disabled in the feet or legs "a crippled soldier","a game leg" -
pathetically lacking in force or effectiveness "a feeble excuse","a lame argument" -
deprive of the use of a limb, especially a leg "The accident has crippled her for life" -
a fabric interwoven with threads of metal "she wore a gold lame dress" -
someone who doesn't understand what is going on
Hence, hobbling; limping; inefficient; imperfect; as, a lame answer. "A lame endeavor.", "O, most lame and impotent conclusion!" -
Moving with pain or difficulty on account of injury, defect, or temporary obstruction of a function; as, a lame leg, arm, or muscle. -
lām To make lame. "If you happen to let child fall and lame it." -
To some degree disabled by reason of the imperfect action of a limb; crippled; as, a lame man.
Crippled or disabled by injury to or defect of a limb or limbs; specifically, walking with difficulty; halting; limping: as, a lame man or horse. -
Inefficient from injury or defect; unsound or impaired in strength; crippled: as, a lame leg or arm. -
Figuratively, imperfect; lacking finish or completeness; defective in quality or quantity; halting; insufficient; hobbling: as, lame verse; lame rimes; a lame excuse. -
To make lame; cripple or disable; render imperfect or unsound: as, to lame an antagonist; to lame an arm or a leg. -
Earthenware. -
A broken piece of earthenware; a potsherd. -
Earthen: used of pottery: as, a lame pig (an earthen vessel). -
In armor, a plate of metal.
lām disabled in the limbs: hobbling: unsatisfactory: imperfect -
to make lame: to cripple: to render imperfect
Lame duck - If something or someone is a lame duck, they are in trouble.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. lame, AS. lama,; akin to D. lam, G. lahm, OHG., Dan., & Sw. lam, Icel. lami, Russ. lomate, to break, lomota, rheumatism
Your engagement photos are unoriginal and lame.
She was a girl who laughed easily at her uncle's lame jokes.
Rather than cashing in on the bleak atmosphere, the film merely uses its exotic location as window dressing on an otherwise lame story.
Funny bit this morning with the guys, Lauren & Derek on WZZM 13 covering the controversy surrounding the lame dude who wants to marry his sweetheart in a fort.
Here's a few tips on how you can tell you're at a lame New Year's Party.
ASA calls for quick passage of Russia PNTR in lame duck session.
The upcoming "lame duck" Congress could pose a major threat to the welfare of thousands of West Virginians, speakers at a state AFL -CIO news conference warned Thursday.
The upcoming "lame duck" Congress could pose a major threat to the welfare of thousands of West Virginians, speakers at a state AFL-CIO news conference warned Thursday.
During this lame duck session of Congress, our senators should co-sponsor that legislation.
Should Lame Duck Legislature Tackle Election Reform.
The lame-duck state Legislature rammed right-to-work legislation into Michigan law in just five - 1:12 am.
How lame are the opposition researchers for Mitt Romney's Republican rivals.
Although the legislative trends decided by next month's elections won't be known until the lame duck session of Congress and later, based on what we know now it may be a good time to consider selling a small business.
NBC & WBAL should be ashamed of lame tape delay Olympics coverage.
Add "lame duck" to what is increasingly becoming a lame.
K is the period of the Lam´e potential, and where on the right-hand side we have expressed J in terms of the effective semiclassical expansion parameter 1/κ.
Perturbative--nonperturbative connection in quantum mechanics and field theory
For the Lam´e system (49) we can exploit the algebraic relation to the finite-dimensional spectral problem (50).
Perturbative--nonperturbative connection in quantum mechanics and field theory
Nevertheless, the high degree of symmetry in the Lam´e system means that the perturbative calculation can be done to arbitrarily high order .
Perturbative--nonperturbative connection in quantum mechanics and field theory
Ward, “The Nahm equations, finite-gap potentials and Lam´e functions”, J.
Perturbative--nonperturbative connection in quantum mechanics and field theory
Two interpretations have been proposed to account for this filamentary emission: either the magnetic field is large enough (≃ 100 µG) to induce strong radiative losses in the high energy electrons (Vink and Laming 2003), or the magnetic field is damped at the shock (Pohl, Yan & Lazarian 2005).
Supernova remnants, planetary nebulae and superbubbles: prospects for new XMM-Newton observations
We may have a visible sign of Spavin, swelling and hardness of the part, without lameness. "The Veterinarian" by
She was not lame any longer; she had bright wings, and a pure white robe, and a golden harp. "Little Ferns For Fanny's Little Friends" by
If only his lameness would leave him! "The Young Treasure Hunter" by
A further claim upon the Earl's forbearance was the personal defect of the poor surgeon, who was lame, and short in stature. "Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745." by
It was no light task, for the dog was lame, and the wind carried back our shouts into our very teeth. "Kilgorman" by
She will probably be lame for life. "Tom and Some Other Girls" by
If I leave you in peace, you may be lame for life. "More about Pixie" by
I forgot withal that I was lame. "Vesty of the Basins" by
Velo was silent, and Zaidos returned to his cot, once more conscious of his fatigue and lameness. "Shelled by an Unseen Foe" by
He wasn't lame then, was he? "Frank Merriwell's Races" by
On us their fallen progeny,
Who sacrifice the blind and lame -
Who will not wake or fast with Thee!
And help was far, and death was nigh;
But at the gospel-call we came,
And every want received supply.
What He may do for thee?
He makes the lame to walk! He heals the sick!
He makes the blind to see!"
Behold the dead awake and live;
The dumb speak wonders, and the lame
Leap like the hart, and bless his name.
And wake the dead," says he,
"Ye shall see one thing to master all:
'Tis how a brave man dies on the tree."
Would'st ne'er have learned this plot,
And had'st thou strength thou could'st not pass
The lines, and not be shot.