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Fine Dictionary


  1. (n) catena
    a chain of connected ideas or passages or objects so arranged that each member is closely related to the preceding and following members (especially a series of patristic comments elucidating Christian dogma)
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Catena
    A chain or series of things connected with each other. "I have . . . in no case sought to construct those catenæ of games, which it seems now the fashion of commentators to link together."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) catena
    A chain; a connected series of notions, arguments, or objects generally; a series of which each part or member has a close connection, like that of a link, with the preceding and following parts.
  2. (n) catena
    A methodized series of selections from different authors to elucidate a doctrine or a system of doctrines; specifically, such a set of quotations from the church fathers to assist in the study of Christian dogmatics or biblical exegesis: as, the Catena Aurea of St. Thomas Aquinas.
  3. (n) catena
    An Italian measure of length, a chain, equal in Naples to 52.07 feet, and in Palermo to 26.09 feet.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Catena
    a chain or connected series, as in Catena Patrum, a chronological series of extracts from the Fathers on any doctrine of theology

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L., a chain

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. catenarius, pertaining to a chain—catēna, chain.

Usage in the news

Enlarge Peggy Turbett, The Plain Dealer A whole pizza pie fresh from the oven is filled with Roasted red peppers, sausage, onion slices and fresh garden basil on house-made dough at Mama Catena Ristorante.

Mama Catena Ristorante serves homestyle Italian cuisine in Euclid gallery (10 photos).

Related Wine Search for BODEGA CATENA ZAPATA Malbec Mendoza 2009.

Nicolás Catena earns Wine Spectator 's 2012 Distinguished Service Award.

Usage in scientific papers

An open m-catena has two end and one center vertices.
Assembling Lie Algebras from Lieons

The common end of tees belonging to a catena is the initial vertex of it (e1 for catena (110).
Assembling Lie Algebras from Lieons

The other end vertex of it is its final vertex (em+1 for catena (110).
Assembling Lie Algebras from Lieons

If k ≥ 2 a closed catena has only one end vertex and one center vertex.
Assembling Lie Algebras from Lieons

But any tee, which is incompatible with ϑ and at the same time is compatible with the catena ≀ ⊂ Φ, is of the form ⌊A, D |Q⌉.
Assembling Lie Algebras from Lieons

Usage in literature

Here is frangir, to break, frangere; affurer, to steal, fur; cadene, chain, catena. "Les Misérables Complete in Five Volumes" by Victor Hugo

Let not the weary reader imagine that the catena of evidence ends here! "The Valet's Tragedy and Other Stories" by Andrew Lang

Et inde catena quaedam fit, quae haeredes etiam ligat. "The Anatomy of Melancholy" by Democritus Junior

Beal in his Catena of Buddhist Scriptures, pp. "The Religions of Japan" by William Elliot Griffis

The mild Basaiti and milder Catena are here; a pretty little Caravaggio; two good Cimas, No. "A Wanderer in Venice" by E.V. Lucas

Possessores Honorati, of Catena, iii. "The Letters of Cassiodorus" by Cassiodorus (AKA Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator)

Catena, Vincenzo di Biagio, 83, 85. "A Text-Book of the History of Painting" by John C. Van Dyke

Vincenzo Catena, Venetian, 1470-1532. "Correggio" by Estelle M. Hurll

Pupil of his father, P. M. Pennachi; influenced by Catena, Giorgione, and later by Dosso Dossi and Raphael. "The Venetian Painters of the Renaissance" by Bernhard Berenson

In dura catena, in misera poena desidero te! "Notes and Queries, Number 70, March 1, 1851" by Various

Usage in poetry
"E` un'assidua vicenda!...--Il neonato
"E` vecchio quanto il Tempo!--E` un'infinita
"Catena!... Tutto muore!... E nel Creato
"Freme eterna la vita!..."
Perchè taccia il rumor di mia catena
Di lagrime, di speme, e di amor vivo,
E di silenzio; chè pietà mi affrena
Se con lei parlo, o di lei penso e scrivo.
E sia cosi`!--Sul nostro capo un altro
Giorno risplenda!--A noi la luce; il bujo
Agli antipodi!--A tutti la nojosa
Catena della vita; a tutti, grami
E possenti, la uggiosa vicenda
Del cibo e delle vesti!