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Fine Dictionary

get at

gɪt æt
Jupiter seduced Callisto by posing as Diana; that way he could get close to her. In the foreground Diana / Jupiter and Callisto stand side by side. In the background to the right, Jupiter is taking Callisto by surprise. Two lines of Latin text below the image. This print is part of a series of 52 prints depicting stories from Ovid's Metamorphoses. This series is divided into three numbered series: two of 20 prints and one of 12 prints. This print belongs to the second series.
Jupiter seduced Callisto by posing as Diana; that way he could get close to her. In the foreground Diana / Jupiter and Callisto stand side by side. In the background to the right, Jupiter is taking Callisto by surprise. Two lines of Latin text below the image. This print is part of a series of 52 prints depicting stories from Ovid's Metamorphoses. This series is divided into three numbered series: two of 20 prints and one of 12 prints. This print belongs to the second series.
  1. (v) get at
    cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations "Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me","It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves"
  2. (v) get at
    reach or gain access to "How does one access the attic in this house?","I cannot get to the T.V. antenna, even if I climb on the roof"
  3. (v) get at
    influence by corruption
Meleager and Atalanta try to get hold of the wild boar. An arrow from Atalanta is already in the side of the animal. The hounds pounce on the boar and Meleager is ready with his spear.
Meleager and Atalanta try to get hold of the wild boar. An arrow from Atalanta is already in the side of the animal. The hounds pounce on the boar and Meleager is ready with his spear.
Reinaert the fox removes the wedge, causing Bruun the bear to get stuck with his head in the trunk. In the background the farmers from the village are approaching.
Reinaert the fox removes the wedge, causing Bruun the bear to get stuck with his head in the trunk. In the background the farmers from the village are approaching.
Old man in white robes with staff, gets a shoe from a kneeling younger man. With four poems.
Old man in white robes with staff, gets a shoe from a kneeling younger man. With four poems.
Cephalus accidentally gets Procris on the hunt with an arrow. Procris is leaning against a tree with an arrow in her chest. Procris, dressed like a Roman soldier, is standing next to her.
Cephalus accidentally gets Procris on the hunt with an arrow. Procris is leaning against a tree with an arrow in her chest. Procris, dressed like a Roman soldier, is standing next to her.
A seated woman eats a herring with bread, a cat jumping against her gets the bone of the fish. Performance known as 'The Cat's Breakfast'. On the left a water pump, in the foreground a barrel with a dead chicken lying on it, on the right a vase with flowers on a table.
A seated woman eats a herring with bread, a cat jumping against her gets the bone of the fish. Performance known as 'The Cat's Breakfast'. On the left a water pump, in the foreground a barrel with a dead chicken lying on it, on the right a vase with flowers on a table.
An elephant has fallen into a pit. Several other elephants try to get it out by adding logs and stones. The print has a Latin caption and is part of a series about hunting scenes.
An elephant has fallen into a pit. Several other elephants try to get it out by adding logs and stones. The print has a Latin caption and is part of a series about hunting scenes.
Dutch and Surinamese man are getting ready for the hunt
Christ wants to explain his teaching to a group of unbelievers. They get angry and throw stones at Christ.
Christ wants to explain his teaching to a group of unbelievers. They get angry and throw stones at Christ.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
The clock tower that supports the famous clock 'Big Ben' at the house of parliament in London, is 320 feet high. The bell from which the clock get it's name, weighs 13.5 tones.
  1. Get at
    to reach, attain
I wake up every morning at nine and grab for the morning paper. Then I look at the obituary page. If my name is not on it, I get up.
Harry Hershfield
Kin Hubbard
Live so that you can at least get the benefit of the doubt.
Kin Hubbard
The best blood will at some time get into a fool or a mosquito.
Austin O'Malley
Instead of looking at the past, I put myself ahead twenty years and try to look at what I need to do now in order to get there then.
Diana Ross
There are two things to aim at in life: first, to get what you want; and, after that, to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second.
Logan Pearsall Smith
Aim at heaven, and you will get earth thrown in; aim at earth, and you will get neither.
C. S. Lewis

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. gitan, to get.

Usage in the news

Well, we may not be able to see how 'The Munsters' get reborn as ' Mockingbird Lane' on a weekly basis, but at least we'll get to see what Bryan Fuller came up with for the pilot.

Deeply pessimistic, hopelessly romantic and a straight shooter no matter how crooked his path, Harry Hole is all about challenging authority to get at the truth and restore moral balance to the world.

Get at me online, XBOX 360, watching sports.

