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Fine Dictionary


A bookseller with a packing list gives instructions to two employees, who pack books in bales and a wooden barrel. Numbered top left 362.
A bookseller with a packing list gives instructions to two employees, who pack books in bales and a wooden barrel. Numbered top left 362.
  1. (v) instruct
    give instructions or directions for some task "She instructed the students to work on their pronunciation"
  2. (v) instruct
    impart skills or knowledge to "I taught them French","He instructed me in building a boat"
  3. (v) instruct
    make aware of "Have the students been apprised of the tuition hike?"
Boaz, in a beard and turban, instructs his reapers to treat Ruth with a bundle of ears of corn in her hands. Scene from the biblical story Ruth: 2.
Boaz, in a beard and turban, instructs his reapers to treat Ruth with a bundle of ears of corn in her hands. Scene from the biblical story Ruth: 2.
In paradise God the Father and Adam stand among the animals. God instructs Adam to give the animals their names (Gen. 2:19). With a Latin motto above the image and a four-line caption in Latin below the print. The print is part of an album.
In paradise God the Father and Adam stand among the animals. God instructs Adam to give the animals their names (Gen. 2:19). With a Latin motto above the image and a four-line caption in Latin below the print. The print is part of an album.
A king instructs his servant to invite the wedding guests to his son's wedding feast. In the foreground, servants are slaughtering the best cattle for fattening for the feast. Below the picture a reference in Latin to the Bible text in Mat. 22. This print is part of an album.
A king instructs his servant to invite the wedding guests to his son's wedding feast. In the foreground, servants are slaughtering the best cattle for fattening for the feast. Below the picture a reference in Latin to the Bible text in Mat. 22. This print is part of an album.
A king has instructed his servants to invite the wedding guests to his son's wedding feast. The table is already set. However, the two servants standing with him tell him that the guests refuse to come because they have other things to do. In the background, the guests go to their fields. The king then orders the servants to invite everyone to the street. On the left, people from the street, including cripples, are invited. Below the picture a reference in Latin to the Bible text in Mat. 22. This print is part of an album.
A king has instructed his servants to invite the wedding guests to his son's wedding feast. The table is already set. However, the two servants standing with him tell him that the guests refuse to come because they have other things to do. In the background, the guests go to their fields. The king then orders the servants to invite everyone to the street. On the left, people from the street, including cripples, are invited. Below the picture a reference in Latin to the Bible text in Mat. 22. This print is part of an album.
Album sheet with 16 cut-out scenes from mainly folk prints, of instructions for swimming (swimming lessons), depicted by a swimming boy.
Album sheet with 16 cut-out scenes from mainly folk prints, of instructions for swimming (swimming lessons), depicted by a swimming boy.
Diana has fallen asleep by a fountain. Venus instructs Amor to put his arrow in Diana's dress.
Diana has fallen asleep by a fountain. Venus instructs Amor to put his arrow in Diana's dress.
The prophet Gad instructs King David. On the threshing floor of the Jebusite Arauna, King David built an altar. He kneels in front of the altar and sacrifices cattle in the hope of stopping a plague that ravages the land. Behind Gad flies the angel of death that caused the plague. In the background a plain dotted with plague victims. Depiction of the Bible text in 2 Sam. 24.
The prophet Gad instructs King David. On the threshing floor of the Jebusite Arauna, King David built an altar. He kneels in front of the altar and sacrifices cattle in the hope of stopping a plague that ravages the land. Behind Gad flies the angel of death that caused the plague. In the background a plain dotted with plague victims. Depiction of the Bible text in 2 Sam. 24.
Landscape with Minerva appearing to Nausicaä and instructing her to wash clothes in the river with her maidservants. Odysseus emerges naked from the bushes except for one olive leaf and approaches the princess. Image accompanying the sixth part of Homer's Odyssey.
Landscape with Minerva appearing to Nausicaä and instructing her to wash clothes in the river with her maidservants. Odysseus emerges naked from the bushes except for one olive leaf and approaches the princess. Image accompanying the sixth part of Homer's Odyssey.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
In Boston, Massachusetts it is illegal to take a bath unless instructed to do so by a physician.
  1. Instruct
    Arranged; furnished; provided. "He had neither ship instruct with oars, nor men."
  2. Instruct
    Instructed; taught; enlightened.
  3. Instruct
    To furnish with directions; to advise; to direct; to command; as, the judge instructs the jury. "She, being before instructed of her mother, said, Give me here John Baptist's head in a charger.", "Take her in; instruct her what she has to do."
  4. Instruct
    To put in order; to form; to prepare. "They speak to the merits of a cause, after the proctor has prepared and instructed the same for a hearing."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
In Denver, Colorado it is illegal for Barber's to give massages to nude customers unless it is for instructional purposes.
  1. instruct
    To put in order; form; prepare; guide.
  2. instruct
    To impart knowledge or information to; inform; teach; specifically, to train in knowledge or skill; teach or educate methodically.
  3. instruct
    To direct or command; furnish with orders or directions: as, to instruct an envoy or a body of delegates.
  4. instruct
    To notify; apprise.
  5. instruct
    In Scots law, to adduce evidence in support of; confirm; vouch; verify: as, to instruct a claim against a bankrupt estate. Synonyms To indoctrinate, school, drill, train. See instruction.
  6. instruct
    Furnished; equipped.
  7. instruct
    Instructed; taught.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
There are no female characters in Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island because he was following the instructions of his stepson, Lloyd Osbourne, for whom he wrote the book. Llyod wanted a story "about a map, a treasure, a mutiny and a derelict ship. No women in the story."
  1. (v.t) Instruct
    in-strukt′ to prepare: to inform: to teach: to order or command
  2. (adj) Instruct
    (Milt.) instructed
Wise men are instructed in reason men of less understanding by experience; The most unknowing learn by necessity. Wise men do in the beginning what fools in the end.
Source Unknown
Who then is the man who fears the Lord? He will instruct him in the way chosen for him. [Psalm 25:12]
Gilbert K. Chesterton
Education is the period during which you are being instructed by somebody you do not know, about something you do not want to know.
Gilbert K. Chesterton
Benjamin Franklin
The things which hurt, instruct.
Benjamin Franklin
Simone Weil
Nothing is less instructive than a machine.
Simone Weil
Every religion is good that teaches man to be good; and I know of none that instructs him to be bad.
Thomas Paine

