aromatic seeds used as seasoning like cinnamon and cloves especially in pickles and barbecue sauces -
rhizomatous herb of India having aromatic seeds used as seasoning
Long Island native Gabriel Cardamone is the new proprietor of The Stone House Restaurant at Shephard Hills, in the location of the former Mary's Cookin' Again at Shephard Hills.
While admitting to battery, Cardamone, 35, gave a statement denying that any improper touching of gymnasts at the Aurora gym operated by his family was sexually motivated.
In the dining room are Executive Chef Willie Brockington, from left, Chef de Cuisine Victor Cardamone and Dining Room Captain Paul Burkert.
2 c water 2 c superfine sugar ¼c dried stinging nettle leaves good handful of freshly blanched stinging nettle leaves 3 cracked cardamon pods zest of half a Meyer lemon pinch of kosher salt.
Cardamon Popovers with Cinnamon Mascarpone and Berries.
Highly complete catalogs of counterparts to X-ray sources based on deeper near-infrared imaging can be found elsewhere such as Cardamone et al. (2008) who find a higher detection rate (∼ 90%) when incorporating the S pitz er/IRAC observations of the E-CDF-S.
The Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: Optical spectroscopy of faint X-ray sources with the VLT and Keck
I'm sure she had cardamon seeds in her shabby bag, and a carriage with a crest on it waiting for her just around the corner. "Dawn O'Hara, The Girl Who Laughed" by
The price of Malabar cardamons at Madras, in June, 1853, was about L3 the maund of 25 lbs. "The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom" by
If you like Cardamon-seeds, you may adde some of them to the spices. "The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened" by
Color the liquid yellow with a little turmeric; add salt, six cloves, two cardamon seeds, and twelve pepper berries. "The Khaki Kook Book" by
Cardamon Seed one oz., Alcohol four ozs., Sugar one-half pound, Water thirty-six ozs. "One Thousand Secrets of Wise and Rich Men Revealed" by