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Fine Dictionary


  1. (adj) tertian
    of or relating to a tonal system based on major thirds "a tertian tonal system"
  2. (adj) tertian
    relating to symptoms (especially malarial fever) that appear every other day "tertian fever"
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Tertian
    (Med) A disease, especially an intermittent fever, which returns every third day, reckoning inclusively, or in which the intermission lasts one day.
  2. Tertian
    A liquid measure formerly used for wine, equal to seventy imperial, or eighty-four wine, gallons, being one third of a tun.
  3. Tertian
    (Med) Occurring every third day; as, a tertian fever.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. tertian
    Occurring every second day: as, a tertian fever.
  2. (n) tertian
    A fever or other disease whose paroxysms return after a period of two days, or on the third day, reckoning both days of consecutive occurrence; an intermittent whose paroxysms occur after intervals of about forty-eight hours.
  3. (n) tertian
    In organ-building, a stop consisting of a tierce and a larigot combined.
  4. (n) tertian
    A measure of 84 gallons, the third part of a tun.
  5. (n) tertian
    A curve of the third order.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (adj) Tertian
    tėr′shi-an occurring every third day
  2. (n) Tertian
    an ague or fever with paroxysms every third day

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. tertianus, from tertius, the third. See Tierce

Usage in the news

AGUE, tertian fever, quartan fever, paludism.

Usage in literature

I was seized by a severe tertian fever at Mazaro, but went along the right bank of the Mutu to the N.N.E. "Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa" by David Livingstone

I went this summer to Forges, to try, by means of the waters there, to get rid of a tertian fever that quinquina only suspended. "The Memoirs of Louis XIV., His Court and The Regency, Complete" by Duc de Saint-Simon

I had gone forth to visit Dame Clatworthy, who hath the tertian ague, and they did beset me on my return. "Micah Clarke" by Arthur Conan Doyle

The ague had then changed into a "double tertian," with two fits in the twenty-four hours, both extremely weakening. "The Life of John Milton, Volume 5 (of 7), 1654-1660" by David Masson

But what more regular than a tertian or quartan fever? "Ten Great Religions" by James Freeman Clarke

Periods of diurnal fever, hectic fever, quotidian, tertian, quartan fever. "Zoonomia, Vol. I" by Erasmus Darwin

His reply was a chattering curse, not upon Falconnet or the Indians, but upon his malady, the tertian fever. "The Master of Appleby" by Francis Lynde

He was seized with a slow fever, which changed into a tertian ague. "The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part E. From Charles I. to Cromwell" by David Hume

Physicians skilled in magic applied three seeds of three-leaved grass to tertian ague, and four to a quartian. "The Mysteries of All Nations" by James Grant

From this I contracted a severe cold, which ended in a tertian ague. "Boswell's Correspondence with the Honourable Andrew Erskine, and His Journal of a Tour to Corsica" by James Boswell