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. instructus, p. p. of instruere, to furnish, provide, construct, instruct; pref. in-, in, on + struere,. See Structure

Usage in the news

Offered every other year at Summit Church, Bible Instruction Class helps high school students grow deeper in their understanding of God's Word.

I found a website that gives you full instructions on how to carve your pumpkin to look like the DEATH STAR from "Star Wars".

A Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction grant brings healthy snacks to school children WCLO's Jon Meerdink reports.

All-you-can-eat BBQ & line dancing instruction 570/409-1140.

Most gearboxes are shipped dry with specific instructions on how to fill them.

The US military is now launching a wide-ranging review of its professional instruction to remove anti-Islam material.

GRAYSON HOFFMAN/SPECIAL TO TREASURE COAST NEWSPAPERS Director Michael Feener gives instructions to his actors during a rehearsal of "Natalie Needs a Nightie" at The Barn Theatre in Stuart.

Los Angeles can do a lot of great things, including produce a diverse mix of design talent that ranges from contemporary must-have staples to avant garde creations that require instructions for wearing.

Idaho Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna has unleashed a sonic boom of a plan to redefine classrooms across the Gem State.

Maybe a warning should be added to the list of tried and true parental instructions: 1.

The city placed signs on Race and Fair streets instructing motorists changes were made in that area.

A new business combines classic paintings, art instruction and wine to create an evening of culture, learning and fun.

Within-class grouping - a teacher's practice of putting students of similar ability into small groups usually for reading or math instruction.

Cutting four days of instruction might save the state $99 million, but it could also hurt students.

No matter how painful the era, it can prove to be both instructive and constructive in shaping our nation, our world, and our lives.

Usage in scientific papers

Again, the particular case M = 1 is quite instructive and can be recommended to follow first for understanding of the general formulae outlined below.
Spectra of Random Contractions and Scattering Theory for Discrete-Time Systems

In the continuous case it is instructive to calculate the correlation function for the Fourier frequency components of the resampled (non-stationary) process.
Resampled random processes in gravitational-wave data analysis

To see this, it is instructive to understand how the constraint sN = 2 is satisfied.
Statistical ensemble of scale-free random graphs

Intentions and expectations instructions: the AnimNL pro ject.
Generating a 3D Simulation of a Car Accident from a Written Description in Natural Language: the CarSim System

It instructive to look at the X-ray and optical flux and spectral morphology, where several of these features should show up.
Revealing the Energetics and Structure of AGN Jets

Usage in literature

The college was designed for the instruction of English, as well as Indian, youths. "The History of Dartmouth College" by Baxter Perry Smith

Instructions for Burning Cell Connectors and Terminals. "The Automobile Storage Battery" by O. A. Witte

In 1892 Mrs. Laura J. Eisenhuth was elected State Superintendent of Public Instruction on the Democratic ticket. "The History of Woman Suffrage, Volume IV" by Various

If you want to give me any instructions shout into that. "How I Filmed the War" by Lieut. Geoffrey H. Malins

Habit is the general form which instruction takes. "Pedagogics as a System" by Karl Rosenkranz

German diplomatic representatives were instructed to promote this policy with all their power. "My Three Years in America" by Johann Heinrich Andreas Hermann Albrecht Graf von Bernstorff

Moral and religious instruction accompanies the instruction in worldly knowledge. "In the School-Room" by John S. Hart

Col. Lay still repudiates Judge Meredith's decision in his instructions to the Commandants of Camps of Instruction. "A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confederate States Capital" by John Beauchamp Jones

Their studies at the academy, and the reading appropriate to their profession, had instructed them in the theory of war. "History of Morgan's Cavalry" by Basil W. Duke

Paris offered the only field for instruction and Paris meant a very great deal of money. "Camilla: A Tale of a Violin" by Charles Barnard

Usage in poetry
Thus he invites his people still,
He first instructs them how to choose;
Then bids them ask whate'er they will,
Assured that He will not refuse.
"Be chased for ever through the wood;
For ever roam the affrighted wild;
And let thy fate instruct the proud,
God's meanest creature is his child."
Of what a roll the Fiend's possest,
Long as the east is from the west!
By which instructed, he can show
The sins I've done — when, where, and how!
Instructed thus to shun the fatal spring
Whence flow the terrors of that day I sing,
More boldly we our labours may pursue,
And all the dreadful image set to view.
Ho! all ye Fathers, who respect the great,
Instruct your sons his name to venerate!
Shall not renown, that so deserv'd appears,
Become a prototype to distant years?
Methinkes the picture thus instructs my mind
Our hours are fleeting & the last assignd
Soon will it Come too soon alas for most
& all the time we use not well is lost