a doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as authoritative "he believed all the Marxist dogma" -
a religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof
A doctrinal notion asserted without regard to evidence or truth; an arbitrary dictum. -
A formally stated and authoritatively settled doctrine; a definite, established, and authoritative tenet. -
That which is held as an opinion; a tenet; a doctrine. "The obscure and loose dogmas of early antiquity."
A settled opinion; a principle, maxim, or tenet held as being firmly established. -
A principle or doctrine propounded or received on authority, as opposed to one based on experience or demonstration; specifically, an authoritative religious doctrine. -
Authoritative teaching or doctrine; a system of established principles or tenets, especially religious ones; specifically, the whole body or system of Christian doctrine, as accepted either by the church at large or by any branch of it. -
In the Kantian philosophy, a directly synthetical proposition based on concepts of the understanding. It is distinguished from an analytical judgment, from a fact of experience, from a mathematical proposition, and from an indirectly synthetical apodeictic proposition, such as the law of sufficient reason. Synonyms Precept, Tenet, etc. See doctrine.
dog′ma a settled opinion: a principle or tenet: a doctrine laid down with authority
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. dogma, Gr. do`gma pl. do`gmata, fr. dokei^n to think, seem, appear; akin to L. decet, it is becoming. Cf. Decent
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Gr., 'an opinion,' from dokein, to think, allied to L. decet.
In the past few years, some spectacular works have raised doubts about many long-standing dogmas in the stem-cell world.
More evidence, as if any were needed, of the widening gap between populist anti-tax dogma and reality-based policy making in Virginia.
Or take the Internet, which is shredding hard-won dogmas about individual property and ownership created during capitalism's three or four centuries.
Poll-time dogma and lung power.
You won't likely spot Salma Hayek, the femme-fatale actress who portrayed a muse in Kevin Smith's heady religious spoof Dogma, at this year's ninth annual Musefest.
"Beware of Dogma" billboard of the Freedom From Religion Foundation (Photo credit: Wikipedia).
They thought rational and tolerant thought would eventually wipe out religious dogma.
The United Nations has a policy against all dogma.
Dogma is a specific set of beliefs or standards held to based on a decision adherent with the stated belief.
An entertaining passage in the book, Six Thousand Years of Bread by H. E Jacobs, cites the polarizing dogma between wheat bread lovers and rye bread lovers.
Legacy of greatness being squandered with divisive political dogma.
Atheists believe that rationality and critical thinking serve humanity better than blind faith and religious dogma.
Student Film Delves Into Religious Dogma.
Don't let party dogma frame our discourse .
New screens from Dragon 's Dogma released.
The uncritical acceptance of this viewpoint has turned it into a scientific dogma or prejudice rather than a description of what actually occurs.
From Knowledge, Knowability and the Search for Objective Randomness to a New Vision of Complexity
The first of these was what might be described as the autocentric principle, which underlay the pre Copernican dogma to the effect that as terrestrial observers we occupy a privileged position at the center of the universe.
Anthropic principle in cosmology
Pitowsky, “Two Dogmas about Quantum Mechanics,” in Many Worlds? Everett, Quantum Theory, and Reality, edited by S.
Bayesian Conditioning, the Reflection Principle, and Quantum Decoherence
Specifically, we show that there are several undesirable effects if one deviates from our dogma.
A New Look at Composition of Authenticated Byzantine Generals
This provides further evidence as to why our dogma is the right framework to study the composition of ABG protocols.
A New Look at Composition of Authenticated Byzantine Generals
It has apparently no dogmas and no sacred book. "The Empire of the East" by
The English dogma never reached her: the language was too foreign. "The Rainbow" by
First would come an account of some dogma as understood by the vulgar. "The Life of Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, Bart., K.C.S.I." by
No dogmas nail your faith; and what remains But say so, like the honest man you are? "Browning's England" by
They are contrary to our holy religion, and to the dogmas of our schools. "The Phantom World" by
For forms and ceremonies that have no fruit in action are not marks of a living truth, but of a dead dogma. "The Soul of a People" by
Some of his dogmas were so out of fashion that he felt them a trifle shabby even for village wear. "In a Little Town" by
The latter should be based on natural human altruism only, and not artificially misled by dogma. "The Sexual Question" by
The second dogma, the second condition of hope is that the voluntary actions of men originate in their opinions. "Shelley, Godwin and Their Circle" by
Without these three, religion as dogma becomes impossible. "The Religious Sentiment" by
Clashes to soothe the spirit's grief,
And offer to the unconsoled
Polyglot Babel of Belief!
And lush her dogmas thrive:
Our present home is more than earth,
Our senses more than five.
with his, and decides whether
he would like to see more of us. (Spotless rooms
where nothing's left lying about
This miracle of dogma, like a cry:
"No law but freedom for the vagrant bee--
No love but summer for the butterfly."
One after one, shall perish quite,
The Poet still will keep
The Sanctuary's lamp alight,
And, in the body's deepest night,
Forbid the soul to sleep.
"So many the feet that have trod
The road leading up into knowledge,
The steep narrow path has grown broad;
And the curtain held down by old dogmas
Is lifted by God."