You have to be very good at the defence play to stay in the game as long as possible and maybe to get them a little bit frustrated and take the opportunities we get like we did in the first period.

For Steve Hannah, CEO of The Onion , this is what he's trying to get at: "Can you do the job, and would I enjoy working with you".

The way I look at it, and I know feel the same way, is that we have to get as many teams and as many opportunities to get kids to play.

Thanks to David Porter at Pacesetter Mortgage in Michigan for explaining how you can get your name taken off the list for getting unsolicited loan offers.

Whenever I post about the impact of beliefs on lives and careers, I tend to get at least one comment contrasting " optimism " and "realism".

Nice that it gives you easy access with resealable cover, but the Oreos on the side rows are hard to get at.

He's got a show tonight at Jillian's with Taddy Porter and The Lost Sons, but if you'd like to get a sample of what you'll get here's a couple of songs he played for us at the Q103 studios today.

Teen gets at least 40 years in killing of rival amid paternity dispute.

A heavy dose of feminist theory is what you'll be getting at Gallery 414's current show.

Modest documentary about janitors gets at some key truths.

At Pizza Huts in the Middle East, you can't get your cake and eat it too but, you can get your pizza surrounded by mini-cheeseburgers.

Olive Oil Crust This recipe yields a crispy, traditional crust like the one you get at your local pizzeria .

Usage in scientific papers

Hence we get at least kr + k + r − 2min{k , r} cutting divisors.
Rational polynomials of simple type

We assume that at each time step, providers are added at a rate r, with a probability f < r a randomly chosen provider vanishes and users connected to it are rewired to another provider, according to the “richer-gets-richer” rule, and users are introduced with probability u = 1 − r − f .
Growing dynamics of Internet providers

We also found that the ground-state distribution for the IEM exactly at half-filling (K = 14 and Np = 7), gets close to a two-dimensional GOE, as shown at the top of Fig.4.
Ground State Properties of Many-Body Systems in the Two-Body Random Ensemble and Random Matrix Theory

Putting all the above together we get |aT −2tc | ≤ appropriate choice of c.
Quantum Random Walks Hit Exponentially Faster

As the inverse function of q = q(t, q ) is given by q = y (t, ¯q) = ¯q − at, we get u(t, q) = U (t, q)|q=y(t, ¯q) = u(q − at)e−i−1 (bqt−2−1 abt2 ) .
An extension of the method of characteristic to a system of Partial Differential Operators-- an application to the Weyl equation with external field by "Super Hamiltonian path-integral method"

Usage in literature

How are we to get at it? "The Peril Finders" by George Manville Fenn

What are you getting at? "Desert Conquest" by A. M. Chisholm

We want to get at it anyway we can, don't we? "Radio Boys Loyalty" by Wayne Whipple

Several unsuccessful efforts were made by each to get the other to his house before the door of either was opened at last. "The Life of Charles Dickens, Vol. I-III, Complete" by John Forster

You will want a pair of pumps, and a pair of white silk socks; these you can get at Manchester. "The Letters of Charles Dickens" by Charles Dickens

She did not want Brodrick to think that she was making use of him, that she was always trying to get at him. "The Creators" by May Sinclair

I don't suppose the goods cost you fifty at the outside, and you will get at least a hundred for the skins alone. "Condemned as a Nihilist" by George Alfred Henty

Well, that's what I'm getting at. "The Young Alaskans on the Missouri" by Emerson Hough

Out my way we don't get much chance at schoolin'. "The Girl from Sunset Ranch" by Amy Bell Marlowe

L. Yes; a brown one: Lucilla, you can get at the tip of it nicely, under Florrie's arm; just pull one out for me. "The Crown of Wild Olive" by John Ruskin

Usage in poetry
He turn'd him right and round again,
Said, Scorn na at my mither;
Light loves I may get mony a ane,
But minni ne'er anither.
I rose up at the dawn of day—
`Get thee away! get thee away!
Pray'st thou for riches? Away! away!
This is the Throne of Mammon grey.'
This poetry, I never know what I'm going to say.
I don't plan it.
When I'm outside the saying of it,
I get very quiet and rarely speak at all.
‘I pray you let me be at peace,
Get hence, make room for me to die.’
She said that: her poor lip would cease,
Put up to mine, and turn to cry.
I'll get the license; get your dress,
And flowers to make a bride's adorning;
Then let us to the chapel press,
With bridal friends, at early morning.
Let them at think joys nobbut dwell
Wheear riches are piled up i' stoor,
Try to get a gooid share for thersel'
But leave me mi snug cot up o'th' moor.