avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues) "He dodged the issue","she skirted the problem","They tend to evade their responsibilities","he evaded the questions skillfully" -
tamper, with the purpose of deception "Fudge the figures","cook the books","falsify the data" -
soft creamy candy
A kind of soft candy composed of sugar or maple sugar, milk, and butter, and often chocolate or nuts, boiled and stirred to a proper consistency. -
A made-up story; stuff; nonsense; humbug; -- often an exclamation of contempt. -
To foist; to interpolate. "That last “suppose” is fudged in." -
To make up; to devise; to contrive; to fabricate. "Fudged up into such a smirkish liveliness."
To poke with a stick. -
To foist. -
To make or fix awkwardly or clumsily; arrange confusedly; botch; bungle. -
to compute a ship's change of position from one noon to the next by dead-reckoning, determining by means of tables the northing, southing, easting, and westing made by the different courses and distances sailed, and applying the result to the latitude and longitude of the previous noon. -
To work clumsily; labor in a clumsy fashion. -
Nonsense; stuff; rubbish: most commonly used as a contemptuous interjection. -
Fabulous. -
In printing, to make use of improper materials or methods to produce a needed result with greater speed. -
In newspaper parlance, matter of supposed importance, as the latest sporting news or sensational stuff, which comes to hand too late to find a place in the plates before going to press, and is inserted in a special place by cutting the plates. See fudge-box. -
In printing, an unworkmanlike practice. -
A kind or home-made candy composed of milk, sugar, butter, and chocolate, boiled together, flavored with vanilla, and, when nearly cool, poured into a rectangular pan and cut into squares: more fully designated chocolate-fudge. When chopped walnuts form an ingredient it is known as nut-fudge. The name alludes to the hasty amateur manufacture.
fuj stuff: nonsense: an exclamation of contempt -
(v.i., v.t)
to botch or bungle anything
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Cf. Prov. F. fuche, feuche, an interj. of contempt
( Joe Fudge / March 29, 2012 ). dailyamerican.com
Marc Hauser, above, was found guilty of fudging numbers. yaledailynews.com
Marcia Fudge seeks chairmanship of the Congressional Black Caucus. cleveland.com
Marcia Fudge doesn't look a politician in a hurry. cleveland.com
WORKSHOP DR PETER ANDERSON ( Joe Fudge, Daily Press / December 6, 2012 ). ktuu.com
Terry Richard/The Oregonian Wendy Bush offers visitors a choice of fudge at the Brigittine monastery near Amity where she works. blog.oregonlive.com
Will it be fudge or fruitcake. blog.oregonlive.com
Photo by Tom Fudge / KPBS. kpbs.org
( Joe Fudge, Daily Press / August 21, 2012 ). sun-sentinel.com
( Joe Fudge, Daily Press / June 30, 2011 ). dailypress.com
Viewer Rose Richard shares her recipe for opera fudge as part of our America Cooks series. marthastewart.com
Viewer Rose Richard shares her recipe for opera fudge as part of our America. marthastewart.com
This method of keeping things from sticking to the pan is used most often for brownies, bar cookies, and fudge. bhg.com
Peanut Butter Meltaway Fudge (Second-place winner, March 2). dailyamerican.com
Peanut butter meltaway fudge. dailyamerican.com
The canonical PS n(Λ)curve is shown for comparison; the PS curve has not been multiplied by the fudge factor of two at this stage, in order to compare the results of the PS-like procedures in the different cases, with no guarantee of normalization (in Monaco 1995 all the curves were multiplied by two).
The Cosmological Mass Function
In both cases the SKS curve gives, at large masses, roughly a factor 2 more ob jects than the PS-like one, just like in the canonical PS case, even though the “fudge factor” in the present case is not more than 1.09.
The Cosmological Mass Function
Then, they multiplied their MF by a “fudge factor” 2.
On the cosmological mass function theory
Press and Schechter faced the problem by simply multiplying their result by a fudge factor of 2.
On the cosmological mass function theory
The original fudge factor of 2 of the PS approach is now naturally justified.
On the cosmological mass function theory
After the business is over, we are going to have a fudge party. "The Torch Bearer" by
There had been plenty of secret "spreads" and "fudge orgies" in other rooms. "A Little Miss Nobody" by
Vanilla or any other flavoring improves this fudge. "The Community Cook Book" by
The thing to avoid is fudging. "Art in Needlework" by
You turn me loose in an experimental chamber so I can't fudge. "The Weakling" by
As to your not loving me, that is all fudge, you know. "Good Luck" by
But you've got to fudge up some sort of a service to suit the gal. "A Man to His Mate" by
By the by, are you keen on Fudge here? "The Leader of the Lower School" by
Women are all fudge, sir. "The Tale of Timber Town" by
One of the quartettes on their corridor had indulged in a fudge party after hours already, and Ruth had been invited to be present. "Ruth Fielding at Briarwood Hall" by
And bend our conscience to our dealing;
The Ten Commandments will not budge,
And stealing will continue stealing.
That statute is obsolete quite!
Let me tell you, my friends, the whole question depends
On an ancient manorial right.
He is too lady-like and prissy.
You do not need to use your fist
But merely slap him on the wrist,
And if this will not make him budge,
Then glare at him and say "Oh Fudge!"
Of talking (in public) as if we were old:—
That boy we call "Doctor," and this we call "Judge;"
It's a neat little fiction,— of course it's all fudge.
No. There's a gossip
Amongst the women—but who would heed their talk!—
That love half-crazed, then drove him out of doors,
To wander here and there, like a bad ghost,
Because a silly wench refused him:—fudge!