a leatherlike material made by compressing layers of paper or cloth -
the inherent complex of attributes that determines a persons moral and ethical actions and reactions "education has for its object the formation of character"- Herbert Spencer" -
any of several elongated, threadlike cells (especially a muscle fiber or a nerve fiber) -
a slender and greatly elongated substance capable of being spun into yarn
A general name for the raw material, such as cotton, flax, hemp, etc., used in textile manufactures. -
a leatherlike material made by compressing layers of paper or cloth. -
Any fine, slender thread, or threadlike substance; as, a fiber of spun glass; especially, one of the slender rootlets of a plant. -
One of the delicate, threadlike portions of which the tissues of plants and animals are in part constituted; as, the fiber of flax or of muscle.
See fiber, etc.
fī′bėr a conglomeration of thread-like tissue such as exists in animals or vegetables: any fine thread, or thread-like substance: material, substance
Moral fibre - Moral fibre is the inner strength to do what you believe to be right in difficult situations Example: He lacked the moral fibre to be leader (In American English the correct spelling is 'fiber'.)
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. fibre, L. fibra,
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr.,—L. fibra, a thread.
One of the early benefits of Fibre Channel storage was the fact that its communications had extremely high performance.
"Peace Fibres" has the feel that the book itself has been stitched together with loving care, down to the last detail.
StoneFly 's Storage Concentrator allows Fibre Channel and iSCSI connectivity in one box.
PMC-Sierra launches 4G Fibre Channel products.
Infortrend Introduces Fibre Channel-to-SAS Subsystem .
Kelheim Fibres Develops Umberto Specialty Viscose Fiber.
Emerging markets and industry needs for fibre will outweigh traditional demands for paper.
Increasing populations and wealth will mean more fibre is needed, regardless of the reduction in traditional paper use.
The Extreme Sailing Series heads to the French Riviera, where the 40-foot carbon-fibre racing machines duel just metres.
Since last year it has acquired the U.K.'s largest retail tire seller, Kwik-Fit for USD 1 billion and a share of European pulp maker, Metsa Fibre OY for Euro 472 million.
Yarn Bomb Yukon is a Canadian art collective founded to "actively promote fibre arts through yarn bombing inanimate objects and offering workshops to the public".
The Dot Hill AssuredSAN 3000 Series offers support for 8Gb Fibre Channel storage area networks (SANs).
So, how much is Google charging for this 1 Gps internet by fibre connection.
I don't know this last bit but suspect it to be true: the real cost wouldn't be laying the fibre and getting everyone connected.
Mark Poloncarz Sees bright future for Spaulding Fibre .
Fibre modal noise occurs in high spectral resolution, high signal-to-noise applications.
Modal noise prediction in fibre-spectroscopy I: Visibility and the coherent model
The alphamotoneuron, its junctions and the muscle fibres it innervates, are collectively called a motor unit, MU.
Review of Nonlinear Methods and Modelling
If electrodes are inserted into the muscle they may record a sum of the fibre action potentials, whose waveform is called the motor unit action potential, MUAP.
Review of Nonlinear Methods and Modelling
Suppose the electrodes are aligned along the axis of the muscle fibres with a separation d.
Review of Nonlinear Methods and Modelling
The cable equation (2) allows for pulse-like waves (action potentials) in the fibre as was shown in the pioneering works by Hodgkin, Huxely and Katz (1954).
Review of Nonlinear Methods and Modelling
BICHAT has attributed to some fibres the power of active elongation. "North American Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, July, 1826" by
He also describes a machine for separating the seed from the fibre or lint. "The Story of the Cotton Plant" by
It only hardened the fibre. "The Dominant Strain" by
The floor was strewn with rich rugs woven of some vegetable fibre. "Astounding Stories of Super-Science, May, 1930" by
Their nests, which are placed upon the limbs of trees, are made of mosses and plant fibres covered with cobwebs. "The Bird Book" by
As they are made chiefly of fibre mixed with wool, they are not durable. "Rugs: Oriental and Occidental, Antique & Modern" by
Without it the vegetable is no more than a woody fibre. "Amaryllis at the Fair" by
She had just returned from a consultation with two matrons of the same stern fibre as herself. "Officer 666" by
It filters and fibres your blood. "Whitman" by
Her gentle mien, step, gestures, her grace of person and attire, moved some artist-fibres about his peasant heart. "Shirley" by
Fall powerless, on the soul;
Whilst thoughts of right, or injury, done,
Along its fibres, roll?
A giddying wine I quaff -
Things seem so odd, I can do naught
But laugh, and laugh, and laugh!
Are fibred with the ages,
My triumph is of them and manifold
Of all life's mystic stages."
I felt the glow down every fibre float,
And thought I heard a thrush's piping note
Of dim dream-gladness born.
A little heart of stouter mould;
A sight, that made Cornelia quake,
And all her quivering fibres cold!
Through root and fibre cleaves,
And on the muddy current slowly drifting
Are swept thy bruised leaves.