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Fine Dictionary


Depiction in honor of the Rotterdam patriot preacher and professor Johan Jacob le Sage ten Broek, ca. hand. Next to him a lance with a freedom hat. On the floor an open Bible on the book of Nehemiah. On the sheet under the plate two four-line verses. The print comes with a text sheet with more verses.
Depiction in honor of the Rotterdam patriot preacher and professor Johan Jacob le Sage ten Broek, ca. hand. Next to him a lance with a freedom hat. On the floor an open Bible on the book of Nehemiah. On the sheet under the plate two four-line verses. The print comes with a text sheet with more verses.
  1. (adj) sage
    of the grey-green color of sage leaves
  2. (adj) sage
    having wisdom that comes with age and experience
  3. (n) sage
    aromatic fresh or dried grey-green leaves used widely as seasoning for meats and fowl and game etc
  4. (n) sage
    a mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics who is renowned for profound wisdom
  5. (n) sage
    any of various plants of the genus Salvia; a cosmopolitan herb
Text sheet accompanying the cartoon on the patriot preacher Johan Jacob le Sage ten Broek, dismissed by the Rotterdam city council after the recovery of the Prince of Orange, October 1787. Verse of four lines.
Text sheet accompanying the cartoon on the patriot preacher Johan Jacob le Sage ten Broek, dismissed by the Rotterdam city council after the recovery of the Prince of Orange, October 1787. Verse of four lines.
Sheet XVI. Cartouche with the text On appellera le sage de coeur prudent .... Top left and top right, between two burning candles, an eagle sits under an arch of trellis. From a series of 21 numbered cartouches with calligraphy in a frame of scrolls and fittings with grotesques, garlands and mascarons.
Sheet XVI. Cartouche with the text On appellera le sage de coeur prudent .... Top left and top right, between two burning candles, an eagle sits under an arch of trellis. From a series of 21 numbered cartouches with calligraphy in a frame of scrolls and fittings with grotesques, garlands and mascarons.
Cartoon of the patriotic preacher Johan Jacob le Sage ten Broek, who was fired by the Rotterdam city council after the recovery of the Prince of Orange, October 1787. Foldable print with four flaps. Standing outside as a pastor in front of the Sint-Laurenskerk in Rotterdam. Inside, he has taken off his minister's clothes and is standing in front of the church as a free chest. Finally standing all the way inside in his undergarments on a transparent or see-through picture, when held up to the light he is hung by the devil on the gallows. The print has two separate explanations.
Cartoon of the patriotic preacher Johan Jacob le Sage ten Broek, who was fired by the Rotterdam city council after the recovery of the Prince of Orange, October 1787. Foldable print with four flaps. Standing outside as a pastor in front of the Sint-Laurenskerk in Rotterdam. Inside, he has taken off his minister's clothes and is standing in front of the church as a free chest. Finally standing all the way inside in his undergarments on a transparent or see-through picture, when held up to the light he is hung by the devil on the gallows. The print has two separate explanations.
Figurine of a scholar or sage on a matching pedestal with birds and flowers.
Figurine of a scholar or sage on a matching pedestal with birds and flowers.
Swan flower (Butomus umbellatus) and small-flowered sage (Salvia verbenaca), numbered 84 and 85.
Swan flower (Butomus umbellatus) and small-flowered sage (Salvia verbenaca), numbered 84 and 85.
Cartoon of the Rotterdam patriot preacher and professor Johan Jacob le Sage ten Broek, c. 1785. Ten Broek presented as a member of a Free Corps in uniform with rifle. His minister's costume and Bible are discarded on the floor. In the background a drill company is practicing and a few pigs toss in the ground under an Orange tree. On the sheet under the plate two four-line verses.
Cartoon of the Rotterdam patriot preacher and professor Johan Jacob le Sage ten Broek, c. 1785. Ten Broek presented as a member of a Free Corps in uniform with rifle. His minister's costume and Bible are discarded on the floor. In the background a drill company is practicing and a few pigs toss in the ground under an Orange tree. On the sheet under the plate two four-line verses.
The sage (rishi) Bhringi with three legs; the third has been removed.
The sage (rishi) Bhringi with three legs; the third has been removed.
Sage (Salvia officinalis) and sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa), numbered 112 and 113.
Sage (Salvia officinalis) and sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa), numbered 112 and 113.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Sage
