Fiction Books
Silverwood Manor
Ben Blankenship is a paranormal investigator, famous for his YouTube videos disproving hauntings. When he is offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, he can’t pass it up, despite the personal cost. He quickly finds out that this haunted house is more than he bargained for. But when the spirits...
Elrick's Journey
Elrick has been asleep in the bodies of his successors. He has been marooned on another world but he has been brought back sleeping in Rick Brown to Randan. He is awakened and gives his powers to Rick then goes to the final life.Were did Elrick come from? How did his powers awaken? How did he get...
History of the Changelings Billy Barker, Zorn, Brad Jenkens
Changelings. This is their history. The virus that devastated Billy Barker’s world and the world of Brad Jenkins are the same. There are untold millennia between them. Now you will learn what happened. Zorn’s birth to his death. This now is the combination of two of my books. The Flock...
Indian People are Descendants of Aliens from Mars
A novel reveals that Indian People and Middle Easterners are descendants of Martians, who came to the Blue Planet 30,000 years ago during the last human civilization. The novel mainly introduces X-Alien, an alien being from the fifth dimensional space, and his views on the world and the universe...
The Adventure of a Lifetime
I am always entering contests. I know that i will win, in my mind. I plan, i dream, I lose. At a book signing of my most favorite author, she had a sign that told of her contest. Win a wild vacation that you may never want to leave. I entered. I won. She was right. It is an adventure that was...
My two cats take me to my nexr world trilogy plus related stories
I have compiled the three books in this series into one book. This takes you through all of the adventures of Justin Martin and his harem. I have added extra related stories that were in other books as short stories. Having them in one trilogy made sense, at least to me. Enjoy
The Dancing Man, Redemption and Shifters
This is three tales about adventure, and finding out that you do make a difference. The Dancing Man is about a man that tries to do good things only to become disparaged when human greed enters the picture and he retreats from society. Redemption is about a preparers out look When the world starts...
Happily Ever After. Not Tales of the Unfortunate
These are tales that don't end the way you would expect. They are from my files that were written when i was in a darker mood. Five tales that you will enjoy. It will make you think.
Wizards, Swords, And Hoverboards
Action, adventure, gun fights, sword play in a cyberpunk/Tolkien type of world where technology is black magic, guns are witchcraft and sorcery is real.
Waiting for the end and two others
It had been untold years since I gave up drinking and smoking. I am on my front porch enjoying my fifth beer and a cigarette. The ash tray is full of butts. But there are still seven beers to go and a half dozen cigarettes left. All this while the sirens wale.This is the day that this world comes...