн-казино составляет 13%. Онлайн-казино с покер-румами более надежны — риск невыплаты выигрышей оказался ниже 10%.

Zona de Azar Reino Unido - Estudio Comprueba que los Casinos en Línea que Ofrecen Salas de Poker son más Confiables

| Argentina | Spanish

Un estudio reciente realizado por investigadores de KeyToCasino, un sitio de revisión de casinos en línea basado en datos, los resultados mostraron que los casinos en línea que ofrecen salas de Poker son más confiables que los que no tienen salas de Poker.

A Study Demonstrates that Online Casinos with Poker Rooms Are Safer

| United States | English

The study was performed by the KeyToCasino research team. KeyToCasino is a data-based online casino reviewer known for its previous research on gambling laws around the world. The researchers found that casinos with poker rooms pay on average four times faster than their standalone counterparts

Риск невыплаты выигрыша в онлайн-казино составляет более 10 процентов

| Russia | Russian

Исследователи сайта KeyToCasino установили, что риск невыплаты выигрыша в онлайн-казино составляет 13%. Онлайн-казино с покер-румами более надёжны — риск невыплаты выигрышей оказался ниже 10%.

Сравнительная оценка онлайн-казино с покер-румом и без

| Russia | Russian

Аналитики интернет-издания KeyToCasino провели исследование, главной целью которого было сравнение онлайн-казино, предлагающих игру в покер между гемблерами, и обычных площадок.

Online Casinos that Offer Poker Proven More Reliable

| United Kingdom | English

A recent study conducted by, a website dedicated to reviewing online casinos, analyzed 798 Internet casinos to arrive at the conclusion that online gamblers ought to aim for casino sites with poker rooms attached. Also taken into account during the research were the online gaming experiences reported by 4,146 players.

Исследователи сайта KeyToCasino установили, что онлайн казино с покер-румами более надежны

| Ukraine | Russian

В недавнем исследовании, проведенном на сайте одного из крупнейших обозревателей онлайн казино KeyToCasino, результаты показали, что онлайн казино, в которых есть покер-румы, более надежны, чем те, в которых покер-румов нет.

Online Gambling Availability around the World

| United Kingdom | English

This info which was collected and analyzed by online casino database KeyToCasino, shines some interesting light on the availability of online casinos around the globe. The research analyzes gambling laws in 225 countries and territories, in an effort to try and to produce a general picture of online gambling access around the world.

KeyToCasino Study Finds Online Casinos with Poker Rooms Are More Trustworthy

| United States | English

In a recent study conducted by researchers from KeyToCasino, a data-driven online casino review site, results showed that online casinos featuring poker rooms are more reliable than those without poker rooms. It was found that online casinos with a poker room performed better than standalone online casinos in such areas as actual payout time, complexity of restrictions, language options, accepted currencies, non-payment risk, and overall player experience.