a firearm that is held and fired with one hand
Officers seize 13 rifles and shotguns, 4 handguns and stockpile of ammunition. kesq.com
(AP) – An Alabama lawmaker is again pushing legislation that would let employees take handguns to work. times-herald.com
The 11-year-old boy had a loaded handgun, police said. kxly.com
And Steeles Ave E and pointed a black handgun at two tellers. thestar.com
According to police, the suspect showed a handgun to the teller and demanded money. kold.com
A masked man armed with a handgun robs a US Bank in Seattle, Nov 29, 2012. king5.com
She said she could see one of them, who police identified later as Mr Bragg, carrying a black handgun that was a realistic-looking BB gun , according to a criminal complaint. post-gazette.com
Jersey Journal file photo A Bayonne police officer responding to a report of an armed man making threats got a scare last week when a man pointed a realistic-looking handgun at him, according to reports. nj.com
BELLINGHAM — A Sudden Valley man was arrested on suspicion of pointing a handgun at a pregnant woman because she was smoking a cigarette Wednesday afternoon, Sept 12, near downtown Bellingham . yakima-herald.com
And his wife's pink handgun. standard.net
Police are looking for a man who stole three handguns and an unknown amount of cash from a 54 year old Bismarck man`s home. kmot.com
That's because the hunter shot himself with a handgun he was carrying and not a bow . baltimoresun.com
Police Detective Ryan Mckone says the boys found a handgun in the home, and the older boy accidentally fired a shot while the two were playing with the weapon. kktv.com
A third person can be seen holding a handgun. online.wsj.com
Man was arrested early Sunday after bringing a handgun with its serial number scratched off to a North Scranton club, police said. thetimes-tribune.com
Many states do not allow hunting with some service caliber handguns during the general firearms season.
A method for testing handgun bullets in deer
The actual volume of this truncated cone of pulverized tissue is an estimated 12.18 cubic inches, or nearly 4 times the volume predicted by the PC-only view of wounding via handgun bullets.
A method for testing handgun bullets in deer
The work of Suneson et al. also suggests that remote neural effects can occur with levels of energy transfer possible with handguns (roughly 500 ftlbs/700 joules).
Scientific Evidence for Hydrostatic Shock
Patrick UW : Handgun Wounding Factors and Effectiveness.
Scientific Evidence for Hydrostatic Shock
The published criticisms include unjustified ad hominem attacks and other rhetorical fallacies, gross exaggerations depending upon unjustified presuppositions, and valid concerns affecting the accuracy but not the validity of considering the OSS rating as a measure of relative handgun load effectiveness.
The Ballistic Pressure Wave Theory of Handgun Bullet Incapacitation
In 1540, he proclaimed that there would be no shooting by handgun except on a shooting range. "Our Legal Heritage, 5th Ed." by
He too possessed one of the handguns of the period, and was a good marksman to boot. "In the Wars of the Roses" by
The Planeteers estimated where the enemy would land, and they were there waiting, with aimed handguns. "Rip Foster in Ride the Gray Planet" by
Handguns were illegal on Earth. "The Status Civilization" by
He reached inside his blouse and took out a fully loaded handgun. "The Highest Treason" by
Joe Chessman had a heavy handgun holstered at his waist. "Adaptation" by
NEEDLER: Sandeman energy handgun. "Concordance" by
She'd forgotten just how loud a heavy-caliber handgun could be in a confined area, and her ears were ringing painfully. "The Alembic Plot" by
They were no real threat; handguns couldn't penetrate even a courier's shielding. "A Matter of Honor" by
Rex Donaldson, a small handgun magically in his hand, was standing, half crouched on his thin, bent legs. "Border, Breed Nor Birth" by