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Fine Dictionary


Gallinago nigripennis nigripennis (African snipe)
Gallinago nigripennis nigripennis (African snipe)
Bird study: African snipe (Gallinago nigripennis); graduated in inches.
  1. (adj) graduated
    taking place by degrees
  2. (adj) graduated
    marked with or divided into degrees "a calibrated thermometer"
Skeletal parts of a giraffe: the front and rear legs, graduated in Rhenish size.
Skeletal parts of a giraffe: the front and rear legs, graduated in Rhenish size.
Bird study: hoopoe (Upapa africana), graduated in Rhenish size.
Upupa africana (Hoopoe)
Along the top the title and top right a scale stick: Rhynland rods. Graduation along the edges. On the right is a piece of paper pasted on which the map is further drawn by hand.
Along the top the title and top right a scale stick: Rhynland rods. Graduation along the edges. On the right is a piece of paper pasted on which the map is further drawn by hand.
Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis), graduated in Rhenish size; the Khoikhoi holds up his axisrot as a yardstick.
Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis), graduated in Rhenish size; the Khoikhoi holds up his axisrot as a yardstick.
Top right the title cartouche. At the bottom of a bowl: Milliare Germanicum commune. Graduation along the edges.
Top right the title cartouche. At the bottom of a bowl: Milliare Germanicum commune. Graduation along the edges.
Above left the title cartouche with a scale stick below: Milliaria Germanica commu :. Graduation along the edges. Numbered bottom right: 36.
Above left the title cartouche with a scale stick below: Milliaria Germanica commu :. Graduation along the edges. Numbered bottom right: 36.
Scale image of the Constantinian column in St. Peter's; base and composite capital with graduations.
Scale image of the Constantinian column in St. Peter's; base and composite capital with graduations.
Bird study: Cape Francolin (Francolinus capensis); graduated in inches.
Francolinus capensis (Cape Francolin)
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
Only three Presidents graduated from the military academies: Grant, Eisenhower (West Point) and Carter (Annapolis).
  1. Graduated
    Having visible marks and numbers at vertical intervals, permitting one to estimate the quantitity of material contained; -- of vessels, most commonly those used in laboratories for containing liquids. See graduated cylinder, etc., below.
  2. Graduated
    Marked with, or divided into, degrees; divided into grades.
  3. Graduated
    (Zoöl) Tapered; -- said of a bird's tail when the outer feathers are shortest, and the others successively longer.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
Jean Marie Butler was the first woman graduate from the United States Coast Guard Academy in 1980. She also was the first woman to graduate from any U.S. service academy.
  1. graduated
    Specifically, in ornithology, having the tail moderately pointed, the tail-feathers regularly decreasing in length from the center pair outward.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
Beaver Cleaver graduated in 1953.
  1. (p.adj) Graduated
    marked with degrees, as a thermometer
One half who graduate from college never read another book.
Herbert True
Louisa May Alcott
Life is my college. May I graduate well, and earn some honors.
Louisa May Alcott
Robert M. Hutchins
The college graduate is presented with a sheepskin to cover his intellectual nakedness.
Robert M. Hutchins
I just graduated and already I'm way behind.
Source Unknown
If nobody dropped out of eighth grade, who would hire the college graduates?
Source Unknown
Newton D. Baker
The man who graduates today and stops learning tomorrow is uneducated the day after.
Newton D. Baker

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr.,—L. gradus, a step—gradi, to step.

Usage in the news

"well I am about to graduate with my masters degree in engineering here at the University of Texas Pan American," said Lizbeth Bgarza, Graduate Student.

It's graduation time and that means many graduates will be entering the competitive job market.

The bride-to-be is a 2005 graduate from Ardmore High School, and a 2009 graduate of The University of Oklahoma.

73-year-old Dewitt Henry knew his graduation was real when he received a letter in the mail addressed to "The Parents of the Graduate".

Her parents never graduated from high school, and she became pregnant before she had a chance to graduate.

Opacinch is a 2005 graduate of Cassadaga Valley Central School and a 2010 graduate of SUNY Fredonia.

