an elementary particle responsible for the forces in the atomic nucleus; a hadron with a baryon number of 0
(Physics) An elementary particle made up of two quarks; a hadron having a baryon number of zero; any hadron other than a baryon. Mesons are bosons with integral values of spin, having a mass intermediate between those of the electron and a nucleon; they may have positive or negative charges, or may be neutral. Mesons are of three types: the pionπ-meson), kaonK-mesons), and η-mesons. -
(Anat) The mesial plane dividing the body of an animal into similar right and left halves. The line in which it meets the dorsal surface has been called the dorsimeson, and the corresponding ventral edge the ventrimeson.
The median plane which divides a body into two equal and symmetrical parts; the vertical longitudinal middle plane, dividing the body into right and left halves. Every median line lies in the meson. The dorsal border of the meson is called the dorsimeson; the ventral, ventrimeson. Also mesium. See median, adjective -
See tetrachord.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary NL., fr. Gr. me`son middle, neut. of me`sos, a., middle
If garlic is a health food, maybe it's the nutrition-conscious who have made the pollo al ajillo ($10.95) the most popular entrée at El Meson.
Driving back and forth on County Road 39 in Southampton recently I noticed that Meson Ole was gone, and in its place is a big sign announcing the arrival of Greek Bites Grill.
Particles that have one quark and one antiquark fit in the category of mesons.
Fans of Latin cuisine were sad to hear of the closing of longtime Lyn-Lake restaurant El Meson Bistro.
Meson 923 chef departs.
Baruch Rabasa, right, with Chris Lynch, pictued in 2010 when Lynch was executive chef and Rabasa sous chef at Meson 923.
Nachos cubanos, El Meson Restaurant.
Current models of particle physics make detailed predictions of the expected masses and behaviors of various types of mesons , but X(3872) does not seem to fit in.
Olsen notes that the mass of X(3872) almost precisely matches the combined heft of two mesons known as D and D.
Fans of Latin cuisine were sad to hear of the closing of longtime Lyn -Lake restaurant El Meson Bistro.
El Meson de la Revolucion Serving traditional specialties from Jalisco, one of Tequila 's finest restaurants transports you back 100 years in time with its revolution-era photos and furnishings.
Non-linear meson-meson interactions are introduced in order to obtain a better description of the properties of nuclear matter at saturation.
Neutrino-nucleon scattering rate in the relativistic random phase approximation
These interactions do not include the δ meson considered in nor the tensor coupling of the ρ meson.
Neutrino-nucleon scattering rate in the relativistic random phase approximation
The structure function R1 involves the σ meson and the longitudinal part of the ω meson, as well as the longitudinal part of the ρ.
Neutrino-nucleon scattering rate in the relativistic random phase approximation
The D-wave vector meson and the spin-3 meson can be viewed as spin-orbital splitting partners and can be described within the same formalism.
Production of spin-3 mesons in diffractive DIS
The only modification required to proceed from D-wave VM to spin-3 meson is that of the q ¯q coupling to the final meson: ¯u Dµ u · V ∗µ → ¯u C µν ρ u · T ∗µν ρ , where Vµ and Tµν ρ are the polarization vector for spin-1 and polarization tensor for spin-3 mesons, respectively.
Production of spin-3 mesons in diffractive DIS
Dorsi-meson: the middle of the upper surface. "Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology" by
En terre avoy grand richesse, dont je y fys grand noblesse, Terre, mesons, et grand tresor, draps, chivalx, argent et or. "The Cathedral Church of Canterbury [2nd ed.]." by
Wait at the meson, though, until I come. "The Missourian" by
With a fresh relay of horses, and the sun on the meridian, we left the brightly-painted meson, and continued our journey. "Los Gringos" by
What about de Selva's place, the Radziwill hacienda, the Meson house? "When the Owl Cries" by