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Fine Dictionary

fancy man

ˈfænsi mæn
Landscape with a boxing man on the left, a man in fancy dress in the middle and a pig on the right.
Landscape with a boxing man on the left, a man in fancy dress in the middle and a pig on the right.
  1. (n) fancy man
    a woman's lover
  2. (n) fancy man
    someone who procures customers for whores (in England they call a pimp a ponce)
A man and woman at a fancy dress ball. In the background is a conductor for an orchestra. Above the image, Au Bal des Etudiants is printed in red letters on the poster.
A man and woman at a fancy dress ball. In the background is a conductor for an orchestra. Above the image, Au Bal des Etudiants is printed in red letters on the poster.
A man and woman dressed in fancy Spanish costumes. Print from the fashion magazine Paris Élégant (1836-1881).
A man and woman dressed in fancy Spanish costumes. Print from the fashion magazine Paris Élégant (1836-1881).
Redlaw, a character from 'The haunted man and the ghost's bargain, a fancy for christmas-time', sits on a chair and stares into the fireplace. Behind him is the ghost that resembles him like two drops of water and follows him.
Redlaw, a character from 'The haunted man and the ghost's bargain, a fancy for christmas-time', sits on a chair and stares into the fireplace. Behind him is the ghost that resembles him like two drops of water and follows him.
'Travesti'. Women, girls and a man in fancy dress. Print from the fashion magazine Musée des Familles (1833-1874).
'Travesti'. Women, girls and a man in fancy dress. Print from the fashion magazine Musée des Familles (1833-1874).
Four women, a man and a boy in fancy dress (travesti), inspired by historical costumes.
Four women, a man and a boy in fancy dress (travesti), inspired by historical costumes.
William Shakespeare
Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, but not expressed in fancy; rich not gaudy; for the apparel oft proclaims the man.
William Shakespeare
The wisest man is he who does not fancy that he is so at all.
Nicholas Boileau
Usage in the news

Local filmmaker Tom Huckabee is a Renaissance man, which is a fancy way of saying he can do a bunch of different stuff.

In the summer, a mature man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of good hair.

Summer, When a Young Man's Fancy Turns to Thoughts of…Spice.

Ah, spring, when a young man's fancy turns to hate .

It compiles manly city data such as the number of home improvement stores, steak houses and manly occupations per capita, and "girly" factors such as fancy shopping boutiques can bump cities down on the list.

A YOUNG man's fancy may turn to love in springtime.

Tsu's sketches included such fanciful designs as a man riding a dolphin and mermaids.

Instead of looking at fancy science to determine what we think of our fellow man all we need to do is look at headlights.

If Eid really fancied himself a hit man , he was a lousy one.

But where Pitbull fancies himself an impresario, a hype man, Flo Rida mostly stays out of the way.

At some point in the evening, Rayner had learned that a man named Harry Williams, who fancied himself a bad man, had just arrived in town.

In the spring time, a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of… spring cleaning.

The ensuing twists and turns suggest that The Tortured , directed by veteran Robert Lieberman from a script by Marek Posival, fancies itself a thinking man's torture -porn picture.

File photo Spring is when a Jackson man's fancy turns to love, all right, but it's love of golf.

Usage in literature

Fancy a man that has fought grizzlies an' Injuns bein' careful of bein' murdered by a cat! "Dracula's Guest" by Bram Stoker

I fancy that she is painting a portrait of the poor young man who is dead. "Fruitfulness Fecondite" by Emile Zola

All the duties to God or man, that are neglected, we may fancy performed; all the crimes, that are committed, we may conceive forborne. "The Works of Samuel Johnson, Vol. 6" by Samuel Johnson

Why should we depend on the will and fancy of any man for our rights? "Yeast: A Problem" by Charles Kingsley

I now began to fancy myself a man, and to make love in earnest. "The Life of Lord Byron" by John Galt

I fancy every man finds his own level; I've found mine, apparently. "The Green Mouse" by Robert W. Chambers

I, for a little while, fancied myself a military man, and it pleased me. "Life Of Johnson, Volume 5" by Boswell

I fancy it will go a great way towards making me a reformed man. "Clarissa, Volume 4 (of 9)" by Samuel Richardson

A man who can set out in a cab for a fancy-dress ball and not get there is manifestly a poop of no common order. "Right Ho, Jeeves" by P. G. Wodehouse

Fancy sewing on buttons for a man like that. "The Old Man of the Sea" by W.W. Jacobs

Usage in poetry
Of all the intercessors born
By man's celestial fancy, none
Hath helped the sorrowing, the forlorn,
Lowly and lone, as She hath done.
Not fancy's happiest hours create
Visions of rapture as divine,
As the dear bliss that must await
The man, whose soul is knit to thine.
But now they say—neither above the sphere
Nor down in the heart of man,
But solely in fancy, ambition, and fear
The thought of thee began.
Their fancied joys, how fast they flee!
Just like a dream when man awakes;
Their songs of softest harmony
Are but a preface to their plagues.
What tho' you loved me once? Man's love at best
Is but a mood--the fancy of an hour,
You held all faith and truth a theme for jest,
Love's recompense, a smile. You knew your power.
Where rocky mountains prop the skies,
And round the smiling landscape lies,
Whilst you look down with tearful eyes
On grovelling man,
My sympathetic fancy flies,
The scene to scan.