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A Celtic chieftain, Borgar, dressed in skins, welcomes the Kaibar tribe to his home. Two of the four men are holding spears and can be seen as omens for Kaibar's later betrayal. Illustration for the ninth song of the epic praise poem Aeddon.
A Celtic chieftain, Borgar, dressed in skins, welcomes the Kaibar tribe to his home. Two of the four men are holding spears and can be seen as omens for Kaibar's later betrayal. Illustration for the ninth song of the epic praise poem Aeddon.
  1. (adj) welcome
    giving pleasure or satisfaction or received with pleasure or freely granted "a welcome relief","a welcome guest","made the children feel welcome","you are welcome to join us"
  2. (v) welcome
    bid welcome to; greet upon arrival
  3. (v) welcome
    receive someone, as into one's house
  4. (v) welcome
    accept gladly "I welcome your proposals"
  5. (n) welcome
    a greeting or reception "the proposal got a warm welcome"
  6. (n) welcome
    the state of being welcome "don't outstay your welcome"
The Prince of Orange welcomed by the Duke of Aarschot on the steps of the landing site. Part of the entry of William of Orange in Brussels, September 18, 1577.
The Prince of Orange welcomed by the Duke of Aarschot on the steps of the landing site. Part of the entry of William of Orange in Brussels, September 18, 1577.
The prodigal returns home and is met there by his father, who welcomes him warmly. He has new clothes put on for his son. The print is part of a four-part series about the parable of the prodigal son.
The prodigal returns home and is met there by his father, who welcomes him warmly. He has new clothes put on for his son. The print is part of a four-part series about the parable of the prodigal son.
The fleeing King James II arrives at the castle Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye where he is welcomed by Queen Maria of Modena with their son the Prince of Wales, July 1690. Plate no. 10 in the series 'England's Theater' about the war between William III and James II in the years 1690-1691 after the Glorious Revolution, (third part). With captions in Dutch and French.
The fleeing King James II arrives at the castle Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye where he is welcomed by Queen Maria of Modena with their son the Prince of Wales, July 1690. Plate no. 10 in the series 'England's Theater' about the war between William III and James II in the years 1690-1691 after the Glorious Revolution, (third part). With captions in Dutch and French.
The prodigal returns home. He is met there by his father, who welcomes him warmly. In the background, a calf is being slaughtered for a feast to celebrate the return of the son.
The prodigal returns home. He is met there by his father, who welcomes him warmly. In the background, a calf is being slaughtered for a feast to celebrate the return of the son.
Welcome to the city. Albrecht and Isabella on horseback under a throne sky are welcomed into the city by the city maiden of Antwerp at a stage with allegorical figures, December 1599. During the entry into Antwerp. Part of: Historica narratio profectionis et inaugurationis serenissimorum Belgii principum Alberti et Isabellae Austriae archiducum, a description of the couple's entry into Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent and Valenciennes, 1599.
Welcome to the city. Albrecht and Isabella on horseback under a throne sky are welcomed into the city by the city maiden of Antwerp at a stage with allegorical figures, December 1599. During the entry into Antwerp. Part of: Historica narratio profectionis et inaugurationis serenissimorum Belgii principum Alberti et Isabellae Austriae archiducum, a description of the couple's entry into Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent and Valenciennes, 1599.
Travelers are invited to stay overnight with a family. The father makes a welcoming gesture. In the background travelers are offered shelter in a church. The print has an ornamental border that is decorated with the interior of an inn where travelers sit by a fire and all kinds of food and household goods. Print from a series of eight with the Last Judgment and the seven works of mercy.
