contemptibly small in amount "a measly tip","the company donated a miserable $100 for flood relief","a paltry wage","almost depleted his miserable store of dried beans" -
not worth considering "he considered the prize too paltry for the lives it must cost","piffling efforts","a trifling matter"
Mean; worthless; despicable: as, a paltry trifle; often in a mitigated sense, of little value of consequence. -
Synonyms Despicable, Pitiful, etc. (see contemptible), insignificant, petty, miserable, wretched, trifling, trivial. -
A wretched, worthless trifle.
pawl′tri mean: vile: worthless
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Cf. Prov. E. paltry, refuse, rubbish, LG. palterig, ragged, palte, palter, a rag, a tatter, Dan. pialt, Sw. palta, pl. paltor,
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Teut.; Dan. pialter, rags, Low Ger. paltrig, ragged.
At press time, Hurricane Isaac is stalled over New Orleans moving at a paltry six miles per hour, and while East Texas should get a pretty good soaking tomorrow (August 30), Lufkin is not expected to shelter evacuees .
Paltry investment means capacity isn't keeping pace with growth in the number of vehicles on Va. From the RoundTable blog.
I am surprised that the Flint Journal's endorsement can be bought for a paltry few million in spending for Flint, especially when this president is spreading trillions around the country.
Postal Service Drain Leaves Week's Pay as Paltry Cushion.
LONDON – Central banks, among the most conservative asset managers in the world, are buying more stocks because of the paltry returns and negative yields available from top-rated sovereign bonds.
Central banks, among the most conservative asset managers in the world, are buying more stocks because of the paltry returns and negative yields available from top-rated sovereign bonds.
Paltry showing at Johnny Pesky funeral an embarrassment.
Mavericks-Thunder playoff series posts paltry 6.9 combined TV rating.
Will mines get state's riches for a paltry sum.
America's Paltry Energy R&D Spending.
Commission Rejects Paltry Fine for Fatal Jim Walters Explosion.
Apple Will Pay For Paltry Samsung Apology.
Early adopters report Win 8 installs in a paltry 18 to 25 minutes.
New York-based companies like ABM, Pritchard and JP Morgan Chase are all contractors of the Houston janitors that, until yesterday, refused to increase the paltry $9,000 a year average wage for janitors .
Party electorate a paltry 26.
She looked upon him as mean and paltry because he was willing to submit to Mr. Camperdown. "The Eustace Diamonds" by
And two ships despatched upon a paltry job of that sort! "Springhaven" by
Put in a paltry thousand or two, and you shall go halves. "The Caxtons, Complete" by
That dowry would more than cover the paltry debt upon the lands. "What Will He Do With It, Complete" by
I had at least his secret, if I had failed of the paltry supply he had drawn from its uses. "A Strange Story, Complete" by
And my marriage will take place so soon; and the dower would so amply cover the paltry advance required. "My Novel, Complete" by
Why not take up your abode there instead of in a paltry lodging in the town? "Paul Clifford, Complete" by
Meanwhile we will join capitals: I my paltry notes, you your grand name. "The Parisians, Complete" by
What are a few paltry pistoles to a man's life? "Jack North's Treasure Hunt" by
You must be as great a blackguard as your client, to serve your paltry writs on me in my own house. "A Terrible Temptation" by
But they were sure to part, sir;
Nor never lacked a paltry spade
But that he drew a heart, sir!
And with it to my lady ride,
Ev'n though I know this paltry act
Befits no honest man of pride.
"What are your paltry wrongs,
That still you must worship your sorrows,
And fashion them into songs?
And what are their paltry words
To the music that had no sadness
In the house of the singing birds?
Give paltry facts the mighty range;
To me it seems just what should fall,
And nothing very strange.
Of selfish act and paltry aim,
Of private fraud and venal State,
Of deeds and doers steeped in shame!