settle down or stay, as if on a roost -
sit, as on a branch "The birds perched high in the tree" -
a perch on which domestic fowl rest or sleep -
a shelter with perches for fowl or other birds
A collection of fowls roosting together. -
Roast. -
The pole or other support on which fowls rest at night; a perch. "He clapped his wings upon his roost ." -
To sit, rest, or sleep, as fowls on a pole, limb of a tree, etc.; to perch.
A pole or perch upon which fowls rest at night; any place upon which a bird may perch to rest; also, a locality where birds, as pigeons, habitually spend the night. -
Hence A temporary abiding- or resting-place. -
The fowls which occupy such a roost, collectively. A somewhat special application of the word (like rookery, 2) is to the roosts of some perching birds, which assemble in vast numbers, but not to breed, and for no obvious purpose that would not be as well attained without such congregation. Among conspicuous instances may be noted the roosts of the passenger-pigeon, sometimes several miles in extent, and the winter roosts of many thousands of crows (see crow, 2), which in the breeding season are dispersed. It is not generally known that the common robin of the United States sometimes forms such roosts in summer. -
The inner roof of a cottage, composed of spars reaching from one wall to the other; a garret. Jamieson. [Scotch.] -
To occupy a roost; perch, as a bird. -
To stick or stay upon a resting-place; cling or adhere to a rest, as a limpet on a rock. -
To set or perch, as a bird on a roost: used reflexively. -
See roust.
rōōst a pole or support on which a bird rests at night: a number of fowls resting together: -
to sit or sleep on a roost -
rōōst (Scot.) the inner roof of a cottage
Rule the roost - If someone rules the roost they are the boss. Example:There's no doubt who rules the roost in this house.
When the chickens come home to roost - When a person pays dearly for something bad he or she did in the past, the chickens come home to roost.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. hrōst,; akin to OD. roest, roost, roesten, to roost, and probably to E. roof,. Cf. Roof
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. hróst; Dut. roest.
Steve Keasey, far left, Ravens Roost 124 president, presents a $3,000 check to Les Bishop, second from left, and Jim Mobley, far right, from Antietam Chapter 312 of the Korean War Veterans.
Roost 's services also will make it easier for users to "build and manage engaging customer relationships".
Roost 's website now reads, " Roost by VerticalResponse.".
About Pelicans Roost Chowder House.
Chickens come home to roost By Peg Quann Staff writer
247 Cranes Roost Blvd Altamonte Springs, FL 32701.
Coming Home to Roost .
Where Art & Bed Bugs Roost .
274 Cranes Roost Boulevard Uptown Altamonte Altamonte Springs, FL.
Come and Roost in Downtown.
Snowbirds come 'home' to Roost .
Roost (4529 Springfield Ave.), the fried chicken-and-fixins concept from Mau Daigle and Annie Baum-Stein of West Philly's Milk & Honey Market, is in hibernation.
I suppose there aren't many riders who have had a finger broken by roost on a motocross track.
All sorts of baked goodies can be found daily in Roost 's pastry display, thanks to the early-morning efforts of baker Richard Shopshear.
"Chickens" come home to roost .
Finally, the vampire bat shares his bloody meal with roost-mates that are close to starvation.
Biological Evolution and Statistical Physics
Parasites on a host may comprise such a group, mice in a haystack, birds in a breeding colony, bats using the same roost, etc.
Biological Evolution and Statistical Physics
But the fact is that at ultra-high energies and ultra-high densities the QCD rules the roost, not the gravitation as is obvious from the fact that the coupling constant of the strong nuclear interaction is many orders of magnitude larger than that of the gravitational interaction.
The Genesis of the Big-Bang and Inflation
But come out of this accursed fly-roost, and we shall show thee a better way than thine. "The Life and Death of Richard Yea-and-Nay" by
Then you c'n let on like you're lookin' fer me because I'd robbed a hen-roost er something, an' that'll get 'em off their guard. "The Daughter of Anderson Crow" by
Gard crept along the slope, and found a roost above the landing-place. "A Maid of the Silver Sea" by
The crows' nests hung untenanted in the trees; the birds were foraging far away from their roosts. "Uncle Silas" by
On a brown hill-top they met the sunrise, and from a drowsy roosting-place they flushed a flock of greenish birds. "The Colossus" by
The girls manifested increasing interest in what they called the Pigeon Roost settlement affair. "Lazarre" by
That is, I will if those stupid hens are not roosting so high that I can't get them. "Bowser The Hound" by
What's that roosting on that stone wall? "Over Paradise Ridge" by
Injustice comes home to roost, sometimes after an astonishingly long interval. "Outspoken Essays" by
Then the hunters came down from their roosts, cut their way into the thicket and examined the dead giant. "Bears I Have Met--and Others" by
But it was she that rul'd the roost;
Until by proof, she did confess,
If he were gone, her joy was lost.
To which a fox is used:
A rooster that is bound to crow,
A crow that's bound to roost;
And whichsoever he espies
He tells the most unblushing lies.
shirr songs to suit which mood
he saunters in; how but most glad
could be this adam's woman
when all earth his words do summon
leaps to laud such man's blood!
When the weathercocks perch still and roost,
And the looks of men turn kind to clocks
And the trams go empty to their drome.
The streets also dream their dream.
Lord Dusiote laughed heart-free:
I count her as much as a crack o' my thumb,
But, or shame of my manhood, to me she shall come
Like the bird to roost in the tree!
In his firelit island ringed by the winged snow
And the dung hills white as wool and the hen
Roosts sleeping chill till the flame of the cock crow
Combs through the mantled yards and the morning men