    (Bot) A suffruticose labiate plant (Salvia officinalis) with grayish green foliage, much used in flavoring meats, etc. The name is often extended to the whole genus, of which many species are cultivated for ornament, as the scarlet sage, and Mexican red and blue sage.
  2. Sage
    Grave; serious; solemn. "Great bards] in sage and solemn tunes have sung."
  3. Sage
    Having nice discernment and powers of judging; prudent; grave; sagacious. "All you sage counselors, hence!"
  4. Sage
    Proceeding from wisdom; well judged; shrewd; well adapted to the purpose. "Commanders, who, cloaking their fear under show of sage advice, counseled the general to retreat."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. sage
    Wise; judicious; prudent. Specifically— Applied to persons: Discreet,far-seeing, and cool-headed; able to give good counsel.
  2. sage
    Applied to advice: Sound; well-judged; adapted to the situation.
  3. sage
    Learned; profound; having great science.
  4. sage
    Synonyms Sagacious, Knowing, etc. (see astute), judicious. See list under sagacious.
  5. sage
    Oracular, venerable.
  6. (n) sage
    A wise man; a man of gravity and wisdom; particularly, a man venerable for years, and known as a man of sound judgment and prudence; a grave philosopher.
  7. (n) sage
    A plant of the genus Salvia, especially S. officinalis, the common garden sage. This is a shrubby perennial, sometimes treated as an annual, with rough hoary-green leaves, and blue flowers variegated with white and purple and arranged in spiked whorls. Medicinally, sage is slightly tonic, astringent, and aromatic. It was esteemed by the ancients, but at present, though officinal, is little used as a remedy except in domestic practice. The great use of sage is as a condiment in flavoring dressings, sausages, cheese, etc. In Europe S. pratensis, the meadow-sage, a blue-flowered species growing in meadows, and S. Sclarea, the clary, are also officinal, and the latter is used in soups, but the taste is less agreeable. The ornamental species (which include the two last named) are numerous, and in several cases brilliant. Such are the half-hardy S. splendens, the scarlet sage of Brazil; S. fulgens, the cardinal or Mexican red sage; and the Mexican S. patens, with deep-blue, widely ringent corolla over two inches long. The European S. argentea, the silver-leafed sage, or clary, is cultivated for its foliage. Blue-flowered species fit for the garden, native in the United States, are S. azurea of the southern States, S. Pitcheri, with the leaves minutely soft-downy, found from Kansas to Texas, and the Texan S. farinosa, with a white hoary surface. See chia, clary, and phrases below.
  8. (n) sage
    A name of certain plants of other genera. See the phrases below.
  9. (n) sage
    In California, Trichostema lanatum, a labiate plant.
  10. (n) sage
    See Kochia.
  11. (n) sage
    In southern California, another whitish plant of the same order, Audibertia polystachya, a shrub from 3 to 10 feet high, useful in bee-pastures. It is one of the plants called greasewood.
  12. (n) sage
    In Jamaica, species of Lantana.
  13. (n) sage
    At the Cape of Good Hope, a large composite shrub, Tarchonanthus camphoratus, having a strong balsamic odor. Also called African fleabane.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Sage
    sāj any plant of genus Salvia, of the mint family, esp. Common or Garden Sage, used for flavouring meats
  2. (adj) Sage
    sāj discriminating, discerning, wise: well judged
  3. (n) Sage
    a wise man: a man of gravity and wisdom
Winston Churchill
We are happier in many ways when we are old than when we were young. The young sow wild oats. The old grow sage.
Winston Churchill
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Whatever poet, orator, or sage may say of it, old age is still old age.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Edward Gibbon
Books are those faithful mirrors that reflect to our mind the minds of sages and heroes.
Edward Gibbon
Governing sense, mind and intellect, intent on liberation, free from desire, fear and anger, the sage is forever free.
Bhagavad Gita
Lord Shaftesbury
It is the saying of an ancient sage that humor was the only test of gravity, and gravity of humor.
Lord Shaftesbury
The sage awakes to light in the night of all creatures. That which the world calls day is the night of ignorance to the wise.
Bhagavad Gita

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F., fr. L. sapius,only in nesapius, unwise, foolish), fr. sapere, to be wise; perhaps akin to E. sap,. Cf. Savor Sapient Insipid

Usage in the news

Peachtree by Sage Premium Accounting 2010. Review Date May 12, 2010.

