(biology) the major taxonomic group of animals and plants; contains classes -
(linguistics) a large group of languages that are historically related
(Biol) A series of animals or plants genetically connected. -
(Zoöl) One of the larger divisions of the animal kingdom; a branch; a grand division.
Any primary division or subkingdom of the animal or vegetable kingdom. Cuvier recognized four animal types which would now be called phyla: the Radiata, Mollusca, Articulata, and Vertebrata. Zoologists now recognize at least seven such phyla: -
The graphic representation of the evolution of one or several forms of animal life by descent with modification from preexisting ancestors, on the principle of the construction of a genealogical table or “family tree.” -
In botany, a great group or sub-kingdom of the vegetable kingdom, next above a class. The Spermatophyta or seed-bearing plants constitute a phylum, formerly known as flowering plants or phanerogams. The cryptogams, or so-called flowerless plants, are now subdivided into several phyla. The vascular cryptogams constitute the phylum Pteridophyta. The Bryophyta are usually regarded as a phylum. With regard to the lower cellular cryptogams (Algæ, Fungi, etc.) the classification into phyla is still unsettled.
(fī′lum) any primary division or sub-kingdom of the animal or vegetable kingdom:—pl. Phy′la
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary NL. See Phylon
Sea cucumbers are echinoderms, marine animals in the same phylum as sea urchins, starfish, and sand dollars.
In science, categories matter: phylum, family, class, species, solid, liquid, endo-, exo-, we analyze by creating groups, by making clean distinctions.
1- Deep Phylogeny and Evolution of Sponges (Phylum Porifera).
Acronyms in column 1 indicate kingdom and phylum the organisms belong to: AA - Animalia Arthropoda; AB - Actinum Bacteria; AC - Animalia Chordata; AN - Animalia Nematoda; FA - Funghi Ascomycota; PB - Bacteria Proteo; PM - Plantae Magnoliophyta.
Protein Interaction Networks are Fragile against Random Attacks and Robust against Malicious Attacks
It refers to a stage in the development of the animals in the phylum which includes the jellyfish and coral.
Possible Implications of the Quantum Theory of Gravity
In Ap 05 I reported on a possible new phylum of the Archaea represented by the sole hyperthermophilic symbiont/parasitic species Nanoarchaeum equitans37 (Huber et al. 2002), which cannot be cultivated independently of its host. I quoted a linear size of 150 nm.
Astrophysics in 2006
Not everyone agrees that Nanoarchaeota is a true phylum.
Astrophysics in 2006
Kernels shape the phylum- and superphylumlevel characteristics, plug-ins and switches are associated with class, order, and family characteristics, and batteries are involved in speciation.
The Emergence of Modularity in Biological Systems
There is no doubt that the phylum of Angiosperms has not sprung from that of Gymnosperms. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1" by
Differentiation within the vertebrate phylum is therefore not uniserial, but takes place in several directions. "Form and Function" by
The group is an isolated one and should probably be regarded as a separate phylum. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 5, Slice 7" by
SUB-PHYLUM ARTHROPODA (of the Phylum Appendiculata). "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Slice 6" by
The phylum Porifera or Spongiae includes the simplest of the Metazoa or multicellular animals. "Freshwater Sponges, Hydroids & Polyzoa" by
For a discussion of the relationship of the Gastropoda to the remaining classes of the phylum, see MOLLUSCA. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 11, Slice 5" by
In the classification of the Animal Kingdom, the Crustacea form one of the divisions of a comprehensive group, or Phylum, known as Arthropoda. "The Life of Crustacea" by