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Fine Dictionary


A man with a wooden leg and arm in a sling limps to the left. He has opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. He has a bag of things on his back. The print is part of a series of twelve prints with fools.
A man with a wooden leg and arm in a sling limps to the left. He has opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. He has a bag of things on his back. The print is part of a series of twelve prints with fools.
  1. (adj) limp
    not firm "wilted lettuce"
  2. (adj) limp
    lacking in strength or firmness or resilience "gave a limp handshake","a limp gesture as if waving away all desire to know" G.K.Chesterton","a slack grip"
  3. (v) limp
    walk impeded by some physical limitation or injury "The old woman hobbles down to the store every day"
  4. (v) limp
    proceed slowly or with difficulty "the boat limped into the harbor"
  5. (n) limp
    the uneven manner of walking that results from an injured leg
The hearing. A limping man with a crutch and in his hands a piece of paper bearing the title of the series. He wears a hat with a feather. The print is part of a series with the five senses.
The hearing. A limping man with a crutch and in his hands a piece of paper bearing the title of the series. He wears a hat with a feather. The print is part of a series with the five senses.
In the land of the limping and stuttering people, the stranger, who just walks and speaks, is laughed at in the street.
In the land of the limping and stuttering people, the stranger, who just walks and speaks, is laughed at in the street.
A crippled beggar limps to the left, leaning on his crutches. He holds up his hat with his right hand. The print is part of a series of twenty-six prints with beggars and farmers.
A crippled beggar limps to the left, leaning on his crutches. He holds up his hat with his right hand. The print is part of a series of twenty-six prints with beggars and farmers.
In a room, a young woman shows her crippled admirer the door because of his limp. However, she promises to accept his advances as soon as he stops limping. The maid is watching this scene. Shortly after his departure, the man heals and returns to keep the woman keeping her promise. Page from a book with text on recto and verso.
In a room, a young woman shows her crippled admirer the door because of his limp. However, she promises to accept his advances as soon as he stops limping. The maid is watching this scene. Shortly after his departure, the man heals and returns to keep the woman keeping her promise. Page from a book with text on recto and verso.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Limp
    A halt; the act of limping.
  2. Limp
    (Ore Washing) A scraper for removing poor ore or refuse from the sieve.
  3. Limp
    Flaccid; flabby, as flesh.
  4. Limp
    Lacking stiffness; flimsy; as, a limp cravat.
  5. Limp
    lĭmp To halt; to walk lamely. Also used figuratively.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. limp
    Lacking stiffness or firmness; weak in fiber or texture; flexible; limber; flaccid: applied to things or persons.
  2. limp
    Lacking stability or firmness of character; inefficient; incapable.
  3. limp
    To be inadequate or unsatisfactory.
  4. limp
    To move with a halting or jerky step; walk lame: often used figuratively: as, a limping argument; limping verses.
  5. (n) limp
    A halting step; the act of limping.
  6. limp
    To happen; befall; chance.
  7. limp
    To come upon; meet.
  8. (n) limp
    A scraper of board or sheet-iron shaped like half the head of a small cask, used for scraping the ore off the sieve in the operation of hand-jigging.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (adj) Limp
    limp wanting stiffness, flexible: weak, flaccid.
  2. (v.i) Limp
    limp to halt: to walk lamely—fig. as 'limping verses.'—n. act of limping: a halt
Stanislaw J. Lec
He who limps is still walking.
Stanislaw J. Lec
He who walks with the lame learns how to limp.
Latin Proverb
America fears the unshaven legs, the unshaven men's cheeks, the aroma of perspiration, and the limp prick. Above all it fears the limp prick.
Walter Abish
The person who lives with cripples will soon learn to limp.
Italian Proverb

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Cf. AS. lemp,healt lame, OHG. limphen, to limp, be weak; perh. akin to E. lame, or to limp, a √120

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Prob. conn. with preceding. There is an A.S. adj. lemp-healt, halting.

Usage in the news

Limp Bizkit Signs With Cash Money.

Limp Bizkit's Fred Durst to star in CBS sitcom.

The Limp Bizkit frontman has signed on to star in a CBS sitcom that is being referred to as "Douchebag," in a move that is both surprising and terrifyingly real.