Peachtree by Sage prepares to release its new line of small-business accounting products.

Fried Sage and Parmesan Penne .

With roasted butternut squash and sage mixed in to the pasta and cheese sauce, plus a sage-breadcrumb topping, this casserole from chef Mitch Rosenthal's book Cooking My Way Back Home has a delightful balance of textures.

Some sage once suggested that a cluttered desk is a sign of a clear conscience.

Pork chop with Cox's apple, sage and cream sauce.

Primarily found in Texas, autumn sage grows well in Georgia.

Why Political Sage Sees GOP Romp in November.

Since The Sage Colleges are not yet in session, I am on the road visiting alumni.

For many years, the annual Scarlet sage was the best-known member of Salvia.

As some wise sage once said, timing is everything.

Rachael Sage Fame Delancy Street.

Just two months before he died of a suspected drug overdose, Sage Stallone was excited for new work projects and even making plans to shoot a 16 mm movie, can exclusively reveal.

Roasted Spaghetti Squash with Butter and Sage.

Sage Starkey (from left), John Gracey and Shannon Bilo-Zepf star in "Reefer Madness" at Theatre Downtown.

Usage in scientific papers

Dots represent the all point sources in SAGE catalogue.
Revealing infrared populations of nearby galaxies using the Spitzer Space Telescope

The dashed lines show the expected detection limit of the final SAGE product (Meixner et al. 2006).
Revealing infrared populations of nearby galaxies using the Spitzer Space Telescope

We also discuss the implementation of this algorithm in Sage and give a summary of the results we obtained4 .
Enumerating Galois representations in Sage

Key words: Galois representations, Sage, modular forms.
Enumerating Galois representations in Sage

Sage offers several implementations of these spaces for arbitrary levels.
Enumerating Galois representations in Sage

Usage in literature

So the Iranian sage figures prominently also in the Faust-legend. "The Influence of India and Persia on the Poetry of Germany" by Arthur F. J. Remy

Then the sage goes away. "Tales from the Hindu Dramatists" by R. N. Dutta

It led south for a while, and then east to Sage Creek. "Raw Gold" by Bertrand W. Sinclair

Up the path to this Bob conducted twigs of sage, murmuring the adventures that attended their progress. "The Emigrant Trail" by Geraldine Bonner

Suddenly it was whooping across the sage and flinging up clouds of dust from the road. "The Quirt" by B.M. Bower

So the ancient sage Matanga of the warlike Kshatra said, Save to priest and sage preceptor unto none he bends his head! "Maha-bharata" by Anonymous

The warm sun awoke the wild fragrance of sage and mountain soil. "Overland Red" by Henry Herbert Knibbs

And Chamu laughed softly, and he said: Maharaj, he is a sage, who knows where to stop. "Bubbles of the Foam" by Unknown

Now just at this moment, a little bird, no bigger than a sparrow, flew along by and lit on a sage-bush about thirty yards away. "Chapters from My Autobiography" by Mark Twain

On the way Sage Flower, which was the name of the Indian girl, became lost. "Six Little Bunkers at Uncle Fred's" by Laura Lee Hope

Usage in poetry
And here, to-day, the dead look down,
The kings of mind again we crown;
We hear the voices lost so long,
The sage's word, the sibyl's song.
We knew him not? Ah, well we knew
The manly soul, so brave, so true,
The cheerful heart that conquered age,
The childlike silver-bearded sage.
O but there is wisdom
In what the sages said;
But stretch that body for a while
And lay down that head
Till I have told the sages
Where man is comforted.
Shine thou for forms that once were bright,
For sages in the mind's eclipse,
For those whose words were spells of might,
But falter now on stammering lips!
When the toilsome years of her youth are o’er,
And her children round her throng;
They shall learn from her of the sage’s lore,
And her lips shall teach them song.
Beautiful, oh beautiful—
The April of the ages,
Which sweetly brought its showers of thought
To poets and to sages,
Now stored away our thirst to stay
In ever-dewy pages.