Travelers are invited to stay overnight with a family. The father makes a welcoming gesture. In the background travelers are offered shelter in a church. The print has an ornamental border that is decorated with the interior of an inn where travelers sit by a fire and all kinds of food and household goods. Print from a series of eight with the Last Judgment and the seven works of mercy.
The prodigal returns home. He is met there by his father, who welcomes him warmly. He takes his son in his arms as he begs for forgiveness. Other family members are waiting in the background.
The prodigal returns home. He is met there by his father, who welcomes him warmly. He takes his son in his arms as he begs for forgiveness. Other family members are waiting in the background.
The prodigal son returns to his parental home and is welcomed with open arms. He kneels before his father and asks for forgiveness as he kisses and hugs him. The other brothers are ready with shoes, clothes and a ring. In the living room, the table is set for a feast.
The prodigal son returns to his parental home and is welcomed with open arms. He kneels before his father and asks for forgiveness as he kisses and hugs him. The other brothers are ready with shoes, clothes and a ring. In the living room, the table is set for a feast.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
The pineapple was symbol of welcome in the 1700-1800's. That is why in New England you will see so many pineapples on door knockers. An arch in Providence RI leading into the Federal Hill neighborhood has a pineapple on it for that very reason. Pineapples were brought home by seafarers as gifts.
  1. Welcome
    Free to have or enjoy gratuitously; as, you are welcome to the use of my library.
  2. Welcome
    Producing gladness; grateful; as, a welcome present; welcome news. "O, welcome hour!"
  3. Welcome
    Received with gladness; admitted willingly to the house, entertainment, or company; as, a welcome visitor. "When the glad soul is made Heaven's welcome guest."
  4. Welcome
    Salutation to a newcomer. "Welcome ever smiles."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. welcome
    Gladly received for intercourse or entertainment; esteemed as one whose coming or presence is agreeable; held as doing well to come: as, a welcome guest or visitor; you are always welcome here; to make a visitor feel welcome. Some times used elliptically as a word of greeting to a comer or comers: as, welcome home; bid our friends welcome.
  2. welcome
    Conferring gladness on receipt or presentation; such that its perception or acquisition gives pleasure; gladly received into knowledge or possession: as, welcome news; a welcome relief.
  3. welcome
    Gladly or willingly permitted, privileged, or the like; free to have, enjoy, etc.: as, you are welcome to do as you please; he is welcome to the money, or to all his honors.
  4. welcome
    Synonyms and
  5. welcome
    Acceptable, agreeable, gratifying, pleasant.
  6. welcome
    To greet the coming of with pleasure; salute with a welcome; receive gladly or joyfully: as, to welcome a friend, or the break of day.
  7. (n) welcome
    The act of bidding or making welcome; a kindly greeting to one coming.
  8. (n) welcome
    Kind or hospitable reception of a guest or new-comer.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (adj) Welcome
    wel′kum received with gladness: admitted willingly: causing gladness: free to enjoy
  2. (n) Welcome
    kindly reception
  3. (v.t) Welcome
    to receive with kindness: to entertain hospitably
Anne Bradstreet
If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.
Anne Bradstreet
Lord Chesterfield
Advice is seldom welcome; and those who want it the most always like it the least.
Lord Chesterfield
Samuel Johnson
The advice that is wanted is commonly not welcome and that which is not wanted, evidently an effrontery.
Samuel Johnson
Lord Byron
The poor dog, in life the firmest friend. The first to welcome, foremost to defend.
Lord Byron
Beauty is everywhere a welcome guest.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
You must welcome change as the rule but not as your ruler.
Denis Waitley