Emmanuel Sanders (88) limps as he is helped off the field after a play against the Cincinnati Bengals at Paul Brown Stadium.

Lack of time and convenience are limp excuses .

In the last three months she noticed Courtney was limping.

Gio calls Lerner 'The pimp with the limp.

Nicks Limps And Leaps To Big Day For Giants.

The Brazilian limped off the field at the Madejski Stadium in last Saturday's 4-3 win over Reading and had to be replaced at halftime.

Current trends in pop music don't exactly give the impression that rock is dead, but they certainly depict it limping.

Joanna Hayes limped off the track four years ago and nearly retired.

Harden returns to practice, but Lin limps off with same injury .

Spent Stamps limp home after the last supper .

The Performers' goes limp and will close Sunday.

Broadway comedy 'The Performers' starring Alicia Silverstone goes limp and will close Sunday.

Usage in scientific papers

There is a ‘mass gap’ in the sense that the correlation length ξ (p, q) satisfies limp↑pc (q ) ξ (p, q) < ∞.
The Random-Cluster Model

Let J(y ) , limp→∞ Jp (y ), and ˜J(y ) , supǫ>0 inf |z−y |≤ǫ J(z) the greater lower semi-continuous minorant of J.
Large deviations for Brownian motion in a random scenery

The quark feedback upon the instanton background is pretty limp and could be perturbatively incorporated as a small variation of instanton liquid parameters δn and δρ around their equilibrium values of n and ¯ρ.
Instanton vacuum at finite density of quark matter

As well known, S (Rd ) = pro j limp→∞ Sp (Rd ) is the Schwartz space of rapidly decreasing functions on Rd .
A note of spaces of test and generalized functions of Poisson white noise

Since limp→∞ pλα p = ∞, this means that λp > 0 for qγ = limγ→0+ qγ γ α = ∞. any p, which implies that limγ→0+ qγ = ∞.
Testing for Homogeneity with Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis

Usage in literature

The raccoon had limped off to die, but to die free. "Shaman" by Robert Shea

The curtains over the oblong entrance hung limp and motionless and mute. "The Web of the Golden Spider" by Frederick Orin Bartlett

Then she looked down at Peter, piteously limp and still in her arms, and she drew a quick breath and made up her mind. "The Country Beyond" by James Oliver Curwood

The brittleness, if it had ever existed, was gone and the arm was limp. "Astounding Stories of Super-Science, March 1930" by Various

There was no sign of limp slovenliness about them. "The Greater Power" by Harold Bindloss

An instant he quivered there, and then fell forward, glassy eyed and limp. "The Treasure Trail" by Marah Ellis Ryan

Then the suffering beast limped painfully away down the path. "The Hound From The North" by Ridgwell Cullum

She almost forgot to limp, but bethought herself in time, and gasped as he led her to an empty soap box at the side of the stable door. "The Heart of Thunder Mountain" by Edfrid A. Bingham

The hands become limp and useless. "The Automobile Storage Battery" by O. A. Witte

But the giant had not cried out, and as I gripped him now, I felt his body limp. "Astounding Stories of Super-Science, May, 1930" by Various

Usage in poetry
From pleasure of the bed,
Dull as a worm,
His rod and its butting head
Limp as a worm,
His spirit that has fled
Blind as a worm.
I want to sing something-- but this is all--
I try and I try, but the rhymes are dull
As though they were damp, and the echoes fall
Limp and unlovable.
The nightingales are dumb, the blossom falls,
The hand I hold in mine is limp and cold,
The stars are dead that lived within your eyes.
Have pity on me, Chloe, I am old.
I come not here your morning hour to sadden,
A limping pilgrim, leaning on his staff,—
I, who have never deemed it sin to gladden
This vale of sorrows with a wholesome laugh.
He is here in the room, in my arm,
His limp body hangs on the spin
Of the waltz we are dancing, a swarm
Of blood-drops is hemming us in!
Round and round! One! Two! Three! And his sin
Is red like his tongue lolling warm.
Earth, so its part — their creed — that grey church
Taints me with sepulchral care, till pleasure faints.
Limp under suckling grief. Away from this !
Out in the live town's turmoil, all remiss,
Is nobler than such prolix grandeur paints.