relating to or belonging to or characteristic of any worms of the phylum Annelida -
worms with cylindrical bodies segmented both internally and externally
(Zoöl) Of or pertaining to the Annelida.
One of the Annelida or Annelides. Also anneloid. -
Of or pertaining to the Annelida or Annelides. Also annelidan, annelidian.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. annélide, fr. anneler, to arrange in rings, OF. anel, a ring, fr. L. anellus, a ring, dim. of annulus, a ring
Worms (or Annelids) wind in and out of the mud, leaving their tracks and tubes for later ages. "The Story of Evolution" by
The mud in many places was thrown up by numbers of some kind of worm, or annelidous animal. "A Naturalist's Voyage Round the World" by
But the marine annelids, of which nereis, or a clam-worm, is a good example, are more typical. "The Whence and the Whither of Man" by
More interesting than the Annelids, however, are the Alcyonarian Actinozoa. "Young Folks' Library, Volume XI (of 20)" by
This was the so-called Annelid theory of Dohrn and Semper. "Form and Function" by
He was afterwards associated with H. Milne Edwards in works on annelid worms. "Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution" by
Annelids undergoing fission, 169, 211. "On the Genesis of Species" by
DYTICUS MARGINALIS, auditory rods of, 30; death-feigning in a fresh-water annelid when approached by, 204. "The Dawn of Reason" by
Nephridia: tubular structures functioning as kidneys in Annelids, Mollusks, etc. "Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology" by
For the true Annelides (Chaetopods) are too circumscribed and homogeneous a group to allow us to look to them for the ancestral forms of insects. "Our Common Insects" by