someone who drinks liquor repeatedly in small quantities
One who habitually indulges in the excessive use of spirituous liquors, whether he becomes intoxicated or not. -
One who keeps a tippling-house.
A breed of domesticated pigeons, derived from and very closely resembling the tumblers. They do not, however, ‘tumble’ when on the wing and fly but poorly. -
One who or that which tipples or turns over; a tumbler. -
Same as tipper, 1. -
One who tipples; especially, a person who drinks strong liquor habitually without positive drunkenness; a moderate toper. -
One who sells tipple; the keeper of a tavern or public house; a publican.
a constant toper
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A freq. of tip, to tilt up a vessel in drinking; Norw. tipla; Ger. zipfeln.
Here's quick quiz for all you tipplers out there: name the two top selling liquor brands in the world. businessweek.com
Tipplers at the newSersteakhouse gaze not at an exuberantly sensual mural of a semi- nude woman, but into a crisp, modern checkerboard of bottle shelving. dallasnews.com
A few months into solo restaurant ownership, Ware shares the hit dishes of her Beaumont eatery and gets us excited about the upcoming opening of barware, smallware's adjacent space for dedicated tipplers. portland-monthly.com
Independence After Hours Tour and Tippler 's Tour offer a taste of history in Philadelphia. nj.com
A British tippler who opts to drink beer at home spends as little as 79 pence—$1.22—for a pint. businessweek.com
While there is no definitive etymology for the word "cocktail," most scholarly tipplers agree that it likely emerged in the early 1800s. restaurant-hospitality.com
Truffles to Go With Your Tipplers. readymademag.com
She was peering out at her royal spouse and his fellow tipplers, and the frown on her face gave Grief his cue. "A Son Of The Sun" by
Borlasse is less so than any of his fellow-tipplers. "The Death Shot" by
He began to associate at once with students and tipplers, and dissipated less by drinking than by talking. "Campaigns of a Non-Combatant," by
One of these latter lived not far from the Lambert Library, was a tippler at times, and had a grievance. "A Tame Surrender, A Story of The Chicago Strike" by
A common term with tipplers, especially after taking the meridian observation. "The Sailor's Word-Book" by
I never gave nor sold a glass of whiskey to a tippler in my life. "Select Temperance Tracts" by
He would not look himself, from horror of the tipplers. "The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. XIX (of 25)" by
The tippler interposed with moist emotion. "John March, Southerner" by
At her sight, the frocked debauchers, the tonsured tipplers, heated with wine, jump up neighing with lustful admiration. "The Iron Pincers" by
Here's your health, my gallant Tippler, may you ne'er have cause to rue That you blessed our common country as a source of revenue! "Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 98, April 26 1890" by
Kind stranger, do not think I'm not
For Truth a groper . . .
Another? Thanks, I won't refuse,
I am a tippler, if you choose,
But not a toper.