perform in order to get a role "She auditioned for a role on Broadway" -
a test of the suitability of a performer -
the ability to hear; the auditory faculty "his hearing was impaired"
The act of hearing or listening; hearing. "Audition may be active or passive; hence the difference between listening and simple hearing."
The act of hearing; a hearing or listening; the sensation from an impression on the auditory nerve by the vibrations of the air produced by a sonorous body. -
The sense of hearing; hearing, as a physiological function or faculty; one of the five special senses. -
Something heard.
the sense of hearing: the act of hearing: -
(rare) something heard
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. auditio,
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. auditus, a hearing—audīre, to hear. See Audible.
Council Committee to Discuss Discretionary Fund Audit Report.
Weprin Would Dedicate Staff to Audit Discretionary Funds.
Listening has slipped 11 percent since the early 1990's, according to Arbitron audits.
The "American Idol Small Town Audition Bus Tour" will be in Dodge City Friday, Aug 24 in Wright Park.
Producers say it is an open audition, and anyone in the area can sign up to show them their stuff.
Would it disturb you to learn that the majority of the nation's employee benefit plan assets have never been audited.
For years he'd dreamed of leaving the profession, Camp says over a large Americano at a Village café, his fourth coffee of the morning, frustrated by the endless rounds of auditions, the scramble for unrewarding roles.
Auditions will be held at The Driftwood Rehearsal Annex.
The Edmonds Driftwood Players are holding open auditions for "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde.
Auditions are Saturday, November 17 (from 12:30 p.m.).
'No' to city audit ordinance.
It's a staggering claim, but it was made by the country's Supreme Audit Bureau.
Otherwise, please come and audit.
The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, the US audit industry regulator, issued its first report on the auditors of broker-dealers this week and it was ugly.
Results In Of An Audit Into The Shelby County Election Commission .
It will therefore help the audit and spreadsheet development communities to “market” the issues to decision makers, and raise them as corporate and IS governance rather than parochial technical issues.
Applying the CobiT Control Framework to Spreadsheet Developments
These deficiencies include the absence of auditability and change control, the difficulty of managing and analysing historical data and the time spent on repetitive manual tasks.
Enterprise Spreadsheet Management: A Necessary Good
Modern centralised systems pass such transparency tests with ease – audit, security and integrity are part of the design specification.
Enterprise Spreadsheet Management: A Necessary Good
To quote [Panko 2000], “given data from recent field audits, most large spreadsheets probably do contain significant errors”.
Ensuring Spreadsheet Integrity with Model Master
The most recent audits he cites found errors in at least 86% of spreadsheets audited. In a 1997 feature entitled “Fatal Addition” [Ward 1997], New Scientist reported that 90% of the spreadsheets audited in a study carried out by Coopers and Lybrand were found to have errors.
Ensuring Spreadsheet Integrity with Model Master
Non illo plura Caystros Carmina cygnorum labentibus audit in undis. "Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Vol III." by
Non illo plura Caystros Carmina cygnorum labentibus audit in undis. "Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Complete" by
The whole accounting and auditing system was very elaborate and characteristically suspicious. "The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume XXV, 1635-36" by
This committee and another constituted to audit the accounts of the Government are created for a year. "The Governments of Europe" by
Ranger and Ridgway dropped in while the audit was in progress, and were promptly pounced upon to add the columns too. "The Cock-House at Fellsgarth" by
MR. SILVIS: As chairman of the auditing committee, I find two discrepancies in the report issued by Sterling Smith. "Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Forty-Second Annual Meeting" by
As soon as the accounts were audited, the conference broke up. "Snarley-yow" by
This showed conclusively that the organs of audition were not located in the antennae, as Will supposed and as Lubbock advocates. "The Dawn of Reason" by
If B. Paget declines the Audit Office, Fremantle will come to the India Board, and Sir G. Clerk remain at the Admiralty. "Memoirs of the Court of George IV. 1820-1830 (Vol 1)" by
While Kelly was making bills as sheriff, Tweed was auditing them in the Board of Supervisors. "A Political History of the State of New York, Volumes 1-3" by
Is a clean bill of health from the doctor,
And the kids shouldn't move back home for
more than a year,
And not being audited, overdrawn, in Wilkes-Barre,
in a lawsuit or in traction.