Peace lilies are more than just green plants! They are beautiful, versatile and easy to care for. When you’re looking for a beautiful plant to lift someone’s spirit or purify the energy in your home, spaths are the way to go!
3 Air Purifying Plants
Every home, office, or public space is going to have toxins in the air. The problem is figuring out how to remove these toxins in a cost-effective way. If you’re looking to create a healthier space the best way to naturally remove harmful pollutants is through the use of air purifying plants. NASA conducted a Clean Air study and found that these three plants are proven to be indoor air cleaners, making the place you live and work healthier.
English Ivy
The English Ivy’s thick foliage is excellent at removing formaldehyde from the air. WebMD describes this plant as a “fix for allergies” because it is proven to remove 60% of airborne mold from a room in just six hours. The English Ivy is also becoming very popular among pet-lovers because it reduces airborne fecal matter particles.
Help! My Peace Lily is Suffering
“I just recently figured out what kind of plant I have; it’s a peace lily. My roommate left it behind when he moved and didn’t give any information. My peace lily has tons of brown and dead leaves. I know that pruning the dead blooms, you cut the stalk at the base of the plant because it will only bloom once. My question is, does the same rule apply to the leaves of the plant? Do I trim the entire stalk or just the dead leaf and if I leave the stalk will it sprout more leaves or just die?”-Amanda
Help! Why Is My Peace Lily Green, Not White?
Ask The Plant Expert:
My Peace plant flower is green, it should be white. What does it need?
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
Could be a variety of things. What most people call the the bloom is actually called a spathe. This is sort of like a leaf and surrounds the spadix, which supports the actual flowers of the plant. The Spathes can range in color from a pure white to a pale whitish green.
Factors you can work with to achieve better blooms: humidity, water light and fertilizer. Giving the plant the proper humidity and water will help make the formation of leaves, spathes and flowers stronger. The right fertilizer and light will help with strength the color and structure of the plant. So, follow the care instructions for Peace Lilies (at the bottom). Hopefully this will change future spathes from green to white.
Hope this is helpful!
Help! In What Hardiness Zone Can I Plant My Peace Lily Safely?
Can a Peace Lilly plant be planted outdoors? I received a peace lilly plant for Mothers Day. Would I be able to plant it outdoors in my flower bed, or is it strictly a house plant? – Mary
Help! Can I Use Gelatin As Fertilizer for Peace Lilies?
Gelatin as fertilizer for Peace Lilies? Read that dissolved gelatin in 1 liter of water, can be used as a fertilizer for peace lilies. True??? – Miranda
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
I am afraid that is a new one on me. I tend to be traditional when it comes to fertilizer, relying on the primary nutrients of N, P and K along with a few trace elements. Since I am unfamiliar with the composition of gelatin, I can’t recommend it. From what I know of gelatin, it is derived from animals bones and connective tissue and therefore probably contains some phosphorous. So, it shouldn’t hurt the peace lily, but won’t give it the balanced nutrition it needs.
If you still plan to use gelatin, be sure it is unflavored and does not contain artificial sweeteners.
Hope this information was helpful.
Help! What Is This Slime On My Peace Lily?
Hi, I recently read a response of yours to a comment on a blog regarding the sticky white substance, and I have the same problem with mine. I’d been away over xmas and with no one around to water the plant. All the leaves have wilted over the edge of the pot and there’s this residue. I’m currently watering it regularly to try and save it, but I don’t know what to do about this white stuff. I’ve attached a photo for you to see. -Mathew
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
What you have is plasmodial slime mold. It isn’t harmful to you or your plant. You can just let it be unless it starts to take over then you can get a fungicide from your local garden center.
To keep this mold from occurring, be sure to keep a good watering and care-taking routine for your plant. Check out this article on How To Care For A Peace Lily Plant for more information on Peace Lily Care.
Help! Why Are My Peace Lily’s Leaves Turning Black?
I’ve just got back from holiday and my peace lily’s leaves are turning black at the edges. I watered it before I went 2 weeks ago, but the curtains have remained closed. Could the lack of sunlight be causing this, or the water? – Matthew
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
I am going to assume that water is the issue here, or possible cold temperatures. If the soil became dry while you were gone, the leaves would turn brown first, and then turn black. The peace lily would also appear to be wilting. If you turned your heat way down while you were out of town, the leaves would turn black.
Both of these situation can be overcome. Begin by hydrating your soil. Make sure that all soil particles are rehydrated. However, you want to make sure that excess moisture can drain away from the peace lily plant. Then make sure the room with the peace lily is kept between 55-68 degrees at night, and 68-90 degrees during the day.
I would remove all leaves that have turned black, and then wait for the plant to produce new growth. The new growth should be healthy and green.
If you want more information about peace lilies go to What Causes Black Leaves On A Peace Lily and/or Peace Lily Plant Care & Info.
I hope this information was helpful. Please let me know if you need help with anything else.
Order a House Plant
What Is This Young Plant & How Do I Take Care Of It?
I received this plant from my son’s funeral. We have several, and they are not doing too good. There are bugs, (fruit flies?) and they are just not growing. I need to find out what it is and how to care for it. – Theo
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
It looks like your plant is a peace lily. I think this article will have all the information you need: How to care for your peace lily.
- As for the insects, we need to identify what they are; a picture would help.
- If you could capture a few, take them to your local garden center, and they will be able to identify them.
- They would also have the right insecticide to take care of the insects.
I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.
Rehydrating Too-Dry House Plant Soil
I have read what was said about not enough water for my peace plant. However it is very large, 12″+ pot. When I water it water goes immediately to the bottom of the self watering tray and leaks out, but when I put my finger 1 knuckle down it feels dry. It is potted in potting soil. I have it in front of a west window. All the leaves are turning brown, green/brown, then yellow, but there is new growth in it as well. Do I cut off the brown leaves, or just cut off the browned area? – Joanne
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
I would remove the brown leaves. Also, it sounds like your soil has at some point dried out completely, and has pulled away from the pot.
Fast & Complete Soil Re-hydration Method
In a case like this, you will need to let the soil hydrate completely from the bottom up, as well as from the top down. In the greenhouse, we submerse the pot in a five gallon bucket filled with water to let the plant absorb from the top and the bottom. This way the soil will be completely hydrate and will make it easier to water the soil in the future.
Hope this information is helpful.