firework consisting of a tube filled with powder (as a broken firecracker) that burns with a fizzing noise
(Mining) A kind of slow match or safety fuse. -
A little pipe, or hollow cylinder of paper, filled with powder or combustible matter, to be thrown into the air while burning, so as to burst there with a crack. "Lampoons, like squibs , may make a present blaze.", "The making and selling of fireworks, and squibs . . . is punishable." -
A paltry fellow. -
A sarcastic speech or publication; a petty lampoon; a brief, witty essay. "Who copied his squibs , and reëchoed his jokes." -
A writer of lampoons. "The squibs are those who in the common phrase of the world are called libelers, lampooners, and pamphleteers." -
To throw squibs; to utter sarcastic or severe reflections; to contend in petty dispute; as, to squib a little in debate.
To move swiftly and irregularly. -
To make a slight, sharp report, like that of an exploding squib. -
To resort to the use of squibs, or petty lampoons. -
To throw (in or out) suddenly; explode. -
To attack in squibs; lampoon. -
A ball or tube filled with gunpowder, sent or fired swiftly through the air or along the ground, exploding somewhat like a rocket. -
A reed, rush, quill, or roll of paper filled with a priming of gunpowder; a tube of some kind used to set off a charge of gunpowder, as at the bottom of a drill-hole. Also called mote, train, and match. -
A fire-cracker, especially one broken in the middle so that when it is fired the charge explodes without a loud report. -
A petty lampoon; a short satirical writing or sketch holding up a person or thing to ridicule. -
One who writes lampoons or squibs; a petty satirist; a paltry, trifling fellow. -
A kind of cheap taffy, made of treacle.
skwib a paper tube filled with combustibles, thrown up into the air burning and bursting: a petty lampoon -
to aim squibs at: to lampoon -
to write lampoons: to use squibs: to sound like a squib exploding
Damp squib - (UK) If something is expected to have a great effect or impact but doesn't, it is a damp squib.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. squippen, swippen, to move swiftly, Icel. svipa, to swoop, flash, dart, whip; akin to AS. swipian, to whip, and E. swift, a. See Swift (a.)
President Obama's lack of political vision will make his trip a damp squib. online.wsj.com
Donald Trump's attempt at an October surprise the other day may have been a damp squib but now a real firecracker has been thrown into the presidential race. forbes.com
After the latest post-election thrill ride, which has involved cuts, coalitions and the 1922 committee, the Labour leadership contest is proving to be something of a damp squib by comparison. prweek.com
Squib was a retired coal miner at North American Coal Company's 3 mine at Powhatan Point, OH, a Methodist by faith and a member of UMWA, VFW Post 626, and a WWII US Army Air Corp Veteran. timesleaderonline.com
PERSINGER, Arch "Squib," 93, died Tuesday. theintelligencer.net
The very first play served as an omen of what was to come when Jeff Malloney kicked a squib that the Cougars recovered on the Spartans 48. valleybreeze.com
A few months back in this space I squibbed a series of blog entries on what I dubbed the "Freelance Economy". usnews.com
The purpose of this squib is to strengthen the standard pumping lemma for the class of regular tree languages (G´ecseg and Steinby, 1997), without sacrificing its usability, in the same way as Ogden strengthened the pumping lemma for context-free string languages (Ogden, 1968).
Ogden's Lemma for Regular Tree Languages
Our artillery put salvoes at once upon those trenches; and the raid of that night proved a damp squib. "With the British Army in The Holy Land" by
It is even said that Lord Squib was sentimental; but this must have been the malice of Charles Annesley. "The Young Duke" by
We used a 'go-devil-squib. "The Moving Picture Girls at Rocky Ranch" by
At Bonvillers, on the 21st, 23d, and 25th of August, twenty-six houses were set on fire by the Germans, who made use of squibs and candles. "Current History, A Monthly Magazine" by
The sentries squibbed off their rifles, and then, reloading, began to blaze away into the Chilian encampment. "Under the Chilian Flag" by
In the Library of the British Museum there is an extremely interesting collection of squibs! "Fragments of Two Centuries" by
He never went into society without providing himself with a store of these pocket squibs. "The Immortal" by
I will not deny that I have written for the papers myself some little squibs. "Wilmot and Tilley" by
You might as well throw squibs into a cage full of tigers. "Pan-Islam" by
And now there ensued such a war of pamphlets, broadsides, caricatures, squibs, and stump-speeches, as had never yet been seen in America. "The Critical Period of American History" by
When the arm'd porcupine is near;
Or from a hissing squib retire,
When lightnings set the heavens on fire.
Somebody laughed and fled,
And the men of the First Shikaris
Picked up their Subaltern dead,
With a big blue mark in his forehead
And the back blown out of his head.