sorrow for sin arising from fear of damnation
The act of grinding or ribbing to powder; attrition; friction; rubbing. "The breaking of their parts into less parts by contrition ." -
The state of being contrite; deep sorrow and repentance for sin, because sin is displeasing to God; humble penitence; through repentance. "My future days shall be one whole contrition ."
The act of grinding or rubbing to powder; attrition. -
Brokenness of spirit for having given offense; deep sorrow for sin or guilt; pious compunction; sincere penitence. -
Synonyms Penitence, Compunction, etc. See repentance.
deep sorrow for sin: remorse
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. contrition, L. contritio,
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. contritus—conter-ĕre—con, wholly, ter-ĕre, to bruise.
Contrite Aldon Smith regrets 'letting everybody down.
"He's really contrite ," Haden told the newspaper.
He's really contrite , Haden told the news.
A Time for Contrition .
Handling the public display of contrition .
With A Dash Of GOP Contrition , Jindal Stresses Small Government.
Glass's inadequacy on the contrition front rang as false as anything he's ever written.
The Associated Press is extremely contrite today for allowing the entire Internet to make fun of Mitt Romney.
Daybreak Daily's afternoon faux fascination with the pop-culture world finds a young woman defensive about her body, a seemingly contrite Lindsay Lohan, other things, and the mystery music video.
I knew that the proper order of prayer is ACTS: adoration, contrition, thanksgiving, supplication.
Convicted ex-governor's failure to apologize bodes ill for him at sentencing, but showing contrition now could be viewed as an act.
A contrite Justin Trudeau pushed back against criticism over comments he made about Alberta on.
Failing to be contrite about it, the Florida Board of Medicine made clear Saturday, is quite another.
P erhaps Mitt Romney played it right when he was meek and contrite in response to the Washington Post 's front-page allegations that he bullied a kid half a century ago in high school.
Far from exercising the corrective influence on offenders that many judges suppose will occur, publicly humiliating a person triggers anger, defiance and anti-social behavior — not repentance or contrition, studies show.
That is, true contrition, true sorrow for sin, is the sort of sorrow which is born of the Vision of God; it has its origin in love. "Our Lady Saint Mary" by
His face was all contrition. "Personality Plus" by
And he's most contrite and repentant, Kate. "The Air Trust" by
She was contrite, and her penitence intensified her desire to please, to solace, to obey. "The Price of Love" by
He behaved himself very soberly, quietly and with much seeming penitence and contrition. "Lives Of The Most Remarkable Criminals Who have been Condemned and Executed for Murder, the Highway, Housebreaking, Street Robberies, Coining or other offences" by
Contrition and woe took possession of Priscilla's soul. "The Princess Priscilla's Fortnight" by
If Sanghurst had sought him with professions of contrition, might he not have easily been believed? "In the Days of Chivalry" by
At Bob's comically contrite expression, his own face cleared. "The Rules of the Game" by
He knew very well that he had gone too far, and his voice was correctly contrite. "Don Orsino" by
The repentance of the contrite, or the admiration of the gazers? "Library Of The World's Best Literature, Ancient And Modern, Vol 4" by
Who pardon's ev'ry contrite sinner's vice,
Who our degenerate nature sets to right,
Who ruins Satan's labour in a trice.
Are softly set upon a thousand hinges
Of mercy, ever flexible, ever bowing
Flexible downward to the contrite ones.
All space, beyond the soar of angel wings,
Wait on His word: and yet He stays His car
For every sigh a contrite suppliant brings.
Whose bosom is clouded with sin,
Whom sorrow has veil'd with the tears of contrition,
And darken'd by tempests within.
Then one came in, whose voice well-known and dear
Brought prayer and counsel and the Word of power
The contrite love to hear.
With hand remorseless, quench that guiding ray,
Which holy Faith and pious Hope prepare
To cheer the contrite pilgrims weary way.