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. welcome, welcume, wilcume, AS. wilcuma, a welcome guest, from wil-, as a prefix, akin to willa, will + cuma, a comer, fr. cuman, to come; hence, properly, one who comes so as to please another's will; cf. Icel. velkominn, welcome, G. willkommen,. See Will (n.), and Come

Usage in the news

Baldy 's BBQ welcomes Bend's morning crowd at east-side restaurant.

Ron Palillo of Welcome Back Kotter dies.

We welcome November with this hunting influenced photo.

On Sunday, Nov 4, the proud parents to Edward Duke, 2 months, celebrated the official baptism of their bouncing baby boy, whom they welcomed into the world via gestational surrogate on Aug 29.

Welcome the new kids on the block.

Rockford Symphony Orchestra (RSO) welcomes baritone Brad Liebl as the guest artist for SoundBites, the lunchtime discussion series hosted by RSO Music Director Steven Larsen.

Blankets, lawn chairs and coolers are welcome, but pets are not permitted.

Today, our "Welcome America" events are largely family fun.

As always, we welcome public discussion on any issue on our website and in our newspapers through letters to the editor.

The Buffalo Zoo has welcomed some new animals to the collection, including a.

Welcome to the least relevant review you will read all year.

Bayonne residents welcome recovery, albeit a slow one.

My friend Linda Gordon has one of those homes where you always feel welcome.

Michelle Beadle welcomes Jemele Hill to the podcast for the first time to talk "Basketball Wives" and more.

For the last few years, we seemed to have quite a few different families in need of a place to live and we always welcomed them into our home.

Usage in scientific papers

Also, some theoretical work concerning the sampling uniformity within the central level would be welcome.
Simple Dynamics for Broad Histogram Method

It is therefore welcomed to start with classical variables that have a simple behaviour with respect to the constraints.
On the structure of the space of generalized connections

This feature is very welcome, as it makes the actual three-loop calculation completely automatic and rather straightforward.
Effective Hamiltonian for Non-Leptonic |Delta F| = 1 Decays at NNLO in QCD

Extensions of Diff ω (Σ) are welcome in applications to quantum gravity.
Functorial Aspects of the Space of Generalized Connections

An analytical check of this result would be much welcome, even in one dimension.
Metastable states and T=0 hysteresis in the random-field Ising model on random graphs

Usage in literature

Mrs. Stanton, on the other hand, was welcomed at once with enthusiasm. "Susan B. Anthony" by Alma Lutz

Oh, Gabriella, Grandison Place must shine for its master's welcome. "Ernest Linwood" by Caroline Lee Hentz

Both were there and welcome; the world enjoyed what good was in them, and thought no more of the matter. "Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History" by Thomas Carlyle

Then his faithful dog, Bran, ran up to welcome him. "Northland Heroes" by Florence Holbrook

She rose, half smiling, half frowning, and held out a thin hand in welcome. "The Independence of Claire" by Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey

Cosimo was a scholar and welcomed the learned Greeks who fled from Constantinople when that city was taken by the Turks in 1453. "Heroes of Modern Europe" by Alice Birkhead

We were not in a country where, when night overtook us, we could find some hospitable home to welcome us. "By Canoe and Dog-Train" by Egerton Ryerson Young

The beautiful evening stars were shining in the western sky ere the welcome lights in the windows of Sagasta-weekee were seen. "Winter Adventures of Three Boys" by Egerton R. Young

With shouts of welcome the Spanish crew received their captain's bride. "Ronald Morton, or the Fire Ships" by W.H.G. Kingston

This information was very welcome to John and the boys. "The Wonder Island Boys: Treasures of the Island" by Roger Thompson Finlay

Usage in poetry
Welcome sweet and holy day,
the day of Christ the King.
Once again the world awaits
the message that you bring.
Be like a cottage on a moor,
A covert from the wind,
With burning fire and open door,
And welcome free and kind.
"If thou be Lancelot du Lake
Then welcome shalt thou bee;
Wherfore see thou thyself defend,
For now defye I thee."
Thou wert there with word and welcome,
With thy smile so purely sweet;
And I laid my heart before thee,
Laid it, darling, at thy feet!—
Welcome again, O Christmas!
Though ye come with the winter wind,
Yet thy voice still glows and brightens,
And thy grasp is strong and kind.
BROTHERS, whom we may not reach
Through the veil of alien speech,
Welcome! welcome! eyes can tell
What the lips in vain would spell,--
Words that hearts can understand,
Brothers from the Flowery Land!