denying or questioning the tenets of especially a religion "a skeptical approach to the nature of miracles" -
holding that only material phenomena can be known and knowledge of spiritual matters or ultimate causes is impossible -
rejecting any belief in gods
Believing that the thing alleged is not true; disbelieving; especially, believing that the Bible is not a divine revelation, or that Christ was not a divine or a supernatural person. "Unbelieving Jews." -
Not believing; incredulous; doubting; distrusting; skeptical.
Not believing; incredulous; skeptical; doubting. -
Infidel; discrediting divine revelation, or the mission, character, and doctrines of Christ: as, “the unbelieving Jews,”
not believing, esp. divine revelation
"This is unbelievable I've got to deal with this.". ashingtonpost.com
Olivia Lett , Illinois Wesleyan women's basketball: National title is 'unbelievable'. hollandsentinel.com
Or maybe it's just that its time is actually, unbelievably, here. goerie.com
Al Franken's Online Ad Buys Earned an Unbelievable Return on Investment. campaignsandelections.com
Unbelievable Leap Caught on Video. flyrodreel.com
It is not necessarily unbelievable when they do so over groceries and dirty countertops. nj.com
They are unbelievably skilled pilots and its amazing to watch them work. katu.com
The past year and a half has been unbelievably hard for Lon Bickham. suffolknewsherald.com
With the Optiplex 990 SFF (small form factor), Dell packs tremendous power into an unbelievably compact yet versatile cabinet. crn.com
Yes, Sherri, it truly is unbelievable the way so many young people behave these days. blog.syracuse.com
Joe Mazuryk, playing an unbelievable line, won the NBA Christmas Eve Riverfront Agency Classic yesterday at Sunset Recreation. blog.timesunion.com
Cal faces 'unbelievably impressive' Ducks. espn.go.com
" Congratulations on a gold medal, unbelievable performances," Hardwick said. nbcsandiego.com
The forecast for Friday is unbelievable. bkr.com
Marine Corporal Watson and his family get an unbelievable home rescue in Compton. nbcsandiego.com
However, since the two particles in this experiment are emitted in an unentangled state, the results obtained maybe seem unbelievable.
On the Experimental Incompatibility Between Standard and Bohmian Quantum Mechanics
However, this solution has the fatal flaw that it does not satisfy the equation of continuity: If one were to estimate the mass flux from the irradiated to the shadowed side by this formula, he would come to the unbelievable conclusion of no mass flux across the shadow boundary because the velocity there is zero.
Enhanced mass transfer during dwarf nova outbursts by irradiation of the secondary?
Although there is α . 63o as discussed in section 2, the angle should not be too small, or it would give too wide radio beams (Fig.1), which must be emitted from unbelievably high distances near the light cylinder.
Possible evidence for the pulsed X-ray emission from outer gap in PSR B1937+21?
This results in a severe fine-tuning problem of order 1055 , since the virtual quantum fluctuations giving rise to λvac must cancel λ0 to an unbelievable degree of accuracy.
Satellite E\"otv\"os Test of the Weak Equivalence Principle for Zero-Point Vacuum Energy
Because the Lorentz-Dirac equation has so many unbelievable consequences, many authors have proposed replacements for it. F.
Comment on Phys. Rev. D 60 084017 "Classical self-force" by F. Rohrlich
Instantly there was an almost unbelievable transformation in Maggie. "Children of the Whirlwind" by
This seems unbelievable; but Leonard assures me it is true. "Theodore Roosevelt" by
But every man of them believes he will go to heaven if he kills an unbeliever. "Captain Brassbound's Conversion" by
It makes me an unbeliever in the social charities. "For the Term of His Natural Life" by
Nay, do not smile in that unbelieving fashion. "The Suitors of Yvonne" by
Unbelievers shall be fought with every weapon. "Old Fritz and the New Era" by
He was looking rather desperate and rather unbelieving. "Merton of the Movies" by
Unbelieving, I rubbed my eyes; then leaped to the very brim of the bowl. "The Metal Monster" by
Why should I carp, that the world calls them unbelievers? "Frederick The Great and His Family" by
We have resisted unbelievers, we have fought our own doubts and betrayals, give us now a Sign! "The Captives" by
One man, at least, I know,
Who might wear the crest of Bayard
Or Sydney's plume of snow.
But their bodies could destroy;
Short, though bitter were their woes,
Everlasting is their joy.
And, fashioned so,
It pleases us to stare
At the far show
Of unbelievable years and shapes that flit,
In our own likeness, on the edge of it.
The unbelievers, and the faithful train —
The former to perdition, shall be thrown,
The latter shall in endless bliss remain.
Amongst a race of unbelievers
Sordid men who all declare
That earthly gain alone is fair,
And they who pore on bardic lore
Deceived deceivers.
far from the eye, a precursor to some morning
Some song, some scent, some unbelievably pretty face
went by unknowingly, carrying a distressful hope