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Some random thoughts.
3 years ago
I went to this place today called the Drunken worm and it made me realize just how much I missed about food being good/how many random food places that could be so good. yet we chose to eat fast food or known diner chains.
The Drunken worm was the single best Mexican place I went to! It was the most amazing god damm place ive ever been to and it made me realize that What is the point of Eating food if it isn't good? and how much I have missed out on things and how much better things could be if I just tried things!
The Drunken worm was the single best Mexican place I went to! It was the most amazing god damm place ive ever been to and it made me realize that What is the point of Eating food if it isn't good? and how much I have missed out on things and how much better things could be if I just tried things!
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Thank you sooo much for the fave!