Michelle is a 2006 graduate of Jefferson High School and a 2010 graduate of West Virginia University.

Current educational opportunities for graduate students, viewed on balance as a system, do not provide sufficient preparation for their careers after graduate school.

Newly graduated Afghan national police officers demonstrate their skills during a graduation ceremony at a National Police training center in Laghman province, east of Kabul, Afghanistan, Monday, Sept 10, 2012.

She is a 2004 graduate of Indian Valley High School and a 2009 graduate of the Pennsylvania College of Technology.

The bride-to-be is a 2005 graduate of Fredonia High School and a 2009 graduate of St Bonaventure University.

A 2000 graduate of Janesville-Waldorf-Pemberton High School and a 2003 graduate of Minnesota State University, Mankato.

However other tests, such as the broader Graduate Record Examination (GRE) written by 26,000 Canadian students every year for graduate programs including five MBA programs, have resisted high-tech screening.

GE has also organized and provided a Project Graduation Party the past several years for the district's graduating seniors.

Just because our rate of graduation in 4 years is only 67% does NOT mean that we are only graduating 67 out of every 100 students.

Usage in scientific papers

Bollob´as B, Graph Theory - An Introductory Course Springer Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1979.
From quantum graphs to quantum random walks

We use the homological degree to define the graduation of T (I (U )∗ ).
Quadratic categories, Koszul resolutions and operads

My graduate research was supported in part by a Graduate Research Fellowship from the National Science Foundation.
Rates and Progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae

WMWV was supported in part by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.
Rates and Progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae

Golubitsky, M.; Guillemin, V., Stable mappings and their singularities, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Vol. 14.
On o-minimality of extensions of $\R$ by restricted generic smooth functions

Usage in literature

From a standard graduated pipette deliver 5 c. mm. "The Elements of Bacteriological Technique" by John William Henry Eyre

He was graduated with the highest honors of his class and decided to study law. "History of Education" by Levi Seeley

Seventeen young ladies were graduated. "History of Woman Suffrage, Volume II"

The teaching force is made up largely of graduates from nearly every first-class educational institution in America. "Tuskegee & Its People: Their Ideals and Achievements" by Various

He was a graduate of the R.M.C. "The Red Watch" by J. A. Currie

The thermometers are graduated from 0 deg. "Respiration Calorimeters for Studying the Respiratory Exchange and Energy Transformations of Man" by Francis Gano Benedict

The largest college preparatory class in the history of the university was graduated. "The American Missionary -- Volume 54, No. 3, July, 1900" by Various

Miss Brown of Concord, a graduate of 1884, astonished the faculty by her high per cent. "History of Woman Suffrage, Volume III (of III)" by Various

They would not have a chance to graduate that coming June. "Dave Porter and the Runaways" by Edward Stratemeyer

Her father was a college graduate. "Miss Ashton's New Pupil" by Mrs. S. S. Robbins

Usage in poetry
A Solon ponders till his Years are great
On Sway of Power and Magnitude of State,
Then in his Age he leaves the Questions to
The Wisdom of the Sweet Girl Graduate.
A graduate you've just been made,
And lately passed the Mitred Head;
I trust, by the Blest Spirit, led,
And Shepherd's care:
And not a wolf, in sheepskin clad,
As numbers are.
Death would have found you brave, but braver still
You face each lagging day,
A merry Stoic, patient, chivalrous,
Divinely kind and gay.
You bear your knowledge lightly, graduate
Of unkind Fate.
My swivel eye hungers from pose to pose —
In pigtails, clutching a reluctant cat;
Or furred yourself, a sweet girl-graduate;
Or lifting a heavy-headed rose
Beneath a trellis, or in a trilby-hat
It was a sweet girl-graduate, her years were thirty two;
Her brow was intellectual, her whole appearance blue;
Her dress was mediaeval, and, as if by way of charm,
Six volumes strapped together she was bearing 'neath her arm.
Who knows this ancient graduate of fourscore years and ten,--
What place he held, what name he bore among the sons of men?
So speeds the curious question; its answer travels slow;
"'T is the last of sixty classmates of seventy years ago."