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Refund Policy
If you placed two or more identical orders and you let us know about it, you will receive a full refund for the duplicated order, provided that the local florist does not make and deliver the item.
In some cases, local florists may not have some items referenced in the product description in stock, and careful substitutions of equal or greater value will be necessary. In those cases, when possible, we will ask you for permission to make a substitution. If we are unable to reach you, or there is insufficient time to do so, we will proceed with the substitution. Roses, however, will NEVER be substituted with other flowers or floral products without requesting your confirmation first. If a local florist does not have an added product, we will replace it with a similar one or add the money paid for the item to the value of the flowers and create a bigger bouquet.
Orders to hospitals, hotels, or company addresses are not guaranteed, but in most cases arrive as requested. If your delivery is going to such a location, please provide the name and telephone number of the hospital, hotel, or company. In the case of hospitals, we also need the recipient's ward and room number. Florista Philippines will attempt to deliver your bouquet in accordance with each facility's procedures, but cannot be held liable if these procedures prevent successful delivery. Please note that many hospitals do not permit delivery to individual rooms, and that most ICUs do not permit flower delivery at all. Please check with the hospital before placing your order. Florista Philippines cannot issue a refund if unable to make a delivery due to these issues.
If a recipient refuses delivery, you will not be entitled to a refund.
Products only contain the items listed in the product description. Vases and other items are not included unless stated in the product description and are only used for display purposes. Product photos of Flower Bouquets always represent the medium size. Product photos are a representation of the arrangements and may vary (see Substitution Policy below).
If your order was unsatisfactory in terms of quality, you may request a refund by submitting a claim within two business days after the delivery date. In case of quality issues, after submitting the claim, our customer service agents will request you send a digital picture of the delivered product.
Orders will always be charged in US Dollars. Florista Philippines makes a daily adjustment to its prices for other listed currencies, but these conversions are only an approximation. Florista Philippines cannot be held responsible for any currency conversion differences and/or charges made by your financial institution. For the most accurate pricing, please refer to the US Dollar currency option.
Cancellations for a full refund are allowed if made Two business days or more prior to the scheduled delivery date. If an order is cancelled less than One business day prior to the delivery date, no refund will be issued. Please Note if any provincial order is supposed to be delivered by the National courier LBC then cancellation and full refund is possible if the same is requested 3 days prior to the delivery date.