scratch repeatedly "The cat scraped at the armchair" -
make a grating or grinding sound by rubbing together "grate one's teeth in anger" -
reduce to small shreds or pulverize by rubbing against a rough or sharp perforated surface "grate carrots and onions","grate nutmeg" -
gnaw into; make resentful or angry "The injustice rankled her","his resentment festered" -
furnish with a grate "a grated fireplace" -
a frame of iron bars to hold a fire -
a barrier that has parallel or crossed bars blocking a passage but admitting air -
a harsh rasping sound made by scraping something
A frame or bed, or kind of basket, of iron bars, for holding fuel while burning. -
A structure or frame containing parallel or crosed bars, with interstices; a kind of latticework, such as is used ia the windows of prisons and cloisters. -
Serving to gratify; agreeable. -
To fret; to irritate; to offend. "News, my good lord Rome . . . grates me." -
To furnish with grates; to protect with a grating or crossbars; as, to grate a window. -
To produce the effect of rubbing with a hard rough material; to cause wearing, tearing, or bruising. Hence; To produce exasperation, soreness, or grief; to offend by oppression or importunity. "This grated harder upon the hearts of men." -
To reduce to small particles by rubbing with anything rough or indented; as, to grate a nutmeg. -
To rub roughly or harshly, as one body against another, causing a harsh sound; as, to grate the teeth; to produce (a harsh sound) by rubbing. "On their hinges grate Harsh thunder."
To rub together or against strongly so as to produce a harsh scraping sound: as, to grate the teeth. -
To reduce to small particles by rubbing or rasping with something rough or indented: as, to grate a nutmeg or the peel of a lemon. -
To affect harshly and painfully, as if by abrasion; fret. -
To produce a harsh or jarring sound of, as by the friction of rough bodies. -
To scratch or scrape with; use for attrition or abrasion. -
To make a harsh or rasping sound by friction or attrition; give out a scraping noise. -
To produce a harsh impression; cause irritation or chafing. -
A grater. -
A partition made with bars parallel to or crossing one another; a framework of bars in a door, window, hatchway, or other opening. -
A frame of metal bars in which fuel is burned, especially coal. -
The floor of a fire-box or furnace, formed of a series or group of bars; the bottom of a furnace, on which the fuel rests, and through which it is supplied with air. -
In metallurgy: A perforated metal plate used in the stamping of ores, through which the pounded ore passes. -
A screen. -
An ore-roasting furnace with a grate revolving horizontally. -
To furnish with a grate or grates; fill in with cross-bars: as, to grate a window. -
Pleasant; agreeable.
grāt a framework composed of bars with interstices, esp. one of iron bars for holding coals while burning -
grāt to rub hard or wear away with anything rough: to make a harsh sound: to irritate or offend
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OF grater, to scrape, scratch, F. gratter, LL. gratare, cratare,; of German origin; cf. OHG. chrazzōn, G. kratzen, D. krassen, Sw. Kratta, and perh. E. scratch.,
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary O. Fr. grater, through Low L., from Old High Ger. chrazōn (Ger. kratzen), to scratch, akin to Sw. kratta.
One day it occurred to me that I might be able to make beets more user-friendly by running them through the grating disk of a food processor.
Position a box grater above the bowl and grate the beets directly into the liquid.
I don't know why it had never occurred to me to grate hard winter squash until I started envisioning this pasta.
Frittata With Grated Zucchini, Goat Cheese and Dill.
A Little Zucchini for Your Grated Cheese .
Lovebug invasion gratefully over till fall.
The most recent invasion of the pesky little black flies known as lovebugs is gratefully at an end.
The five-time Grammy winner talks with Dr Oz about surviving hepatitis C and about the message of her new book, Naomi's Guide to Aging Gratefully .
It is impossible to be grateful to someone if we do not first recognize the benefit we have received.
He was grateful for his job but looked forward to weekends because, every Saturday afternoon, Colonel James Anderson opened his personal library of 400 volumes to boys.
So I just sit here being grateful .
Join us and Over 100 Youth as we express our Gratefulness to the king.
Now because I'm really grateful for everything I wanna do something to make you grateful .
On my way back home I got to thinking about all the things I'm grateful for.
My health- I'm grateful that I have that.
The authors are grateful to Hendrik Lenstra for suggesting Lemma 5.
On the existence of absolutely simple abelian varieties of a given dimension over an arbitrary field
Also I am grateful to Yeranuhi Hakobyan for her help in preparing this lecture.
Dyon-Oscillator Duality
We are grateful to Ansar Fayyazuddin for discussions.
A note on topological brane theories
One of the authors (R. P.) is grateful to Silvio Franz and to Boris E.
Dynamics of relaxor ferroelectrics
The first author is grateful for support under NSF grant DMS-9970213.
Generic algebras with involution of degree 8m
It was grateful to her palate. "The History of Sir Richard Calmady" by
They are a fine lot of men and so grateful for everything we do for them. "'My Beloved Poilus'" by
Marcia is effusively grateful. "Floyd Grandon's Honor" by
The cadet believed that he would be grateful for his release. "A Prisoner of Morro" by
Were we the less grateful when they met with reverse? "A Confederate Girl's Diary" by
There was an old grate in the room, apparently used but seldom, and, leaning against the wall beside it, an iron poker. "The Candidate" by
And he was grateful, though it was hard for him to subdue a feeling of solicitude. "The Goose Man" by
A much better way is to beat the yolks of eggs, and mix with the grated bread, a small quantity of beaten nutmeg and mace, and a little salt. "A Poetical Cook-Book" by
It fell short in the grate. "The Kingdom Round the Corner" by
Of course he was profoundly grateful. "The Creators" by
We can only perceive
Men returned from the seas,
Very grateful for leave.
'Tis His virtues we proclaim;
Grateful to our honoured Lord,
Here we bless His sacred name.
The Palace of thy foe;
While down the joyful LEWIN'S cheek
The grateful tear shall flow.
Justly heard with grateful awe,
That alone pure light supplies
To the simple, and the wise.
When pierced Christ appears;
My heart in grateful praises vents,
Mine eyes in joyful tears.
He perilled life to save,
And grateful prayers like holy oil
To smooth for him the wave.