A toper; one habitually given to strong drink; a drunkard.
A toper; a tippler.
How much less living would he be had he been called Mr. Soaker or Mr. Tosspot! "Play-Making" by
Pitchforking statesmen and tosspot reformers will be unable to play at pitch-and-toss with reputations not submitted for the performance. "The Shadow On The Dial, and Other Essays" by
Why, man, I am Rob Paterson's tosspot. "Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland Volume 17" by
Troops of old tosspots oft, to sot, consort. "Notes and Queries, No. 209, October 29 1853" by
Captain Tosspot he was called. "The Wine-ghosts of Bremen" by
But I'm afraid the old tosspot is not likely to be good for much. "Felix Holt, The Radical" by